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“How exactly are you thinking of going ahead with that, my dear godson?” Sirius asked expectantly, earning a smirk from Harry.

“Well, my dear dogfather, that’s pretty straightforward. I’m going to withdraw from Hogwarts.”

“Huh?” Sirius asked dumbly.

“Trace and I were randomly talking about it during a nice swimming session near the waterfall,” Harry began, smiling over at the brunette who gave him a wink. “Truth be told, I don’t need to remain at Hogwarts anymore. There’s nothing the professors could teach me that would help me out, not with all the knowledge I already have in here.” He tapped his temple twice in quick succession. “Now, no matter how much Fudge and the general public hates my guts right now for disrupting their illusion that Voldemort is dead, the fact remains that I am Harry Potter, a person of great importance in our society, and as such, anything I do will be thought about very seriously.”

“What Harry plans is to use this incident to paint the picture that Hogwarts is not safe, and considering everything that has been happening since our first year, it wouldn’t be a surprise either if more and more students agree with his reasons. The blame will fall squarely on Dumbledore for failing to ensure the safety of students, and Fudge’s people can take it over from there,” Tracey added.

“But we’d have to arrange a meeting with Fudge as well to ensure this works out as intended,” Narcissa mused thoughtfully. “Show him you are not with Dumbledore.”

“That should be easy enough with a letter, right?”

“It should,” Amelia nodded. “But there is one variable you have forgotten. Dolores Umbridge.”

“The Undersecretary can’t be that important in all this, can she?” Astoria asked skeptically. “She’s a secretary, not a ministry official.”

“She has a huge influence over Fudge. He wouldn’t even listen to anything you have to say if she poisons his mind, and believe me, she’s done enough already.”.

“Not even when it’s Dumbledore we’re throwing under the bus?”

“I’m afraid not,” Amelia replied with full confidence.

“I see,” Harry mused thoughtfully. “That will bring us back to square one.”

“I’m still saying we get rid of this Undersecretary,” Astoria muttered.

“And we’ve already discussed why that is not plausible right now,” Daphne replied. “We cannot take that risk, Tori.”

Everyone sat in silence, lost in thoughts as they pondered on what they could do about Dolores Umbridge when Nat spoke up, “Maybe we don’t really need to kill that woman.”

“What do you mean, Nat?”

“We need Umbridge out of the picture, right? How about we frame her for a crime? Amelia is the head of the DMLE. There’s something we can do to get her at least suspended, if not outright fired.”

“Dolores Umbridge is shrewd. She has never left evidence that could help anyone connect a crime to her. Believe me, I’ve looked into it heavily over the years. Her track record is clear, at least on paper.”

“Then I think it’s time we drop a load of black ink on that paper,” Fleur interjected with a smirk, glancing over at Nym who took one look at the veela and shook her head furiously.

“Oh hell no!” She cried out. “Anyone but her, please!”

“You’re our best bet, Nym. Polyjuice only alters appearances, not the voice. If we are to do this frame job right, we need the full package.”

“Can’t we do something else? Taking her form would be bloody disgusting!”

“Well, we all have to do something we hate,” Fleur shrugged. Turning towards Amelia, she asked, “The DMLE would have Greyback’s hair or nail, right?”

“Blood samples too,” Amelia chuckled. “You know, this might not be enough to fully convict her, but we could manage to keep her out of the picture for a little while.”

“So the plan is to frame Umbridge by staging that she worked with Greyback to orchestrate this attack on Privet Drive?” Sirius asked curiously, earning a nod from Fleur.

“Would it be enough though? For them to truly take action?”

“I can order detainment in my official capacity as the head of the DMLE based on the evidence, and the DoM will also certify the memory as authentic, so we can use it as evidence as well,” Amelia replied. “As I said, there is a chance that the charges don’t stick, but she will be out for a short while at least.”

“We should leak it to the Prophet first, then he won’t be able to abuse his position to put pressure on you to rescind the order,” Narcissa remarked, staring at Amelia who nodded firmly.

“The public outrage would be too much if he does, and he knows as much. He might be a fool but not that big of a fool, especially when it’s someone so close to his office that is being held guilty.”

“Still, we should make it more serious for good measure. Maybe frame her for those missing students as well. The more, the merrier, right?” Daphne smirked. “Maybe give them the idea that Umbridge had more nefarious intentions. I’m sure Skeeter can cook up something… spicy.”

“I’m sure she can,” Harry smirked. “If she really knows what’s good for her. She must’ve not forgotten what happened last year.”

There was a round of laughter at that.

“Will the Prophet publish it though? They’re kinda in the Ministry’s pockets right now,” Nym mused out loud.

“The Prophet only cares about sales, Nym. With this big of an expose, and an exclusive at that, they’ll pounce.”

“All right then, ladies,” Harry clapped his hands as he stood up. “Let’s get to work. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”

“Yeah, let’s get going, especially you, Nym. Who’s gonna take Greyback’s form?”

“Sirius, who else?” Narcissa replied with a smirk. “He’s half dog anyway.”


“Makes sense,” Harry chuckled. “You don’t have to say anything, Padfoot. Just keep making weird faces and glare every once in a while. Nym will carry the entire show. Right, Nym?”

Nym grumbled as she gazed at him.

“The things I do for you lot,” she muttered.


The emerald flames flared in the expansive fireplace of the Ministry of Magic's bustling atrium that cleared shortly to reveal the prim figure of Dolores Umbridge stepping confidently onto the ornately tiled floor.

Her toadlike face was set in her trademark sickly-sweet sneer as she brushed soot from the sickeningly pink blazer she insisted on wearing no matter how inappropriate the occasion. Umbridge's stubby-heeled shoes clacked rhythmically against the polished marble as she waddled forth, never breaking stride despite the commotion and flurry of activity around her.

"Out of my way!" she barked at a cluster of employees scurrying past, her shrill voice somehow managing to carry above the constant din. A young wizard narrowly avoided colliding with the ill-tempered Undersecretary, grimacing as her bulging eyes seemed to bore straight through him. She strode through the Ministry's main chambers with her usual puffed-up self-importance and entitlement.

As she made her way to the security checkpoint near the lifts, a series of loud cracking sounds echoed through the massive atrium. A line of aurors apparated in a semi-circle, barring her path, with their wands outstretched defensively.

“Dolores Jane Umbridge!” The gruff voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt boomed over the din as he leveled his wand directly at the squat witch's chest. "You are hereby bound by the DMLE's orders to immediately surrender yourself into custody!"

Umbridge faltered, her smug expression twitching in momentary shock before she quickly puffed herself up once more in an unconvincing display of indignant confidence.

"How d-dare you?" she sputtered, her bulging eyes swiveling frantically at the wall of Aurors surrounding her. "I am the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic! This...this is an outrage! I have done nothing wrong!"

"The evidence against you is overwhelming, Madam Umbridge," Shacklebolt continued stoically, never wavering his aim despite her protests. The surrounding Aurors slowly fanned out, cutting off any possible exits while onlookers craned their necks to observe the commotion, chattering excitedly.

"You stand accused of high crimes against the Ministry - collusion with renegade enemy forces, conspiracy to commit murder, orchestrating the abduction of minors, and unthinkable abuses of your position. By orders of the DMLE, you are to be detained in Azkaban Prison while awaiting trial!"

Umbridge’s fake sugary-sweet guise dropped entirely at those words. Her face contorted into one of unbridled fury as her eyes bulged.

“T-This is preposterous! You cannot treat me in this disrespectful manner! All of you… all of you will regret th—”

She was cut off abruptly as she was hit by a point-blank Incarcerous. Tight ropes wrapped around Umbridge’s pudgy frame and her wand soared from her stubby grasp, falling on the floor with a clatter as she tumbled over heavily to the ground. Her protests dissolved into incomprehensible gibberish as another auror gagged the detainee.

The gathered crowd kept chattering excitedly as the disgraced Undersecretary glared up hatefully at her captors and was hauled off the Ministry in no time.


Right when Umbridge was taken away, the floo in the Minister’s office flared, and out stepped the man himself. He placed his bowler hat on the desk and slowly lowered himself in his chair, leaning back comfortably.

The feeling of this chair was always soothing.

As was his habit, he flicked his wand and turned on the Wizarding Wireless, wondering which song they might be playing at the moment. He hoped it was The Ordinary Boys. He loved how energized their rock music always made him feel.

Fudge was surprised when instead of music, he heard the voice of Ernie Patterson instead. The man usually appeared when there was either an announcement or a high-profile interview, and curiously, he listened.

“Hello, and welcome to Wizarding Wireless, your daily source of news and commentary,” Ernie’s voice rang out. “We have a very special guest joining us this fine morning – none other than Harry James Potter!”

Fudge’s brows furrowed as a pause ensued before Harry cleared his throat, “Hello everyone, it’s nice to be here.”

“It’s an honor to have you here, Mr. Potter. I’m sure our listeners are very anxious to hear what you have to say. There have been some rather shocking rumors circulating that you fought a Werewolf pack in a muggle neighborhood not too long ago in addition to the obvious one which we will refrain from discussing at this hour. Is that true?”

“It is,” Harry replied. “It was Fenrir Greyback and his pack who attacked the muggle neighborhood where I used to live until last year. I don’t need to tell you what they might have been looking for over there, or rather, who.”

“Uh yes, you certainly don’t,” Ernie replied. “I’m sure it was a rather traumatic event which you do not wish to remember more than necessary, so we will move on. You mentioned that you had an announcement to make?”

“Indeed, I did,” Harry replied after a momentary pause. “I have decided not to go back to Hogwarts.”

In his office, Fudge’s eyes widened as Ernie gasped. “That’s… well… that’s a surprise. Everyone knows how Hogwarts has been your home for the past four years. Whatever could have happened that you’ve now decided to withdraw from the school, Mr. Potter?”

“It wasn’t an easy decision, believe me,” Harry sighed. “But after everything that has happened to me in the castle, especially last year… I seriously believe it’s not as safe and secure as people are made to believe just because Dumbledore is the headmaster.”

“You are referring to the tragic events of the Triwizard Tournament, I take it? And the disappearance of those four students on the final day of term?"

"Among other things, yes." Harry's tone hardened. "The tournament forced me into deadly situations I never asked for. And those disappearances... who knows what really happened? The truth would be covered up as usual."

“I told Amelia to hurry up with that,” Fudge muttered as he crumpled up a piece of parchment in his fist.

“I’m sure the DMLE is doing its best to uncover the incident but you can’t really expect me to feel comfortable in the castle when something like that has happened, particularly considering everything I’ve had to face over the years,” Harry continued. “People consider Headmaster Dumbledore to be some kind of god who wouldn’t let anything happen to his students, and yet so many have come under attack over the years right under his nose. Now, I’m not implying anything here but you have to accept that the man is as human as the rest of us.”

“That is something I cannot deny, Harry. I can only imagine how difficult this decision has been for you. But what do you plan to do about your OWLs and NEWTs now that you won’t be returning to Hogwarts?”

“I plan to take them independently in the Ministry itself, as I’m sure many others have been doing for a while now. This decision was indeed very hard, but I have to look out for what’s best for me now.”

“As you should,” Ernie nodded. “Now, before we part ways, is there something you wish to say to our dear listeners?”

“Nothing much. I’d just implore you all to think for yourselves and not let anyone else dictate your judgment. You all are smart enough to read between the lines and recognize things for what they are. You don’t always need everything to be spelled out for you. That is all.”

“A truly illuminating thought indeed. There you have it, listeners,” Ernie said, his usual chipper tone still carrying with it a hint of surprise. “In an astonishing move, Harry Potter has announced that he does not plan to return to Hogwarts. This is sure to send real shockwaves throughout the Wizarding Britain…”

Fudge flicked his wand and turned the wireless off, his face set into one of intense pondering.

Harry Potter had withdrawn from Hogwarts and had all but raised questions on Dumbledore’s credibility. It was not the first time he had seen signs of a rift between the old man and the Boy-who-lived, and he wondered how he could leverage this. He knew Dumbledore was after his seat and all the power it came with. Perhaps he could ally himself with Potter. After all, his word carried a lot of weight and if he had the boy by his side, things would be much easier going forward. Perhaps he could also make the boy realize that Dumbledore was manipulating him and that that dead wizard had not returned.

He wondered where Lucius was. He could have used his helpful insight in this situation. Alas, the man had been missing for weeks now and all his messages had remained unanswered. It made him worry for his friend.

At least he had Dolores who was a smart witch in her own right. She would have sound advice for him. He was confident in her abilities.

It was also a surprise that Dolores had not arrived yet. It had been fifteen minutes since her usual arrival time and curious, he stood up and walked out of his office. Perhaps he would find her outside somewhere.


The door to her office slammed open and Amelia Bones sighed as she looked up. An irate Cornelius Fudge stormed in, his nostrils flaring as he glared at her.

“What the hell have you done!?” He shouted.

An unimpressed Amelia Bones glanced over the man’s shoulder, finding a number of her aurors looking on with a glare, and she flicked her wand, shutting the door once more.

“Take a seat, Minister.”

“To hell with taking a seat!” Fudge hissed. “Why is my Undersecretary in Azkaban!?”

“Because I ordered it,” Amelia replied calmly.

“How dare you!? You can’t do this, Amelia!”

“You’ll find that as the head of the DMLE, I perfectly well can,” Amelia replied. “I only did what you had been telling me to for so long now.”

“What the hell does that mean!?”

Silently, Amelia slid forward the Prophet and Fudge picked it up. His eyes bugged out as he read the headline and he furiously tore through the article.


By Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent

In what might very well be the most severe breach of public trust and abuse of authority in recent memory, bombshell new evidence has emerged implicating senior Ministry official Dolores Umbridge in an outrageous web of collusion and criminality. According to a cache of highly credible anonymous sources, Umbridge stands accused of actively conspiring with the most dangerous dark forces - the murderous werewolf Fenrir Greyback and his renegade pack - to carry out a string of planned violent attacks and abductions across Wizarding Britain.

The damning case against Umbridge hinges on a series of vivid memories that appear to depict her meeting directly with Greyback to coordinate their illicit efforts. In the most explosive recollection, Umbridge is seen giving explicit instructions to the werewolf leader to orchestrate a deadly assault on 4 Privet Drive in the Muggle suburb of Little Whinging. The target? The home of the celebrated Harry Potter, who as a young boy famously defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named at the height of the Wizarding War.

Let that sickening reality sink in. According to this evidence, which the Daily Prophet has already turned over to the relevant authorities, Dolores Umbridge - a high-ranking bureaucrat in the Minister's own office - explicitly commanded one of the most violent dark creatures to murder Harry Potter while he resided unprotected amongst muggles. The wizarding world's greatest living hero was marked for death at the hands of the very Ministry that has vowed to serve and protect its citizens. Fortunately, Harry Potter had not been living with his muggle relatives, but he still put himself in the line of danger and successfully drove the attackers away.

Umbridge's diabolical efforts at collusion with dark forces stretch even further. Additional memories depict her working directly with the vicious Greyback to orchestrate the abduction and disappearance of multiple students from Hogwarts School itself. The victims include Graham Montague, Walden MacNair Jr., Thomas Avery Jr., and Cormac McLaggen - all from upstanding pureblood wizarding families. While their ultimate fates remain unknown, the mere thought of adolescent wizards being preyed upon in such a fashion shakes the very integrity of the institutions that are meant to safeguard the next generation.

Most utterly unforgivable, however, is Umbridge's own stated motive for these sickening transgressions. According to one of the disturbing memories, the Undersecretary to the Minister smugly declares that "targeting purebloods would have a greater impact in their pursuit of ousting Dumbledore compared to half-bloods and m**bloods." Yes, the cunning Dolores Umbridge was not just orchestrating unprovoked terror against Muggles and heroes of the wizarding world. In her twisted agenda, she was outright using the lives of pureblood students as ammunition to wage an ideological war against Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore - striking at the very heart of the iconic institution itself.

While the Department of Magical Law Enforcement continues its investigation, the evidence at hand suggests the revelation of a shocking conspiracy: a highly-ranked Ministry official using deceit and her positional authority to covertly provide material support to violent extremists, facilitate abductions and attempted murder, and ultimately destabilize public faith in the esteemed leadership of the DMLE. If these allegations prove true, where were the checks and balances on such a drastically misguided hire? What processes failed so spectacularly as to allow a bad component like Umbridge to worm her way into influencing the direction of the entire Ministry?

More importantly, where is the line between legitimate ideological differences and overtly colluding with murderers to carry out an unspoken agenda? Is stoking mere prejudices against Muggles or championing pureblood supremacy now a bridge too far - only to be outstripped by Umbridge's apparent zeal to enable fresh terror, persecute the pureblooded society, and attempt to assassinate the Boy-who-lived himself? If she did indeed conspire with Greyback as these memories suggest, Umbridge has shattered that line into a million pieces. No amount of self-righteous doctrine could ever justify such craven inhumanity.

Dolores Umbridge has long been regarded as a staunch traditionalist member of the establishment at the Ministry. But if the damning evidence holds true, it appears her ideology of supremacy mutated into the darkest fundamentalism. An unquenchable thirst to fortify the bureaucracy, institutional prejudices be damned, through a depraved allegiance to violent extremists actively working to destabilize law and order in Britain. If found guilty, this would render her unfathomably unfit for service with an extended stay in Azkaban prison.

Corruption is one thing, but these sordid allegations paint a portrait of outright sedition in which a high-ranking government official illicitly parlayed her authority and access to enable atrocities - not just generalized terror, but the specific attempted murder of a celebrated war hero and the abduction of youths from the wizarding world's preeminent school.

If such a cancerous threat did indeed fester undetected within the Ministry's ranks, it could shatter public confidence not just in the governance of the wizarding world - but in the very bedrock institutions meant to safeguard society. Dolores Umbridge is not accused of mere self-serving corruption, but also of sabotaging the rule of law through the most unspeakable means imaginable. Should she be found guilty, letting such treachery and depravity go unanswered would only invite a descent into utter chaos.

“As you can see, the evidence against Dolores Umbridge was damning and required my department’s immediate response. Any delay risked giving her time to flee or create an incident. I obtained these memories barely half an hour before Umbridge arrived in the Ministry and we acted at the earliest.”

“Dolores isn’t a threat!” Fudge spluttered, his face purpling. “This… this is nothing more than a crackpot conspiracy theory from that rag of a publication! They can’t be trusted! Printing libelous allegations from anonymous sources based on…”

He grabbed the paper, his eyes squinting to find out the offending details.

“Something about memories? And you acted based on that?” He huffed. “Fanciful embellishments at best! Those couldn’t possibly be counted as evidence! They could be fabricated by anyone!”

“That might be true, but they are still deemed substantive enough to warrant detainment,” Amelia replied coolly. “The memories have already been forwarded to the DoM for full verification and we shall know shortly if those have been fabricated. In any case, the final decision shall be made by the Wizengamot court in a hearing.”

“I will be calling an emergency Wizengamot session as soon as possible. This drama can’t go on for long,” Fudge blustered.

“Be my guest, Minister. But before you do anything, I would implore you to look at those memories and see for yourself if it’s really fabricated,” Amelia replied, sliding forward two vials filled with silvery strands that floated about. “Those are copies. The originals are with the DoM.”

“Very well, Amelia. But I’m warning you right here – you better hope there is iron-clad evidence for these preposterous claims. Because if it all turns out to be a bundle of nonsensical drivel… by the time I’m through, resigning in disgrace will be the only professional courtesy I’ll grant you!”

“Allow me to tell you something as well then, Minister,” Amelia said, her lips curling in disdain. “When it all turns out to be true and Umbridge’s involvement is proven, I seriously hope the masses will allow youthe professional courtesy to resign in disgrace. After all, I haven’t seen your dear friend Lucius visiting you for weeks now. One can only wonder what’s up with that.”

With a sneer, Fudge clutched the pair of vials in his fist and stormed out of Amelia’s office.


“Quite a character, isn’t he?” An amused voice came from behind her as Amelia flicked her wand and locked the door. The redhead let out an involuntary smile, leaning back in her chair as she felt him walk closer until he stood right behind her.

“Quite,” she agreed. “Makes you feel tired in no time.”

“I can see that quite clearly,” he murmured and Amelia jerked slightly when she felt his hands on her shoulders, massaging gently. “Quite clearly indeed.”

A multitude of sensations assaulted Amelia at the same time – shock, apprehension, sheer desire, and relief, and she finally settled on a small groan as she closed her eyes, feeling him work on her tense knots.

“You’re quite tired, and it’s not even noon,” Harry murmured, gently kneading her shoulders over her witches’ robes.

“Last few weeks have been quite troublesome, Harry,” Amelia murmured, letting her head fall back. “Merlin, you’ve got a gift for this. Where did you learn to give massages?”

“I’ve had a lot of practice with several… very interested participants,” he chuckled, continuing to rub and knead her shoulders and the muscles along her neck, stroking firmly. “Made for some really relieving sessions, I must say.”

“Mmm… I can only imagine,” she whispered. Her eyes opened slightly and she gazed at him with an appraising look. “I must say, you’re very different from the image I had of you not even a month ago.”

“The good kind of different, I hope?”

He smiled at her nod before gently pushing her outer robes to the side. “May I?”

“Mm-hmm…” she nodded, her eyes drifting shut once again as her desires won out. It had been far too long since she’d been desiring this man’s touch and she craved much more now.

She undid the buttons at the front of her robes and parted them wide, allowing him to slide them off her body. She had a silk shirt underneath with the top two buttons already undone, and Harry had a direct view of her tantalizing cleavage underneath. Her matching white lace bra barely hid the swell of her tits and Harry began kneading her muscles while his eyes feasted on the sight.

Amelia loved the strong, sensual touch of the man she had bonded with. He had already brought her to orgasm once without even being near her, but this was the first time she found herself in such an intimate setting with him and it sent her heartbeat skyrocketing.

“I can feel how tense you are, Amelia,” he whispered throatily. “Is it the chair?”

Amelia suddenly let out a gasp of surprise when she was picked up. Her eyes opened wide in shock as she saw Harry carry her over to the couch near the wall and gently lower her on it, taking a seat behind her on the arm.

“Better now?”

She nodded absently as he resumed his ministrations and slowly, her head fell back on his lap. His hands slowly descended, now massaging the front and sides of her neck, and involuntarily, Amelia’s head tilted to the side as a soft moan escaped her lips. Coincidentally, her head tilted right towards his crotch and Amelia felt the warmth emanating from him against her face. Her eyes opened slightly and she almost gasped as she gazed at the substantial thickness of what had to be his manhood straining against his trousers.

Her own warmth began to develop between her thighs and she was taken aback by how strongly she was reacting to this man whom she didn’t even know all that well not too long ago.

Harry acted oblivious to Amelia’s gaze, his eyes firmly affixed to her curvaceous form as he took her in. She was on her back, clad in a white silk shirt and a black knee-length pencil skirt. Her legs were outstretched as she kept them crossed and he could see how she kept rubbing her thighs. Her breasts were also heaving as she breathed heavily and her eyes were still affixed on his bulge.

It was when he descended even further, gently pushing his hands under her shirt and massaging her upper chest right above the swell of her breasts that she averted her eyes, a low rumbling groan escaping her lips as her head arched back in pleasure. He was too skilled, rubbing and massaging her with such expertise that it both relaxed her and sent her blood rushing.

They had no idea how long they had been at it for. Their eyes would meet for a few seconds and Amelia’s belly would fill with excitement whenever they did. She had never been in a situation filled with so much sexual tension and it excited her beyond her wildest imaginations. She had to keep reminding herself that they were in her office and that what they were doing was already pushing things.

However, she was a woman too, and she had desires. She had been craving this feeling for weeks now, ever since that discussion with Andi. Her arousal was evident as her panties were soaked, and she longed to touch him, just as she longed for him to touch her even more.

Harry bit back a chuckle when Amelia closed the distance between herself and his bulge, rubbing her cheek against his manhood like a cat. Her eyes opened and locked with his, her lips curling in a smile.

“Feels good?” He asked.

“Feels incredible,” she smiled. Harry let out a chuckle as he kept massaging her upper chest, venturing downwards teasingly but never touching her where she wanted him. All it did was make her crave his touch even more.

Feeling much bolder now, she caressed his bulge with her cheek once again, planting a soft kiss on it for good measure. “And is this for me?”

“Do you see any other beauty near us?” He asked with a chuckle. “That’s all your doing.”

“Really?” She whispered sexily. “I must take responsibility for it then, right?”

Before Harry could reply, Amelia turned around and got on her knees, reaching out and grabbing his manhood over his trousers. Her fingers wrapped around his length as she gave it a tentative squeeze.

“Merlin,” she whispered and made quick work of his trousers, fishing out his hardened member and her eyes widened when she laid eyes on it for the first time. “You’re fucking massive!”

Harry let out a chuckle as he climbed on the couch properly. Amelia adjusted herself so that she was on her knees, leaning forward as she began stroking his length tentatively.

“You sure about this? What if someone comes in?”

“No one would come in. The office is locked,” she replied promptly, rubbing her thumb over the head as she spread his precum all over the crown of his cock.

“I wonder how they’d react if they do come in and see their proud and strict Madam Bones like this,” he chuckled, reaching out to caress her face.

Amelia leaned into his touch, smiling.

“There’s no Madam Bones here right now. It’s only Amelia or Amy, whichever you prefer,” she replied and leaned forward, planting a soft kiss right at the tip.

“Good to know,” Harry smiled as he pressed on her head gently and guided her right on top of his cock, groaning at the feeling of her incredible heat as he slowly slid inside her wet mouth.

To be continued…




Serves her right! Fucking Umbitch need to be disposed of permanently!