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Harry and Daphne strolled down Diagon Alley, their arms intertwined. The thought of the betrothal that came with the Black lordship weighed heavily on their minds.

"We'll get this sorted out," Harry whispered, pulling Daphne close.

The blonde remained silent, chewing on her lower lip gently.

He glanced at her with concern. She clung to him, as if afraid they might be separated at a moment’s notice, and he let out a soft sigh.

"We don't need to make any hasty decisions, but I don't think seeking expert advice would hurt," she murmured. Before Harry could inquire further, she quickened her pace, forcing him to keep up.

"Where exactly are we going?" he asked, navigating through the small crowd around them. He narrowly avoided colliding with a middle-aged man carrying a massive stack of parchment. "Daph?"

"To meet Aunt Andi," Daphne replied.

"Aunt who?"

"Andromeda Tonks. She's an old friend of my mother's, a few years her senior in school. She works as a solicitor with her husband, Ted."

Harry nodded, understanding that consulting a legal professional, especially one Daphne seemed close to, was a sensible idea.

"She was also a Black before she got married and was banished from the family," Daphne continued, her tone carrying a hint of derision.

Harry stumbled, his eyes widening in shock. "What!?" he gasped.

"Yeah," Daphne nodded, her stride unwavering. "That family has always been rotten to the core. Too deeply buried in this blood purity nonsense. She fell in love with a muggleborn and refused to marry a Death Eater that her family chose for her. When they tried to force her, she ran away and married her then-boyfriend, Ted Tonks. The Blacks, as you can imagine, were furious that their daughter had 'sullied' herself with a m-word and disowned her."

"Wow," Harry let out a low whistle.

"She obviously didn't care for their opinions or the banishment," Daphne said. "Good for her. It's been a much better life for her... the Blacks, though? Not so much."

Harry nodded absently as they continued walking. They turned the corner into Horizont Alley and Harry’s eyes darted around, taking in his new surroundings.

"Their office is just over there," Daphne said, gesturing towards a building a short way away from them. “Come on.”

“TONKS and TONKS,” Harry murmured under his breath.

“Let’s go,” Daphne’s voice was firm and resolute. Harry nodded and together, they stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the office building.

“Miss Greengrass,” a young woman, presumably in her twenties, stood up from her seat at the receptionist’s desk and nodded respectfully. Her eyes fell upon Harry and her gaze widened in recognition. “A-And Mr. Potter. Please have a seat. I’ll inform Madam Tonks of your arrival.”

“Please do, Bianca,” Daphne replied with a small smile. The woman nodded and briskly walked away.

Harry and Daphne chose to remain standing, their eyes darting around the lobby, taking in their surroundings.

“So she made it, huh? Good for her,” Daphne murmured, a soft smile gracing her features as she gazed at a framed photograph. Harry followed her line of sight, his eyes landing on the image of a young woman in Auror robes, flanked by a middle-aged couple. What captivated him was the woman's ever-changing hair, cycling through a dazzling array of colors - from rich brown to vibrant blue, pink to emerald green, and countless hues in between.

"What's up with her hair?" Harry asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Tonks is a metamorph," Daphne replied, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"You call her Tonks? What? She doesn't have a name or somethin'?"

"Unfortunately, my daughter has a deeply rooted hatred for the name her mother gave her, Mr. Potter," an amused voice interrupted, and Harry and Daphne turned to see the middle-aged witch from the photograph approaching them. "Mr. Potter, a pleasure to meet you. Daphne, good to see you again, dear. Come, come, let's talk in our office."

Daphne nodded with a smile and led Harry forward. With a final intrigued glance at the metamorphic witch, Harry turned away, offering Bianca a warm smile as they passed by the receptionist's desk.

Andromeda ushered them into her private office, where the middle-aged wizard from the picture, whom Harry now recognized as her husband Ted, stood with a cordial smile.

"It's good to meet you, Mr. Potter," Ted said, shaking Harry's hand and gesturing toward the couch near the windows. "And Daphne, a pleasure, dear."

Daphne smiled as they took their seats, and Andromeda flicked her wand, locking the door. Harry and Daphne felt the subtle shift in the air as multiple charms took hold of the room, and they exchanged a meaningful glance — their magical training had clearly been paying off if they could recognize whose enchantments so easily.

“Just the other day me and Evelyn were talking about you,” Andromeda began. “How is Hogwarts? Settled in nicely?”

“It’s more or less what I expected, to be honest,” Daphne replied, smiling politely. “Although I didn’t expect the professor of a core subject like Defense to leave before Christmas.”

“Oh yes, we did hear about that. That was why you stayed behind at the castle for the holidays? Catching up on your studies? Or… was it something else?” Andromeda asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she glanced between the young couple and how closely they sat on the couch.

Daphne reached over and gave Harry’s thigh an affectionate squeeze. “You can say it was a combination of both.”

Andromeda exchanged an amused glance with her husband. “Believe me, I would know that better than most,” she replied with a playful lilt to her voice. “Although I don’t believe even I was as quick as you. But then, Ted was not the bravest of the lot back then.”

Daphne and Harry let out small chuckles at the remark while Ted simply stared on, a warm smile on his face.

“As much as my wife might want to poke more fun at her poor, helpless husband,” Ted began, his smile widening when his wife let out an unladylike snort, “I’m sure you didn’t come over just to introduce Mr. Potter to us.”

“And before her family, no less,” Andromeda quipped instantly. Her smile vanished and her brows furrowed as she noticed Daphne's pensive expression and the way she glanced uncertainly at Harry. As one, both Andromeda and Ted turned their full attention to the young man.

"What is it?" Andromeda asked, her tone shifting to a more businesslike conduct.

Harry exchanged a meaningful glance with his girlfriend before turning to the older couple. “It concerns your old house, Mrs. Tonks.”

The reaction was instantaneous. Andromeda’s lips pursed, her knuckles gripping the arms of her chair tightly as she fixed Harry with a stoic, guarded gaze. Meanwhile, Ted let out a heavy sigh and leaned forward.

“Please elaborate, Mr. Potter.”

In response, Harry held his hand out and willed the rings to materialize on his fingers. Both Andromeda and Ted stared with their eyes wide in surprise at the prominent heir ring of the Ancient and Noble House of Black displayed proudly on his finger.

“H-How do you have that?” Andromeda breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Harry proceeded to recount the story Dumbledore had shared with him when he had given him the ring and the emotions he felt about it.

"But then Dumbledore said that if I refuse, the only candidate is Draco Malfoy and—"

“I get the picture,” Andromeda interrupted him. Holding his gaze with unwavering certainty, the woman continued, “No matter what, Mr. Potter, never for a second believe that you were in the wrong when you accepted the Black heirship. Pushing that power in the hands of Lucius Malfoy would have been a recipe for disaster. He already wields too much influence in ministerial policy making thanks to his constant backing of Fudge. Giving him more power in the Wizengamot would be catastrophic.”

Harry nodded. Daphne had educated him over the past few months about the political landscape of Wizarding Britain and he wholeheartedly agreed with the woman.

“I do not envy you for the burden you have agreed to shoulder by accepting this heirship and the future lordship,” Andromeda continued. “And let me state this clearly before you propose anything. I am in no ways interested in having my name associated with that vile house and if you have any ideas of reinstating me or my daughter in that house then I vehemently decline.”

Harry stared at the woman, taken aback by the firm resolution in her voice as she nodded firmly.

“It’s not about that, Aunt Andi,” Daphne interjected softly, frowning.

Andromeda nodded resolutely. “Good. What is it then?”

Pressing his lips together, Harry retrieved the marriage contract he had brought back from Gringotts and held it out. Ted reached out and tapped his wand against it, quickly creating two copies. Harry put the contract away as they picked up a copy each. The two solicitors began perusing the documents, their expressions growing increasingly concerned.

Harry sat with Daphne, who kept his hand clasped firmly in her lap as they observed the older couple scrutinize the contract. Agonizing minutes ticked by that felt like hours until finally, they set the papers down.

Andromeda sighed as she gazed at Daphne with a sympathetic gaze. The blonde could feel her heart beating a million times a minute as she steeled herself, determined to maintain a brace facade.

“What do you think?” Daphne asked, forcing her voice to remain steady.

“What did the goblins demand in exchange for nullifying the contract?” Ted inquired with a raised eyebrow.

As Harry reiterated the goblins’ demands, Andromeda and Ted’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Merlin…” Andromeda breathed, her features contorted in shock.

“Those greedy bastards,” Ted chuckled humorlessly. “People say the goblins grin like sharks. That’s not the only similarity between them and sharks though. They smell blood and pounce just as efficiently.”

“What are our options here, Mr. Tonks?” Harry asked gruffly, feeling Daphne’s hands gripping his tightly in her lap.

The man took off his spectacles and placed them on the table.

“To truly cancel the contract, you have no choice but to meet the goblins’ demands. The penalty in the contract is manageable. You’ll lose a substantial fortune, yes, but you can always earn those galleons back. The main issue lies in what the goblins refer to as ‘their kind’s honor’.”

“Which is nothing more than a way to extort as much as they can from us,” Harry muttered bitterly.

"I'd advise against voicing such sentiments in front of a goblin," Ted warned. "You'd find yourself swiftly banished from Gringotts, with all your assets lost, and not even the Ministry would be able to intervene."

“And we keep all our money and valuables in their vaults even though we know this?” Harry shook his head in sheer disbelief.

“We have no other choice, Mr. Potter,” Andromeda replied, sighing. “The Goblin Treaties have been negotiated with very high stakes on both sides. Neither party can break them without risking another war.”

“The goblins sacrificed their right to wield wands, Mr. Potter,” Ted told him. “That is not a small concession. Their demand was monetary and the authorities at the time did not foresee any issues with agreeing to those terms.”

“Shortsighted fools,” Harry shook his head in exasperation.

“Coming back to the matter at hand,” Daphne interjected firmly, her gaze fixated on Andromeda. “Is there anything else we can do here?”

Andromeda pursed her lips as she regarded her niece in all but blood. She exchanged a meaningful glance with her husband who nodded curtly.

“I’d like to ask something of you two before we go any further,” Andromeda said, earning nods from both Daphne and Harry. “Suppose your studies are complete and you’ve gotten your careers sorted. Would you two get married today if asked to?”

Their eyes widened in surprise as they stared at Andromeda who gazed back evenly. Slowly, they turned to each other, both gazing deeply into each other’s eyes.

All the events from when they first met flashed by in their minds, overwhelming them with the feelings they associated with each memory. Both could see the love they held for each other being reflected in their eyes and the answer came as easily as breathing.

“Yes,” Harry and Daphne whispered in unison, their faces alight with loving, joyful smiles. Slowly, they leaned in as one, their lips meeting in a gentle, loving kiss that tasted sweeter than the most exquisite elixir in existence.

As slowly as they had gravitated toward each other, Harry and Daphne pulled away and turned their attention back to the older couple. Andromeda smiled softly and nodded.

“All right. Daphne, Mr. Potter, I believe the presence of both your families is essential if we are to proceed any further,” she informed them.

Their eyes widened in surprise at Andromeda’s statement and they stared at the older woman for a moment, her words slowly registering. Daphne could not hold back her curiosity. “Wait a minute. Are we really doing this? Your solution is for us to get married today? How will that solve anything?”

Andromeda let out a small chuckle and shook her head. “Calm down, dear. We will do nothing so drastic,” she replied. “I asked you that just to see how committed you two are to each other. I’ll tell you everything when your families are here. Don’t worry.”

Her heart still beating furiously, Daphne turned to Harry who could only shrug in response. Sighing, she fell back against the couch and leaned against him, allowing Harry to wrap a comforting arm around her.

Andromeda and Ted observed the young couple with a mixture of empathy and understanding. They had once stood in their shoes, navigating the complexities of obligations and personal desires. Although Harry’s case was more complex than theirs, they were determined to help them out.

“I believe we should get this resolved as soon as we can,” Ted said comfortingly. “Andi will contact Daphne’s parents. Mr. Potter, please ask your family to arrive for the meeting. Four in the evening would be fine.”

Harry let out a sigh and nodded. “Guess I should find the nearest phone booth then,” he remarked.

“No need,” Ted smiled and flicked his wand. Harry’s eyes widened as a compartment rose through the table in front of them. Ted slid it open and pulled out a telephone, placing it on the tabletop.

“I’m a muggleborn, Mr. Potter,” Ted chuckled. “Go on. You can use it.”

Harry shook his head with a small smile and reached for the telephone. “Thank you, Mr. Tonks.”

“I think we’re past the stage where you call us by our names,” Ted intoned with a small, warm smile. Harry glanced up and met the man’s steady gaze, nodding.

“Than I insist you call me Harry as well,” he replied, exchanging understanding nods with both Ted and Andromeda as he dialed the familiar number.

While Harry was otherwise occupied, Daphne joined Andromeda by the window and asked with a hint of concern, “Should we prepare for anything or…?”

“No need to concern yourself just yet, dear,” Andromeda replied reassuringly. “All you and Harry need to do is present a united front in front of your folks. They’re not like mine were. They are good people and they will understand.”

“You’re planning to get me and Harry married today, aren’t you?” Daphne remarked dryly, a tone of apprehension coloring her tone. She might be fine with the idea but it didn’t mean she was not nervous about the prospect.

“Oh, hush already,” Andromeda chided gently, her eyes twinkling with playful mischief. “There will be no wedding today, unless of course if you’re simply dying to get married to your man over there.”

Daphne felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she averted her gaze, unable to hide her reaction from the older woman's teasing. Andromeda's eyes glinted with delighted amusement.

“Oh, my!” She giggled. “You really do want it already, don’t you? Merlin, you remind me of myself so much right now!”

“What are you two whispering about?” Ted asked, his gaze shifting between the two women as Harry placed the phone back on the table and turned to his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow. Daphne simply smiled softly and shook her head.

“Nothing,” Andromeda replied as she turned to regard Harry. “Done with the call?”

“Yeah, they’ll be in the Leaky by 3:45 tops,” he nodded.

“All right, then. I’ll tell Evelyn and Gareth to come over by 4,” Andromeda replied and flicked her wand with practiced grace.

Harry and Daphne watched in fascination as an ethereal dolphin materialized in front of her. Andromeda recited the message, her voice resonating with cool clarity and she sent the Patronus away with a final flick of her wand.

“So that’s what it looks like,” Harry whispered, his eyes alight.

“I told you it looks and feels surreal,” Daphne smiled, reaching for his hand and squeezing gently.

“You are studying the Patronus already?” Andromeda asked, her brows raised in surprise, earning twin nods from the young couple.

“We can only manage shields for now, but it’s getting closer,” Harry replied, smiling.

Andromeda nodded at them, both she and Ted looking visibly impressed.


The Floo in the lobby flared and Bianca glanced up from her spot. A professional smile curved on her lips as she stood, bowing respectfully at the couple as they approached her.

“Lord and Lady Greengrass, welcome. Madam Tonks is waiting for you in the office.”

“Thank you, Bianca,” Evelyn Greengrass graced the young woman with a smile. Arm in arm, they walked past her and knocked on the office door that swung open momentarily.

“Gareth, Evelyn,” Andromeda greeted her friends with a customary hug, stepping back for her husband to follow suit.

“Daphne? What are you doing here?” Gareth asked with a small frown, pulling his daughter in an affectionate hug. Daphne sighed and slowly extracted herself, allowing her mother to wrap her arms around her.

“Is there any problem?” Gareth asked Ted and Andromeda with a small frown.

“Have some patience, Gareth. All will be explained soon,” Ted replied. “Come, have a seat while we wait.”

“Wait for whom?” Evelyn asked, gazing at her daughter curiously as they walked over and took their seats on the couch by the window. The office room had been expanded to accommodate everyone and more couches had been arranged for them. Gareth and his wife sat, frowning when their daughter chose to sit in a loveseat adjacent to them.

Before they could reply, a knock was heard on the door and Ted flicked his wand, allowing it to open. Both Gareth and Evelyn let out faint gasps as they recognized the young man who entered.

“Come on, you’ll know everything soon,” Harry said quietly, leading a beautiful redhead and a tall and muscular man in the office.

Everyone stood up out of politeness for the newcomers and Harry quickly introduced his aunt and uncle to Andromeda and Ted. Although more than a little confused, the Wilsons decided to simply go with the flow.

Harry cast a nervous gaze toward Daphne when he spotted her parents while Rose’s eyes widened at the sight of the blonde.

“Daphne, good to see you again, dear,” she smiled. Daphne reciprocated, shaking the older woman’s hand. With a small teasing smirk, she glanced at Harry and asked, “I hope he’s not troubling you too much?”

Daphne smiled, shaking her head.

“No, he’s behaving, at least until now.”

Rosie chuckled. “Don’t forget to send me a letter if he acts up. I’ll be sure to set him straight in no time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Evelyn and Gareth stared at the two women in surprise.

“Daphne, you know each other?”

“Yeah, Mum,” Daphne nodded. “We met when I was doing my shopping. Rose, my parents. Gareth and Evelyn Greengrass. Mum, Dad, Rose Wilson and her husband Stuart. They are Harry’s aunt and uncle.”

The four adults exchanged polite pleasantries as they shook hands.

“If we all could take our seats please now,” Andromeda announced. Rose and Stuart took their seats on the couch right opposite the Greengrass couple whose eyes widened slightly when they saw Harry sit on the loveseat beside their daughter and how they subconsciously scooted closer. The fact was not missed by Rose and Stuart either who could not help but share an amused glance.

“Well then, now that we all have gotten to know each other, I believe we should get started. I’m sure you all are curious as to why I asked for you here,” Andromeda began.

“The thought did cross my mind, yes,” Evelyn remarked dryly. With an inquisitive look toward her daughter and the young man she sat closely with, Evelyn asked, “What is going on here, Andi?”

Andromeda Tonks exchanged a meaningful look with both Daphne and Harry who nodded resolutely. Daphne reached out and clasped his hand in her lap.

“To put things simply, Daphne and Harry here are smitten with each other and they would not mind getting married today if things allow it,” Andromeda said bluntly.

Gareth breathed sharply and so did Evelyn, their heads swiveling to the side where the young couple sat together, putting on a brave and resolute face. Daphne nodded firmly and Evelyn took another deep breath.

“Well, things don’t allow it,” Gareth said firmly as he caught himself, staring both his daughter and Harry down. “You are in your first year. It’s too early.”

“Indeed, which is why they are ready to settle on a betrothal,” Andromeda said simply, choosing to take charge of all the conversation. “It would not be unprecedented for them to be betrothed.”

“Daphne,” Evelyn sighed, shifting her gaze to her daughter and how she was clutching her young man’s hand. “How come we’re suddenly hearing of these betrothal talks? You did tell us you were seeing someone and that you’ll introduce him face to face this holiday but you didn’t do it, and now we hear you want a betrothal?”

“She did not bring up the talks of a betrothal, Eve. I did,” Andromeda intoned, prompting the woman to turn toward her. “In fact, Daphne and Harry here didn’t even know for sure that I was going to bring it up.”

“Excuse me here,” Stuart’s tentative voice interrupted the conversation, earning everyone’s attention. “But could someone tell us why we are even discussing a betrothal at all? I mean… don’t get me wrong, but if the two kids do really fancy each other, shouldn’t they just keep dating until they’re old enough to know for sure if they even want to be married? I’m being realistic here. A lot of things can change with time.”

“Exactly, Mr. Wilson,” Gareth replied, exchanging a nod with the man. Turning to Andromeda, he frowned. “Andi, you know how we feel about those outdated customs. I’ve told both my girls that they have all the right when it comes to their partner of choice. If Daphne really wants to be with Mr. Potter then we don’t have any objections… Of course we would like to know the young man himself first but that’s beside the point. All this talk of a betrothal… it just doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Me neither,” Evelyn agreed.

“I know about how betrothals have existed over the years thanks to Lily and everything I’ve heard about them has been bad,” Rose frowned. She turned to Harry and Daphne and let out a small sigh. “You’ve read your mother’s thoughts in her journals as well, Harry. Do you seriously want this even after knowing it all?”

Everyone regarded Daphne and Harry who exchanged a meaningful look and nodded resolutely.

“Dumbledore gave me my heir rings when I got to Hogwarts,” Harry started and held his hand out.

Evelyn and Gareth’s eyes widened in shock as they noticed the Black heir ring adorning his finger. The former exchanged a glance with Andi who nodded firmly.

“How are you the heir to the Blacks?” Gareth asked once he got over the initial surprise.

“Blacks? As in Sirius Black?” Rose asked at once.

Harry gritted his teeth in rage at the mention of the name and hissed, “Yes. The same Sirius Black who betrayed my parents and caused their deaths. He’s rotting in Azkaban for his crimes.”

Rose’s eyes widened in shock.

“W-Wait… no, it can’t be. S-Sirius was like James’ brother. He was the best man at their wedding! There must be some mistake. He’d never betray them!”

A pained expression grew on Andromeda’s face and Ted held her hand firmly.

“I think we can talk about that later,” she said softly. “Go on, Harry.”

Daphne squeezed Harry’s hand in comfort and he took a deep breath, smiling at her reassuringly. He resumed speaking and told them how he came to be the heir to the Blacks and why he had agreed to it.

The Greengrasses wholly agreed with his decision once they realized the implications of him not accepting it and they expressed as much to Harry.

“Today, Daph and I went to Gringotts to ask about both families and there, we got to know about the… obligations that would come with the Black lordship,” Harry sighed and Ted placed the copies of the betrothal contract on the table.

The Greengrasses’ eyes widened as they laid eyes on it. They read the names of the houses and realization dawned on them instantly. Gareth shot to his feet, glaring at Andromeda and Ted.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he hissed. “There’s no way my daughter’s becoming a second wife!”

“Gareth, please sit down,” Ted said firmly.

The Wilsons picked up the other contract and even though they were not too well-versed in wizarding affairs, they understood what the matter was.

“As per this contract, Harry will have to marry the daughter of this family,” Rose whispered. “But what about Daphne?”

“I’ll explain it once this man sits down,” Andromeda said, firmly staring Gareth down. Evelyn gently pulled on his hand, prompting him to take his seat once again. Once she determined that there would be no interruptions, she began explaining.

“As you know by now, if Harry takes up the Black lordship, he will have to marry the daughter of this family, whoever she might be. Now, he does have the power to nullify the contract and he is determined to do it. He would have to give this family a few hundred thousand galleons which shouldn’t be a problem considering the combined assets of both families, but the main problem lies with the goblins.”

“Tell me something new,” Gareth remarked dryly. “What have they demanded?”

Andromeda told him and his eyes bugged out.

“Well… damn.”

“Indeed,” she replied. “So you now know how tough it is to cancel this contract. It would be impossible for these two to get married, and believe me, they very much want to be with each other.”

Evelyn gazed sadly at her daughter, easily spotting the brave façade she had been putting on this whole while.

“Even though we can’t break this contract right now, we can try our best to reduce the damage with a fix, shall we say…” Andromeda continued. “Harry has not taken up any lordship yet, so this contract is not binding on him as of now. He can relinquish the Black lordship but we all know what would happen if he did it.”

“It would be a blunder of the highest order,” Gareth said curtly, gazing at Harry who met his stare evenly.

“Indeed. However, if a betrothal between the Houses of Potter and Greengrass exists, it would be considered the primary union since Harry is first and foremost a Potter. Daphne would have the position of prominence in every affair that does not concern the House of Black and that would fulfil their desire to be together. She will always hold the higher rank in the relationship and common decision making.”

Everybody looked contemplative as Ted too over the explanation.

“If we wait, hoping that Harry would somehow manage to find those artifacts the goblins have demanded, and the time to take up the lordships passes by, the eligibility criteria will kick in. Since no betrothal would exist for the House of Potter at that time, the situation will be reversed and the girl betrothed to the House of Black will have the higher rank.”

“So what you are basically suggesting is to betroth Harry and Daphne before the time to take up the lordship comes so that at least they can be together and Daphne could be in the best position,” Rose intoned softly.

“It’s little more than insurance at this point,” Andromeda sighed. “If the goblins are paid off, no one loses anything and things remain as they should be. The two kids love each other and want to be married. Things are already arranged for it. And if this contract is not canceled, then it’d be the best we could’ve done. Given the situation, this is the best advice I can give you, both as your friend, and as a solicitor.”

There was nothing but absolute silence in the office as everyone digested the bombshell that had been dropped on them.

Harry and Daphne sat together, their minds filled with turmoil as they pondered on the hand they had been dealt with. Evelyn, Rose, and Stuart gazed at the young couple with saddened gazes, their hearts reaching out to them.

Gareth stewed in silence, his fists clenched together as he rested his elbows on his thighs, leaning forward.

“I don’t like this one bit,” he said softly, yet his voice reached everyone. “My daughter does not deserve to be one of two. She deserves much better, not to share her husband with someone else. Those archaic customs deserve to be forgotten. Bringing them back like this… it’s no solution.”

“And it’s not a solution,” Ted said firmly. “It’s a last resort. To fall back on in case things end up going wrong. This way, at least they will have each other and no one will have the power to separate them.”

Gareth fell silent, his forehead resting on his fists as he stewed in silence. He lifted his head a few moments later, regarding his daughter and the young man she had fallen for. Try as he might, he could not feel the least bit resentful of him, knowing he was as much of a victim as his daughter was and the responsibility he had agreed to shoulder so that a vile man did not possess more undeserved power.

He knew his daughter and he could see beneath this fake bravado. She was scared. Scared of losing the man she had given her heart. Scared of the possibility that they might fail at acquiring those goblin artifacts. And as he thought more about it, he realized she was scared of making a choice. A choice should he put his foot down and deny her.

He thought about another woman who had left her family when they had refused to let her marry the man she loved and realized why Andi and Ted were so invested in it.

He exchanged a meaningful glance with his wife and knew she must be thinking the same.

“I uh…” he cleared his throat, the weight of the decision clearly visible on his face as he leaned back. “I believe I need more time to consider this. It isn’t a decision I can make lightly.”

Ted nodded sympathetically. “Take your time, Gareth. As a father of a daughter, I can fully understand your position. I would never want to be in your shoes.”

Gareth nodded curtly.

“Dad,” Daphne called out, prompting everyone to shift their attention to her. She kept her eyes locked with her father though. “I want you to know that no matter what you do, I’ll always love you… but I’ll stand by my decision as well.”

Her meaning was lost on no one. Gareth got to his feet, holding his hand out for his wife. She reached out and got to her feet. Their lips set in a thin line, they nodded politely at everyone who all stood up, and together, they strode out of the office.

Rose stepped toward Harry and Daphne and she immediately wrapped her arms around the girl.

“I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through but let me tell you something. You have our support, both of you.”

Daphne nodded, maintaining a calm, polite smile even though deep inside she was anything but. Meanwhile, Stuart clapped Harry firmly on the back and let out a small sigh.

“You know, when I asked you to bring the daughter-in-law home soon, I didn’t mean this soon,” he remarked with a resigned smile.

Harry could not help but chuckle at that.

To be continued…



This is still solo Daphne/Harry right? I’m a little confused on the Black contract. Are they trying to go the betrothal route to make sure no matter what Daphne is the primary wife? If Harry is already planning on breaking the contract by paying the Goblins what is the need to? Obviously no one wants the Malfoys near the Black family fortune. I don’t remember if you’ve mentioned Sirius much in this story yet, other than what most people think happened according to what Dumbledore told Harry when he gave him the news he was Heir Black. Will the Sirius/Pettigrew situation be handled? I enjoyed reading this chapter and seeing the bond between Harry and Daphne knowing already the lengths they will go for each other. I hope this aspect of the story gets handled sooner than later though. They already have so much going on with the Horcrux situation, adding more angst/drama on top of that and it’s still only their first year. Hopefully they can get this settled and continue on with their magical growth and moving the plot forward. The age difference from canon throws a whole different dynamic but I’m not sure how it will play out in later years. Is the pacing going to quicken a bit? Thanks for the update! Excited to see how it all unfolds! Cheers!


Yeah, this will be a Harry/Daphne fic. Andromeda has suggested a precautionary measure that in case this Black contract remains in place, at least Harry and Daphne will have each other. it's a prudent approach suggested by a lawyer. The intention is still to nullify that contract which they believe is not going to be easy due to the goblin's demands. Sirius/Pettigrew? It will be handled differently from canon. The Horcrux situation is going to take a backseat given they can't really do anything about it yet and are planning to use it to their benefit.