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Late last night I finished up the poster for Episode: 1 and wanted to share it with you guys. You can check out the full poster here!  The first episode is complete and will be released at midnight tonight (PST)! It's about 4:50 long and the uncut adds a new pose which bumps that version up to 5:22.

While we wait for the release, I wanted to hold a dumb contest. If anyone knows (or can correctly guess) who's boobs those are in the painting, will get the uncut version early (as in, right now!). If you are interested, leave your answer in the comments below. You only get one guess, so make sure you think carefully! I'll give you a hint, those tits don't belong to anyone in the Harry Potter universe...




I love the idea. I just think granger has too much hair. I think she would look better trimmed or shaved. Then again, I can't wait for loli Jenny Weasley ;)


Link please