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...is never a good thing. 

 Still working on Lamplight. I went out of town for Thanksgiving, but once I got back, I got back to work on Lamplight. It still has alot of things that either need animating, or fixing. I've even decided to cut the Max sex scene since I don't have the time to do it. She'll still be in it, but she won't be getting any action.

 I've been trying to get this clip done for the majority of the month, I even didn't have time to do a random girl poll this month. But! I can say its almost done. I don't know when it will be finished, but it will be finished very soon.

 Every day it gets pushed back, is a day less I have to work on Episode: 12. And Episode: 12 needs to be released in December. Those on the Vault Girls Tier have seen the latest workcopy of Lamplight and it is not good. I've fixed alot of issues and animated more scenes since then, but its still not quite ready.

 I prolly won't be doing much of anything until its done. Hopefully Friday. I am sorry for the wait on this one.


(No title)



Maybe a stupid question, but why don't you finish Episode 12 first and only then finish up Lamplight (regardless of how long it takes)? I get it you want to release Ep 12 in december to wrap up Season One this year, but I don't really understand what the rush about BTaLL is? Why does it *have* to be released this year as well? Honestly, as a Vault Girl Tier Patreon, I'd vote for postponig Lamplight until after Episode 12 and then taking all the time you need on it. Rush jobs are generally not desireable, in my book. Good things come to those who wait, and I'll gladly wait a bit longer to have it release at its full potential (including Max). Just my opinion, though.


The main reason is I still haven't heard back from my Lightning voice actress. Lightning pretty much carries the final episode. Once I get her lines, I can work on the episode. I have considered the approach you described and will use it when making Vault Girls the movie. I'll do my best not to rush it and I'll try to get max's scenes back in lamplight for everyone.


Can I have a link to all the episodes of vault girls