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Happy Friday everyone! Top VG news stories of the week include:

Episode: 09 Update:

After some renders and a ton of re-renders, I got the 3-way scenes completed (for the most part). I need to add in some of Piper's new dialog which may very well lead to more re-renders. Aside from that, the episode should be done by next Friday!

 I still need to animate a few more transition scenes and such, I should have enough time to get those ready and get the 'uncut' version completed as well. As of now, the Episode is almost five minutes long and thats without the preview, etc.

I also managed to get the Episode: 09 Poster completed, so have a look if you're interested! Episode: 09 is on track to release Friday, August 26th!

The Train:

There is one scene in Episode: 09 that I refer to as 'the train'. Its probably my favorite pose in the episode. I made a gif/gfycat of it, so make sure to check your messages for this awesome little preview!!

Little Lamplight Special:

Still waiting on some props to be made for this one, hopefully they will be ready in a few days. I'm still not 100% sure how this clip will fit into the rest of the series so thats something I need to think about. I do wanna have (a new) Vault Girl in the camp and will probably put that to a vote (what girl) on the Vault Girls Tier. 

 I don't have a release date set for this one yet, but I want to try and have it completed in a month or two at the latest. 

Vault Girls 'The Movie':

 This one will be released after Little Lamplight and after the final Episode of the season (Episode: 12). Since it's gonna bridge seasons one and two together, it only makes since. Not only that, but its gonna take that long to animate anyways. 

 I'll begin animation on this one after I wrap up Lamplight. I'll also share more info on it after that special is released.

New Patreon Goal:

 Last week I mentioned that the new goal would possibly be a Vault Girls video game. That's still the plan, but until I can clear out the above workload (somewhat) I don't wanna post the new goal just yet. Its still coming, but I need to make sure I'll have the time to actually do it, as of now, I don't have the time to work on it and I really don't want goals piling up (like they already are).

New Workcopy:

There is a new workcopy (Vault Girls Tier). It contains Sarah's scenes. This will probably be the last workcopy until the episode is released. Check messages or the Vault for a link!

Episode: 09 Rumors!

Rumor: Piper ends up joining the Girls to save Sunny at the end of the episode.

Rumor: The Fire Ants outside manage to bust through the doors of Piper's Pit.

Rumor: Piper gets roasted by said ants.

Rumor: The Girls end up robbing Piper blind and stealing her ride at the end of the episode...

Rumor: Sarah executes a garden gnome...

Thats all for this week, have a great weekend everybody and remember to check those messages for previews of the episode! PS, Piper has a great ass!! 


(No title)



I just found Vault Girls... and love it! Had to immediately support. Can't wait for the rest of the season & movie.


Can I have the gif gfycat/preview please