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 This is something I've been thinking about for the past few months. As you know, it takes me about a month or so to make each episode. The issue is that goal I made way back when, adding two extra episodes to the season...

 I regret making this goal since one of two things will happen. 1) season one continues on until Feb 2017. Effectively, chopping season two down to 10 episodes.  2) I dump all other animations (including Ring Girls for now) and 'try' to put out 2 episodes a month for 2 months.

 If I work only on Vault Girls, its possible to have the two extra episodes out before the end of the year and have season 2 be a full 12 episodes.

 Neither of these options seem appealing to me. I have no idea what I was thinking when I made that goal (however long ago). But I want to put it to a vote, since as its going now, I would chop season 2 down to 10 episodes...

Alternatively, I could take those 2 episodes and combine them into a 'mini movie', working on it from now until its done (would be completed before the end of the season). It would be a side story with all three girls, maybe finding their way into Little Lamplight ;)

I'll Leave this poll open until Vault Girls Friday, when I'll share the results. 

>>Vote Here<<


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Take into account that Life has a way of interrupting the best laid plans, so extend the season into next year to make room for it all. Product, not schedule is more important (sort of...).


I just wanted to voice an opinion that I know I'm not alone on. I personally don't pledge to you for Vault Girls, I do it for the random animations of other characters that you do. I just wanted you to understand that if you were to scrap all misc animations like that to stick with doing only Vault Girls that you will most likely lose people as followers including me. Not that I'm saying it's a large margin or anything like that but I hope you foresee the possibility of things like this.


On the contrary I am only here for the vault girls and I would say the majority of people here agree with me. It's the best s.f.m. out there. It's a unique and original idea and probably has substantially boosted his amount of followers. His video are on porn hub with 60k plus views for Christ's sake. Let the man work