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Gfycat seems to be borked today, so I'll have to update this post when it starts working again.







Well, she's still named Betsy, and technically, still British. Her mind was switched with an Asian assassin named Kwannon, and Betsy's original body - with Kwannon's mind inside it - contracted the Legacy Virus (the genetically engineered mutant-killing disease; sort of like a mutant cancer/AIDS) and died before they could switch their minds back. the weird part is, Betsy's new Asian body still sounds like her original self, British accent and all; they explained this by saying that her mind instinctively remembers how to naturally make her vocal chords vibrate and move like her original body's, so she still sounds exactly like her old self, and any voice pattern recognition test would find it an exact match.


When you come here to fap and get an X Men lore history lesson. lol


To Brian, she's still his Baby Sister Betsy, and he's still her caring brother. Although, it's probably a good thing that he doesn't seem to have an Asian fetish, otherwise things would get somewhat...awkward...to say the least..... ;D