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Episode: 07 Update: 

 I got alot of work done on the episode these past few days, but as always, I still have alot to go. So far its about 1:45 in length. This coming week will be spent getting the episode in shape for a release next Friday. 

 I snapped a few pics of the current scenes which you can check out (above and below) and also uploaded a new workcopy and additional images to the Vault. 

 So far no sex scenes have been animated, but tonight I wanna work on Clem and another girl. Should be fun. 

 As I said last time, my main goal for this episode is to get the girls outta the Raider camp and into the wasteland. Alot of the harder scenes have been animated, but I still need to work on the Boss' fight (Francis VS Swan). I expect to do that after Clem.

 Episode: 07 is 'somewhat' on schedule for a Friday, June 24th release... 

Episode: 07 Rumors:

 Piper: "Okay, I'm all caught up on the series now and waiting for my part in Episode: 08! A few rumors were sent to me and I can tell that at least some of them are true..."

Rumor: Clara ends up helping the girls escape the camp...

Rumor: Quiet's sniper tower gets blown to hell by a super mutant rocket...

Rumor: Clementine ends up escaping with the girls.

Rumor: The cell key Ellie spent 3 episodes trying to get ends up being for nothing...

Rumor: The voice on the walkie talkie is StrikeForce leader, Lightning...

Rumor: The Strikeforce picks up the girls and flies them safely out of harms way.


Barside Image

A Quiet View 2 Image

*Uploaded to the Vault: workcopy3 (Episodes>Work Copies>Episode:07), Six Images (Images>Episode:07)


(No title)



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