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Episode: 06 Update!: 

 Those in the Vault Girls Tier already know that the Super Mutants made it into Clara's Place, and in this weeks update I wanted to let everyone know! Not only that, but I got a cool little preview of the scene! 

 Raider Boss Francis is also ready to join in the fight! Butt nekkid with a minigun!!

I fell a bit behind, so I need to haul ass this week to get the Episode where it needs to be for next Friday's release. The problem is, two intense scenes I had fully animated no longer seem to work properly. When I choose to export either, they just crash the program. No idea wtf is going on, but it looks like I will have to re-animate both.

 I still expect to have the Episode done by next week however!

New StrikeForce Member:

 I'm gonna hold off on this again and just focus on getting Episode: 06 done this week. I wanted to have this sorted by now, but since these characters aren't set to appear just yet, may as well wait and finish whats on my plate. I'll have more on this at a later date.

Raider Boss: Francis Poster

Episode: 06 Preview (work in progress)

*Uploaded to the Vault: Raider Boss: Fancis Poster (Episode: 06 Images)

 Episode: 06 Preview (Work Copies)


(No title)



I hope you're gonna pop Sunny's cherry in this one or at least scramble her eggs real good. ;)