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Often times, I find myself imagining awesome clips that I'd love to make, but know I never will...

 I'm sitting here watching one of my favorite movies, Bill & Ted. And I think it would be awesome to make a clip of them in the phone booth going through time and having sex with girls past, present, and future. There are Bill & Ted models (and they sorta look like em...). 

 As awesome and fun as a clip like this sounds, I know it will never ever happen, and it makes me sad. I've had other clips that I know will never be made. Another was an episodic slasher series about a group of teens going to a cabin and having sex then getting killed by a 'Jason type' killer. I even had Chloe Angel on board to do voice work! :((((

 Anyways, I'm not short for ideas in the least, in fact I consider myself very creative. Its just, I don't have enough hours in a day to do all the animations I want. Like, I wanna do Cam Girls, and Ring Girls 3, I just need to cut something out to make the time to do those animations and I hate thinking about that.

 Ring Girls 3 is due, that much is clear. I will make time for that, somehow someway!


 Back to Bill & Ted...


(No title)



I like the cabin horror idea too. What if you did a poll on all the ideas you have and all the ideas you're doing already. This will help you know what to cut out for the cabin horror.


Raising the amount for your Patreon, where you will be able to do this full-time is always an option but it wouldn't easy either way.