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Episode: 05 Update!: 

 The Episode is basically done, I just have to finish up the remaining uncut scenes and start the preview. It ended up being around five minutes long. I won't know the exact length until I get it fully completed. 


Piper is in!

 With the first goal reached, Piper will join the cast for 2-3 Episodes. She'll be fully voiced by an awesome girl I've been talking to for awhile now about the role. I'll have more info on who it is when it gets closer to her appearance. I expect Piper to be introduced in either Episode 6 or 7, I won't know for sure until I get there.

 Voice Acting (Season: 02)

 With the second goal reached, Season: 02 should be even better than the first! I have so many idea's for the next season, but since its so far off, I'll probably think up something better by the time it comes around anyways. Either way, with voice actresses, the story should make more sense at least!

News Wire Rumors:

Piper: People are constantly sending in these rumors. Since I'm only about halfway done with Episode: 03 so far, I leave it to the fans to figure out fact from fiction...

 Rumor: Season: 02 will be set in New Vegas and use the same Vault Girls...

 Rumor: Episode: 05 will release well before next Friday...

 Rumor: Season: 02 will actually be Vault Girls: Strikeforce.

 Rumor: The above beach poster is an actual scene from a future Episode, complete with an ocean full of tentacles...

 Rumor: Ellie ends up saving Clara's life in the upcoming mutant attack.

 Rumor: Clara ends up saving Ellie's life in the upcoming mutant attack...

 Rumor: The mutants never attack, they get tired of waiting around and just go home.

Vault Girls Friday Poster

I'll also be sending out copies of Episode: 04, if for some reason you haven't seen it yet.

*Vault Girls Tier Bonus: Episode: 05 workcopy 2 (spoilers!)

**Uploaded to the Vault: Vault Girls Friday Poster (Bonus Material),Episode: 05 workcopy 2 (Episodes)


(No title)



I love these rumors. It's fun guessing.


Fallout New Vegas being my favourite Fallout game, I would love if S2 toke place there. Alot of interesting locals to take advantage off. I am thinking off you Gomorrah.