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I must have been super tired last night, since I could have sworn I made this update already...
 I don't wanna talk too much about this project until I have a solid idea of what I want to do with them. I've mentioned somewhere that I had begun working on a clip/episode of StrikeForce, once that clip gets further along, I'll have more details to share. The clip will basically serve as an intro for the team, and show them in action. Hopefully you will be able to get a sense of what StrikeForce will be like.  Aside from the porn, I would say the original series would be considered 'adventure' while at the same time, I would consider StrikeForce to be 'action'.

News Wire: Episode: 05 Update

 First I wanna say that work on this episode is coming along great! Its definitely on track so far. Because of this, I've decided to add a new pose for both Clara & Ellie! With the new scenes included, I expect this episode to easily pass the five minute mark in length.

 I did have to split this episode (again), so the Super Mutant attack may not actually occur in this one. In which case, Episode: 06 will feature the attack and be action packed.  You do get to at least meet the Super Mutant Boss: Swan.


News Wire: Fap Clips

 A Patreon bought up the idea of 'fap clips' which is just the sex bits of each episode edited together. I love the idea and plan to make these sorts of clips going forward (if time allows). The first will be Clara's (1st) pose from Episode: 05. So not only will ya get a clip to fap to, but also a good preview of (one of) her upcoming scenes. I still need to put it together so it won't be ready for a few hours, but I wanna get it out tonight.

 After this I'll go back and re-render scenes from older episodes (starting with ep1) and put those together. I would like to make these clips for each episode, but it all depends on time. No actual ETA on when these older clips will be ready, but when I can, I plan to do it.

News Wire: StrikeForce


Sunny the Scavenger Poster (*this scene doesn't actually appear in this episode)

Super Mutant Boss: Swan  (*this scene does...)


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