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 The team is assembled!

StrikeForce Poster




This is gonna be awesome, looks like a great femme fatale team and much more mature chicks =)


I agree with SHEPOWY; Tali would be awesome for the "techie" position in this, and although I have absolutely zero problems with his other pick, sexy Alyx Vance, for the position, I have to say that personally, I would prefer Trip (from Enslaved: Oddysey To The West), just because I so rarely see her in R34 work and I feel it would be so great if she could become a "regular cast member" in someplace. I also agree with him about Elizabeth for the position of the one who gets the team together from across different realities and also serves as a sort of "navigator", or someone who can get them from place to place. I also thought of Emily Kaldwin (from Dishonored and the upcoming Dishonored 2) for the "navigator" position, due to the powers from the Mark, but I doubt she has a workable model out there yet. If it were possible to use her, she might be an even more interesting option than Elizabeth, since you could use her older Dishonored 2 look in this series, and her younger self from the original Dishonored in your regular VaultGgirls series.....Like I said, this is probably not feasible because of the lack of models, but it is nice to dream of the possibilities nonetheless, isn't it? :)