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Vault Girls Episode: 04 Update #2!

Here is the scene I'm currently animating. After working all night, I got my work copy up to about 3:10. Meaning I have over 3 minutes of Episode: 04 finished! By this time in the Episode, sex has occurred! So rest assured, there is sex in this one!! Over the next couple of days I plan to animate Ellie's scene's!

Road Map Update! 

While Ellie searches for the Big Boss, Sarah gets a chance to relax and chill out at Clara's Place and have a drink! Cherry Nuka Cola has been her favorite since the Vault, Yum!! She has a funny feeling someone is watching her from the shadows, but who is it...?

Sarah at Clara's




Who's watching her? What, you mean besides all of us?...And why do I now have a certain song by The Police running through my head???.....