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Yesterday my computer died on me. Today I went out and got a new one. Tonight I need to extract all my files from my old HD (doing it now). 

 I don't suspect this will impact my Patreon much (unless I'm unable to recover my files). So far its working, but slow going.

I should be back with new content in a day or two.

This is a big pain in the ass and I'm sorry. But in the long run the newer comp will only help my work with faster render times and all around better performance while animating. I'll make another post once I'm all set.



Wow, that sucks so horribly...I feel you, bro; I was in the same situation last year about this time, and it took me almost till the end of the year to completely recover/ rebuild all the files and data I had on the old 'puter and transfer everything to my new one (but I'm not too much of a "computer guy"; your tech knowledge is probably light years ahead of mine) . I'm glad to hear that it's going to be much quicker for you than it was for me , more than likely - it really can't be too much slower, lol :D . Good luck with it all, and I hope you're back on track A.S.A.P.; see you then!


What I did was pull out my old HD and convert it into an external HD so I can just plug it into a usb on my new one. My sfm steam folder is about 300 gigs, so its gonna take awhile to transfer (timer says 8.5 hours...). After that I need to grab all my session files and animations from my user folder. I have a feeling that is gonna be a huge amount of gigs as well. Still, so far it doesn't appear that I've lost any data, so thats a plus.