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Episode: 3 Release Date: Friday, February 26

 This update is long overdue...but it couldn't be helped. Episode: 3 is getting bigger than it has any business being (maybe thats a good thing!). In the last update, I decided to split the episode into two. Now, it seems like I need to split it into three to fit all the story I have in mind for the raider camp.

 Since I had to do that, some of the images in the first update will roll over to Episode: 4 (Raider Boss, Raider Cassie, and Clara's Place.) I hated to do this but I wanna keep each episode around 4(ish) minutes. I really should make them 5 minutes, hmmm.

 Anyways, so some scenes had to be shifted around, but the Boss scenes is so epic I have to try and include it...

  I have a completed work copy of the episode finished (current runtime 3:50), so all thats left to do is some minor tweaks to the animation and make renders. I also need to add the 'Next On' section and finish up the uncut version.


 Its been quiet on here for a few days since those days were spent working on Vault Girls. I could have made the update then, but I wanted to get the episode in a state where I felt comfortable with the full clip.  Now, I feel I'm there, the episode is basically done and will most likely be released at midnight on Thursday (Friday).

*The Vault Girls get a new team mate this episode, can anyone guess who??




Rachel from Wolf Among Us


Ice cold. I have a mini update I'm gonna post in the next hour or so, I'll add a link to a deleted scene from episode: 3. It doesn't show her face but if you know ur loli, you'll know who it is...it will be be a somewhat spoiler so its on you :P


I can't wait. Oh wait I have to wait. Looking forward to it being release as if you can't tell.