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 Progress on  Episode: 3 is coming along great! This one has been extremely fun to work on. Everything from creating the raider camp (and raider crew) to animating not one, but 2 of my favorite scenes in the series. Now, let's get down to it!!

 For every episode, I make a working copy of all the scenes I have animated so far (or somewhat animated). This helps me out in many ways. Most importantly, I can get a sense of how the episode flows and see if i need to add or remove (usually add) additional scenes. It also lets me know how long the episode currently is with all the completed clips.

 So far, the work copy is just over 3 minutes. Meaning I have about 3 minutes of episode 3 done (more or less). Being at the 3 minute mark at this point in the story means I'll have to split up the episode into 2 episodes (just like I did for episode 1). I have a feeling these 2 will be a fair bit longer than the previous 2 were. I'm thinking about 5(ish) minutes each.

 As for a release date, I wanna try to release every new episode on the 3rd Friday of the month. I suck at keeping deadlines, but (like I always say...) as of now, that's the plan.


 I really spoiled the 1st episode with way too many previews, so from now on I'll try to do something different. For this one, I put together a promo piece of Clara's Place. There's no sex, but its a cool piece of Vault Girls fluff that I wanted to make and share. 

 As for Clara's Place, it's a bar located inside the raider camp. This bar will be in episode 3 (or 4 or both) and is smack dab in the middle of the camp. Clara owns/runs the bar and originally I had her in the prisoner rags, but once I got her in that butched out Vault suit, I had to use it and I even had to drop everything to make a gif (Vault Girl: Clara). What role does she play? When she tells me, I'll tell you...

 I've also included a RAR with some pics from Episode 3. They are somewhat spoilers (mainly the new raider characters in the episode and a few of the scenes) I've decided against including a pic of the new Vault Girl since I wanna keep that a surprise!

Check messages for links!

 Oh, I suspect the next update will be around the 18th letting you know about the deadline...




Please sir, more?


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZrgxHvNNUc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZrgxHvNNUc</a>


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxmVD3M74AM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxmVD3M74AM</a>