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At the end of each Vault Girls episode, I wanna have a preview of the next one, so last night I started working on the scene build for Vault Girls Episode: 3. That episode will take place in a raider/slaver camp.

  This build is very early. I plan to find a few more loli's to toss into the cages, so by the time I get around to actually animating this scene, they should all be full. But, ATM, this is where I'm at with Episode: 3.  Bonus points if you can name all the girls!


To the left is the hanging cages with a few new girls and the new Vault Girl I mentioned, but you'll have to wait for that!



Great, but it looks so hard working. 4 actors? Wow! :)


Looks great! You should have the bad guys wear masks, though. It would make them look more menacing, and cover up using clone dudes. You could make them slightly different colors or styles to differentiate.