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Happy Friday everyone!! Yes, its a Force Friday this week, check it!

Seems like I've been animating force ghosts all week! It feels like that because each scene with the obi-wan ghost takes multiple steps to create. First, I render a scene with obi, then I hide his model and render the same scene again without him. 
After that, I load both scenes into photoshop and play with the transparency to make him a ghost. Unfortunately this takes forever, but I think the result is worth it.

I'm going to take the rest of the month to finish this movie. It should be close to 15 minutes unless I have to cut it short. I still have the Luke scenes to animate as well as the ending. should be go to go by next Friday. 

Its hard to see, but she's getting rammed here..  



Chase the Dragon

Well lets hope Rey's not the bastard child of obiwan or this will need a new incest tag as well lol.