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Episode 2 Update:

Work continues on the Force Inside Episode: 2! I've been putting in alot of time on this one and am expecting it to be much better than the first. The finished clip will (should) be around fifteen minutes long. So far I have about six minutes of animation. It still needs voice work, lip syncing, and fixes, but so far so good.

I hope to have the movie completed by the end of next month, but since I like to release monthly episodes, I think it would be a good idea to release the first half of the movie at the end of this month and then release the full clip next month. Like a part one and part two. 

Pic's from the Set:

Here are some images I snapped while animating. This episode takes place on multiple planets. The first one is...

Tatooine: The story picks up for Rey pretty much where the first episode left off. Her speeder breaks down and she needs a few parts to fix it. Thankfully some Jawa's come along just in time like an ice cream man on a hot day.

Rey meets with the Jawa 

Rey barters with the Jawa 

Rey takes a bath after the Jawa, filthy creatures... 

Star Destroyer: Vaylin continues her interrogations on the remaining Jedi. Also a new villain is introduced..

Vaylin interrogates Anna 

Beniko receives her orders 

Degobah: Rey struggles to learn the ways of the force from the Jedi Masters. 

Rey channels the Force 

Rey gets tested 

Rey gets KO'd 

Endor: (coming soon!)

Rey Barter's with the Jawa:

Here's a very unfinished scene of Rey trading with the Jawa. The clip still needs alot of work but I wanted to share it anyway.


*I plan to have a new workcopy ready for the premium tier on Wednesday!

Have a great weekend everyone!




Good stuff


Thats nice!