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500 Girls Progress Report:

First off I wanna say that I'm going to try to get this clip done this month (or next). The files are eating up my hard drive. 160gigs of renders! If it goes on much longer I'll have to start deleting my porn collection!

So far the movie is just above the 10 and a half minute mark. I've made alot of cuts and remade some scenes and added some new scenes, hopefully I'll have a new workcopy ready after this post (working on it now).

I've animated a ton of Zafina. I really do love this model. After working wih her for so many hours its gonna be sad to finally say goodbye. I've got her final sex scene almost done (pile driver). Ahh I guess I should mention her poses.

Poses: kissing, toes licked, pussy eaten, blowjob, doggy, ride, and pile driver. Thats not including all the transition animations and scenes of her exploring. Where was I? Oh yeah, pile driver, so yeah, I got all those Zafina poses done and am about halfway done with the pile driver. After that I need to animate a few more transition scenes with her and her exit scene, 

For those that don't know, a transition scene, is a scene where its like her walking, or sleeping etc. Basically a scene that transitions into a sex scene. 

I haven't just been working on zafina this whole time either. I have about 6-7 other girls with at least two poses each fully animated, so I have alot already done just waiting to get added. Ahh, I should mention that each girl won't be getting a ton of scenes like Zafina. Zafina gets a ton of scenes to introduce the viewer to the situation. After that, its gonna be nonstop sex scenes with the different girls. 

Stage: 3 Poll Results!

Jodie won, expect her in the movie, nuff said!

Stage: 4 poll:

This poll will be an any model type poll where even popular models like Lara Croft are eligible. I expect this poll to go live sometime this month. In the meantime, leave your suggestions in the comments. No rules this time, if you got a model in mind and have seen animations of her before, leave a comment and I'll pick the ones with the most likes (that I have/can get models for) and make a poll. Ahh, no loli still. I guess there is one rule. The golden rule here on patreon.

New Girl: Yuri

That's her above, such a cutie! You can see her in the old preview (in cryo sleep), but now I've animated some of her scenes. She'll be part of a threesome with last week's newest addition Miya. You can take a peek at one of the scenes here. 

The Silk Tease:

I can't leave you without some video footage, so I put together a quick teaser. This is basically Nick doing his best to try and seduce Zafina. The Silk gets to her and he moves in for the kill...

500 Girls 500 Teaser 

Have a great weekend everyone!

*New workcopy coming soon! And not Soon(tm) either!




Get an external hardrive and move the porn there. You can get a terabyte for 50 bucks or so.

Todd Ferrullo

I am not sure but do not think that she qualifies as loli but is certainly a well used and loved model so how about Marie Rose from Dead or Alive?