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This will be the final update for Star Wars! After working long and hard on this one for about three weeks straight, I have some good news and some bad news. We may as well get the bad news out of the way now.

 First I had to cut the cumshot out of the Rey scene :/ This had to be cut due to time. Next, I had to cancel the 'uncut' version. This wasn't due to time since the scene was already animated and just needed to have the audio and facial features animated. The problem was my poor video editor. I suppose the project was getting to large and complicated for it to handle. I woke up this morning determined to get the Vaylin scene in there without it crashing and thankfully, I did!

 The good news is the the 'movie' will be released tomorrow as planned! The clip is also 15:07 in length!! I do believe this is the longest clip I've ever made and in only (about) three weeks. Sure the clip needs some work here and there, but I'm afraid if I touch anything in the video editor, it'll just crash on me. Overall I think it turned out pretty good, look for the release on Thursday!
