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Voted for by poll. Full version (and sfx alt) downloadable below. Available to the public next month.


She held a grudge. It was a snide, passing judgement about how she looked. Zoey wasn't simply good at holding grudges. To her, letting the hatred boil was simply the first step. The second step was stalking. The perpetrator travelled with the same group as her, yes, but he had a way of pitching his tent a good few paces from the other party members.

The predator-dense wildlife of the Buried Continent was sure to punish him for this, but Zoey didn't want some wandering Minotaur or Shade-hugger to be the one to punish him.

Even if it meant ditching the group to an unknown fate. Even if it meant losing her share of some hypothetical relic, reward or other pay, she would see her grudge through.



