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As Hui finished his tale, the Tier Master sat back. She closed her eyes and breathed out. “So it is as we thought. The Palace Master is in the business of unjustly stealing others’ beasts.”

“Er, was there doubt…?” Hui wondered aloud.

The Tier Master’s eyes snapped open. She narrowed them at Hui.

Hui quickly bowed. “Please excuse this small disciple. I’ve picked up the bad habit of speaking out of turn lately.”

She waved a hand, dismissing him. “As we are beast cultivators, we cannot stand a tyrant who dares to steal beasts thoughtlessly. She could snatch up someone’s bonded beast and cut off a cultivator’s path. As the sect… no. Tier Master, I cannot stand for this.”

“Yes, yes,” Hui said, nodding. It makes sense. It seems petty, but since they’re beast cultivators and their immortality is wrapped up in their beasts’ success as much as their own, it’s understandable.

“That is why…” She clenched her fist. Her brows furrowed.

Hui leaned forward. Is this where she says it? Is this the moment of her declaration of rebellion? History before my eyes!

The Tier Master nodded once, firmly. “… we must make a serious appeal to the Palace Master, with all haste.”

Flabbergasted, Hui stumbled back. That’s all? After all this loudness, the cultivators practically declaring themselves Tseng Caihong’s enemies, hiding from the sect and growing their strength in this secret realm… they’re going to have a serious meeting? A meeting? And talk things through?

Hey, where’s my savage beast cultivators? Where are they? Chef! Someone made a mistake and gave me the wrong flavor! Take it back, and bring the right dish this time!

Hui shook his head at himself. No, no. This is good. Talking like reasonable humans is a rare step for cultivators. I should nurture this. Preserve it. Encourage it. Who knows? If they become prominent, talking to one another might become a popular resolution strategy for future cultivation sects! Less bloodshed, less danger, less death! Yes, yes. This small cultivator approves.

Even if it’s a bit strange to see this come from a beast sect, I still approve!

Ah, no. I’m thinking of this wrong. It isn’t that their first instinct isn’t to fight. It’s just that Tseng Caihong is holding something…perhaps somethings, that are so precious that the sect cannot risk a fight. Because of that, they choose to talk, rather than fight. Fundamentally, their nature is no different from any other sect.

…I can’t support all sects in the future taking hostages. That’s the kind of bloody path that sees my children kidnapped, or, well, at the very least, sees me having to fake getting kidnapped to save my children. No, no. I have to think more on this.

The Tier Master looked at Hui. “You seem to have Tseng Caihong’s favor. You should come with us when we go to speak to her.”

“Ah? I do?” Hui asked, startled.

The Tier Master squinted at him. “Do you not?”

“Er, yes! Yes. I do. Probably,” Hui admitted, not quite sure himself. She stole my snake, but she does seem interested in me. I’m not sure interested is the right word, but… well, something like that. Something like interested. Given her general lack of interest in sect goings-on from what I’ve seen, interest might be a relatively high bar for Tseng Caihong.

She has the eyes that can pierce everything. That means she’s seen it all. Hui nodded to himself. No wonder she seems aloof and uninterested. I’d probably be pretty bored if I saw everything all the time, too.

After a moment, Hui cleared his throat. “Er, Senior, could I ask a favor? That is, if you’re agreeable to rewarding me for my help.”

The Tier Master spread her hands. “If it is within reason.”

“Er, that is, I… could you…” He gritted his teeth, then spat it out all at once. “If I help, could you name me as the number one disciple in the sect?”

Staring at him, the Tier Master blinked slowly, like a cat caught unawares. “Is there such a thing?”

“The Sect Master promised to give me my snake back if I became the number one disciple in the sect,” Hui confessed.

The Tier Master snorted. “Another one of her games… yes. I will.”

Hui breathed a sigh. Alright. That’s one Tier in my favor! Six to go.

Or, well, the Fourth Tier probably would vote for me. Jizhi Zhimei kidnapped me, and she taught me some of her personal technique. She likes me. The Third Tier, the body cultivators… I passed their trial, so I have some points with them. The Second Tier is a problem, since Xi Sanji thinks I’m dead, but Wan Lu seemed to appreciate me. And anyways, I don’t need that pink Xi Sanji’s approval to become the best disciple, anyways!

So that’s four… er, three and a half tiers in the bag. I’ll deduct half a point for the second and third tier combined, since I’m not sure about either of them. After all, Xi Sanji thinks I’m dead, and I did destroy the body cultivators’ trial. I didn’t mean to, but… well, you know. In any case! Three point five out of eight.

Huh. I’m doing better than I thought. Maybe I can become the number one disciple in Eight Tiers Palace, after all.

All I have to do is talk with Tseng Caihong and get her to agree to give the Sacred Beast back.

Hui pressed his lips together. I haven’t even convinced her to give Zhubi back. How on earth am I going to get her to agree to hand the Sacred Beast back? Whatever the Sacred Beast is.

Wait, wait, no. I didn’t get her to hand Zhubi back for nothing, it’s true, but she did agree to hand him back on a condition. And she gave me the condition right away, too. Maybe there’s a condition she’d be willing to accept to hand their Sacred Beast back. It’s worth an ask!

…of course, ordinary cultivators aren’t as humble and reasonable as this small cultivator. I have to hope Tseng Caihong has a condition that the beast cultivators are willing to accept. If not… Hui gritted his teeth. If not, then, then I guess… I guess I’ll have to figure out a way to fulfill the condition on my own! After all, it’s now a barrier between me and Zhubi, and I can’t allow any barriers to block me away from getting my precious snake back!

He looked at the Tier Master. “Er, if I may…”

She gestured for him to go ahead.

Hui cleared his throat. “Er, what is the Sacred Beast?”

Lao Hu growled, deep in its throat. It stood, its bulk filling the massive tent, and stretched its paws, baring massive claws.

Startled, Hui backed toward the door, instantly shivering with his whole body. What? What did I do wrong? I’m sorry! I apologize! Do tigers eat dead men? They probably do, right? Oh no, oh no! Tier Master, save me!

Wait. Tigers don’t eat vegetables! Hui quickly cycled to his plant form. Okay. Now I should be able to safely play dead.

The Tier Master raised her hand. Lao Hu looked at it, then fell silent. Giving Hui a baleful look, it lowered itself heavily back to the earth.

She turned to Hui. “The Sacred Beast is a white tiger cub, born with pale stripes and red eyes. Lao Hu’s only precious child.”

Hui’s eyes widened. He sucked a slow breath. Oh. Ohhhhh. No wonder the entire tier is pissed. Kidnapping a baby animal? And not only that, but the Tier Master’s personal beast’s cub? Tseng Caihong might as well have kicked the entire tier in the nuts. Why would she do that?

Never mind my reward. Now I’m curious. Why did she do this? Why intentionally anger the tier to this extent? Hui straightened his robes and drew himself to his full height. “You can trust me, Tier Master. Send me to Tseng Caihong. I’ll do everything I can to return Lao Hu’s precious child.”

The Tier Master nodded slowly, blinking languidly like her tiger. “I wish you good fortune.” She waved her hand, opening a rift in space.

Hui took a deep breath. Tseng Caihong, here I come!


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