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“An imposter!” the cultivator shouted, pointing at Hui.

Instantly, a barrier burst up around him. The physical restraint grew heavier, slamming him flat to the floor. With his intentionally-lowered cultivation, he couldn’t even fight back.

Ahhh, how was I supposed to guess they’d have a cultivator who checked to see if I was wearing a disguise by checking my skin, specifically? Although it’s a perfect disguise in almost all ways, the snakeskin disguise technique does leave the faintest impression of a snakeskin on my skin! Examining my skin in close detail is a way to see through it, but the cultivator would have to be at nearly my level to succeed—

No, no! I’ve made a horrible mistake! Such an incredible, horrible mistake! After all this time of using the snakeskin disguise with no one seeing through it, I assumed it was a perfect disguise while I knew it had a flaw, at the same time! But I always used it in scenarios in which no one examined me closely. It was reasonable to expect that the sect wouldn’t examine me closely… but it should have also been reasonable to expect that they would! Hubris, this was sheer hubris!

To make such a mistake after all this time… Bai Xue must have been getting to me! Always trying to instill that confidence heart demon in me… tsk! And I gave in for a moment, and believed in my skills! I can’t. I can’t ever do that! Wrong, wrong, wrong, far too wrong! This small Hui has strayed from the light! How will I ever forgive myself?

Hui took a deep breath, settling his mind. Alright. Alright. I can still work with this. I still have a chance!

He looked up defiantly at the cultivators restraining him. “That’s right. I’m not Li Weiqi! I took his place! I disguised myself so you wouldn’t kidnap the right child! You fell into my trap!”

“Oh…?” An imposing female cultivator walked over, exerting her pressure.

Hui quavered, pressed into the earth with his cultivation lowered to such an extent. Ugh. This weight… she must be seventh or eighth stage! Even at full strength, I couldn’t guarantee a win. I have to talk my way out of this. It’s the only way! If I don’t succeed, my little life will be in danger, grave danger!

While he screamed in fear internally, externally, Hui put on a brave face. “That’s right. I, Gui Hui, son of Gui Yutong, have fooled all of you! You were all fooled by a mere disciple such as myself! Ha! Is this the extent of Eight Tiers Palace?”

What is Gui Yutong’s child’s name? Is it a son or a daughter? Does Eight Tiers Palace know? Please tell me they don’t!

The female cultivator frowned. She looked at her men. “Gui Yutong…?”

Ah! Excellent. They don’t know her!

“No idea. Perhaps some All-Heavens disciple…?” one of the men responded.

Wait, wait! They don’t know her! Shit!

Hui laughed aloud. “You don’t know Gui Yutong? The Gui Yutong, daughter of the previous Sect Master of All-Heavens Sect? Hmph! What a lowly sect this is!”

“You dare call Eight Tiers Palace lowly? You, the child of an unknown cultivator…?” the female cultivator asked haughtily. She waved her hand, and Hui’s lips sealed.

Hui pursed his lips. Hopefully that was enough. Come on, someone! Surely you knew the name of the Sect Master? You were studying All-Heavens Sect, right?

One of her men nudged her. “Tian Honghua, I’ve remembered now. The previous Sect Master Gui Delun did have a beloved daughter named Gui Yutong. I believe… yes, her child was on our list of cultivators to kidnap. Lower than Li Xiang and Bai Xue’s children, but not by much.”

“Hmm. Yes, yes. I remember now. So… he’s still a valuable hostage, just not the hostage we wanted.” Tian Honghua sighed. “And to think, Gu Liyuan died for this…”

One of the cultivators flicked his sleeve. The barrier vanished. Stepping forward, he grabbed Hui roughly by the hair and pulled.

“Ow, ow, ow—” Hui mumbled through his sealed lips.

The snakeskin came free. Hui appeared from underneath, blinking wide-eyed in the sun.

Aha! Good thing I’m small me. If I’d somehow managed to disguise myself as a child while hiding my adult body underneath, everything would be over already! But instead—instead, I’ve claimed to be a child, and they’ve found a child! If they don’t know who Gui Yutong is, there’s no way they can know what her child looks like. Indeed, my plan is flawless!

Tian Honghua waved her hand. Hui’s mouth unsealed. He drew a long breath, grateful to have his mouth back. Good, good. My mouth is one of my primary assets! Now I can both attack, by inflicting heart demons, and defend, by deflecting their questions! Excellent. I’ve overcome the most major hurdles, and still given Eight Tiers Palace the hostage they want.

Although my plan didn’t go flawlessly, neither did it fail! In the end, I’m still Eight Tiers Palace’s hostage. And—and in a way, it went better than expected! After all, now, if Li Weiqi or Bai Xingxue are seen outside the sect, there’s no reason for Eight Tiers Palace to become suspicious! As for Gui Yutong’s child… well, they didn’t know enough about her to know what the child was supposed to look like, or its gender. If they see Gui Yutong’s child, would they be able to recognize them as who I’m supposed to be? Even if they know it’s Gui Yutong’s child, they might assume that child is my sibling!

Excellent, excellent. Better than expected! It got dangerous for a moment there, but now I’m home free! Internally, Hui beamed, while externally, he stared up at Tian Honghua with nervous defiance.

She leaned down, scowling at him. She looked him up and down, then waved her hand, undoing the restraints. Reaching into her robes, she offered him a small crystal ball. “I sense that you already have cultivation… but every young cultivator who enters the sect must take a test of their potential. Please lay your hand on this orb.”

Ah… I remember this. I did this back when I first joined this world, when I was called to take the test to enter Starbound Sect. Hui sighed internally, good mood crushed. I remember I barely called forth a spark in the ball, my talent absolutely tiny. The test’s administrators even missed it, and it took me years to sense qi…

Ah, well. Here goes nothing. Somewhat morosely, he laid his palm on the ball.

Light burst out from the center of the ball. The entire ball glowed, bright as the sun. The light grew brighter and brighter, whiting out the teleportation pad.


The light vanished. The ball laid in two, split apart in Tian Honghua’s hand.

Flabbergasted, Tian Honghua stared at Hui. From all sides, the cultivators backed away subtly, startled.

“What kind of monstrous talent…” Tian Honghua muttered to herself.

Whoops. I’m seventh stage. No matter what that ball measures, by now, I have enough to absolutely obliterate any early-stage cultivators! And… er, it seems like, whatever it measures… my cultivation suppression wasn’t enough to hold it down! Oh no, oh no.

Hui licked his lips. He bowed nervously, edging away from Tian Honghua. “Er, I won’t have to pay for that, will I…?”



Ah, yes hui. It must be your cultivation stage. It couldn't possibly be that you remade your own body and soul from the ground up multiple times and basically reincarnated Yourself with the ideal body for your techniques. Nothing of the sort.