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A low, round building stood before them. The reaper looked at Hui. “There aren’t many weapons inside. Go inside and—”

“And pick my fated weapon?” Hui asked, excited. This is it! The moment when the hero chooses his constant companion, his weapon that sits at his side for the rest of the journey! The moment—

“I was going to say ‘take whatever looks good to you,’” the reaper said, giving him a look. “There’s nothing special in there. Just a few dusty old swords and… other things that have accumulated over the centuries.”

“Eh? But your sword—”

“Is imbued with the authority of the Underworld.” The reaper rested a hand on its hilt. “Look closely. It’s an ordinary sword.”

Imbued with the authority—ptui! So in the end, all we underworldlings can do is borrow Zhu Diyu’s power, Hui surmised. He pursed his lips. Not that I had any incredible swordmight or anything, but it’s cheating, isn’t it? Cheating! I would never clutch a golden… thigh… like that…

Okay, I would, I totally would! But it rubs me wrong this time. Probably because… he’s forcing it on me, rather than me blatantly stealing it from someone else!

He looked at the reaper. “Is Zhu Diyu an Immortal? No, I mean… a special one. A godlike being.”

“What the mortals call gods, we call Immortals. There is no difference,” the reaper intoned.

En, understood. It’s that sort of world, then. Hui nodded. He stepped forward, heading into the round building.

As the reaper had said, it was nothing special. Old swords hung on the wall. A few spears piled up in one corner. A bow laid crookedly on a shelf, abandoned half-off it. Coiled up on the floor, a whip twined around a few more esoteric weapons, morningstars and chain-daggers and the likes.

No scythe? Well, I guess it is farm equipment. It’s pretty unrefined, when you think about it. He circled, biting his lip. Nothing particularly magical. Ugh. I guess I should… pick a sword? I have no karma with the sword, but I’ve at least studied sword arts before. And I have the talisman-assisted form of the Seven Steps… or one or two of them, anyways. I can always make more talismans, so it’s not as if picking a weapon makes a big difference in my fighting style one way or another…

“Hurry it up,” the reaper called.

Hui’s eyes landed on an item packed away in the corner, leaning dustily against the wall. He licked his lips. “Elder Sister…”


“The power of reaping is bestowed by Zhu Diyu, right? So the weapon we choose doesn’t matter. No matter what we pick, a single touch will send souls to the underworld,” Hui said.

“That’s correct,” the reaper agreed, with a note of warning in her voice.

Hui picked up a seven-plumed fan, shaking off the dust. He grinned. “I don’t even need a blade, right?”

“Technically, no,” the reaper said, narrowing her eyes.

“I’ve chosen!” Hui said, stepping out of the round building. He held the plumed fan high. Seven long feathers stretched from a feathered base, and a wrapped handle stretched from the bottom. The seven feathers wiggled.

The reaper blinked.

Hui smiled at her.

“Think about the majesty of the reaper,” the reaper said, crossing her arms.

Hui bowed at her. “Sincerely, Elder Sister, Elder Sister said I could pick whatever I wanted. I want this.”

“You’re going to reap souls with a feather fan?” she asked, cocking her eyebrow.

“I can, right?” Hui said, tipping his head.

“You can…”

“So I will,” Hui said, nodding.

The reaper frowned at him. “Aren’t you supposed to be a coward?”

“Elder Sister, what isn’t cowardly about this? I can’t even bare to lift a blade. I only dare use a harmless fan such as this!” Hui said earnestly, offering the fan with both hands. He stroked the feathers lightly. Soft… it’s very comforting. I like it.

“Are you sure? You can’t choose again,” the reaper warned him.

Hui blinked up at her with big, innocent eyes. “Elder Sister, I’m going to gently send souls to the Underworld with this beautiful soft feathered fan.”

The reaper pressed a hand to her forehead. “I’m so tired.”

“Let’s go!”

“Go where?” the reaper asked.

Hui nodded. “Go reap souls. That’s our job, right?”

The reaper paused. “That’s true. It is your first day… there’s no need to hold back. Let’s take a trip to the mortal realm.”

Hui nodded. Yes! Let’s go! To the mortal realm! I need to meet my children!

“The Eastern Alliance is at war with the Northern Lands right now. There are a great many souls attempting to remain in the mortal realm for their own petty reasons. We’ll head to the border of the Eastern and Northern regions,” the reaper declared.

Hui startled. But that’s so far from the Southern Sect Conference!

The reaper laughed at him. “You want to go visit your family, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” Hui said confidently.

She shook her head. “We can’t have you mixing your personal desires with the work of the Underworld. The Underworld must be impartial.”

“Why?” Hui asked.


“Why does it have to be impartial?”

“Because that’s what Zhu Diyu decided,” the reaper said, crossing her arms.

Hui frowned. “Surely I’m not banned from the Southern Sect Conference forever.”

“No, no. In a thousand years or so, I’m sure Zhu Diyu will approve you returning to your homeland,” the reaper said, nodding.

No one can approve me returning to my homeland. My homeland is in another world. Hui’s frown deeper. Putting that aside, I can’t wait for a thousand years. Bai Xue and Li Xiang are one thing. They’re both unparalleled experts in their own right. They’ll almost certainly still be alive in a thousand years, though they might be at the end of their lifespans. But my children… I have no idea what their potential is! It doesn’t matter to me if they never become more than mortal, but they’ll be nine hundred years dead by the time I’m allowed to enter the Southern Sect Conference if I follow Zhu Diyu’s rules!

…Not that I’m planning to stay dead for a thousand years. No, no. But it might take me a hundred years to get out of here. I need to figure out a way to get back to the Southern Sect Conference as fast as possible!

“I’m sure you’re thinking useless things, so I’ll go ahead and tell you to stop now. Zhu Diyu granted you this body, and he can take it away at a moment’s whim. You’ll be no more than those wandering souls,” the reaper said, turning.

Hui followed her gaze. The disparate souls and lost ghosts wandered the empty plain, eyes blank, feet limp. His eyes narrowed.

Ah, I understand. These souls aren’t here for the souls’ benefit. They’re here to remind the workers what could be.

Hui nodded slowly. “I understand, Elder Sister.”

She tossed her hair. “If you understand, then follow me. I’ll teach you how to reap souls.”

“How do we get to the mortal realm?” Hui asked, curious.

“Are you thinking useless things again?”

Hui shook his head. “No, no, never, Elder Sister! But surely I’ll go on solo missions?”

She snorted. “Quietly follow me for now. If you can’t figure it out, I’ll teach you later.”

Hui nodded. I’ll keep my eyes open, then!

Ah, wait. Teach me? She’s actually going to teach me something? That… that’s so nice of her! I haven’t been taught since… Ma… Master taught me the Lightning Palm! Hui pressed a hand over his lips. He sniffed. “Elder Sister, you’re… so nice!”

The reaper blinked at him. This child is not right in the head. She coughed. “This way.” Marching off, she headed off into the darkness.

Hui tucked the feather fan into his belt and followed.


Ibn Nuh

Honestly I hope we get a chapter for Hui's funeral


Cant really blame them, especially since he probably *will* inexplicably just wake up one day...