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At long last, Hui made it back to his room. Rather than meditate, he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes. I’m too tired. I think what I need tonight… is a full night’s rest!

It only took a few moments after his eyes shut for him to fall asleep. For the first time in a long time, Hui slept.

In his dream, he sat on the porch of a run-down apartment. His thin t-shirt blew in the wind. Cars blew by, leaving the air choked with exhaust. The summer sun burned down, beating on his head and shoulders. He rubbed the back of his neck, as if he could rub the sunburn away. Lifting his head, he squinted up at the sky.

If I could fly, wouldn’t that be great? I’d fly away from here and never come back. Leave my dad and the debt behind. Start over.

“Kid! Get in here!” a gruff voice shouted.

Reluctantly, he stood and turned toward the door. At the door, he paused and stared up at the sky again.

Why… do I feel like I could fly?

“Because you could,” Yunxu declared, walking up beside him. He crossed his arms and stared up at the sky as well.

Hui blinked, startled. A car rushed by, sending his robes into a flurry. Hui stared at his hands, flipping them over. I’m wearing these, now? What’s happening? This is where I spent my first life. I shouldn’t be…

“You could. And you still can.” Yunxu offered his hand to Hui. His eyes glittered with a dark, greedy light. “Come with me. We’ll conquer this fresh world.”

“Er, you’re… you’re really asking the wrong guy, here,” Hui muttered, backing away.

Yunxu grabbed Hui’s arm. “Come with me. We can destroy it all. Remake it in our own image.”

“No, no, Senior, please…” Hui shied away.

Ignoring his protests, Yunxu marched out into the street, dragging Hui after him. “We’ll bring this world to its knees and plunder its riches for our—”

A horn blared. Yunxu turned, eyes wide.

Hui twisted free. Not again! I won’t be isekai’d a second time!

Yunxu turned, slightly confused by Hui fleeing. Turning back to the car, he raised his hand and laughed. “This small beast—”

The car slammed into Yunxu and sent him flying. He rolled off into the sky, transforming into a blur of red and black robes. He struck the ground and tumbled, down the hill and past the street corner, far enough that Hui knew he shouldn’t have been able to see him in such detail. As he came to a halt, he raised a bloodied arm and pointed at Hui. “Avenge me…”

Hui jolted awake. He wiped sweat off his forehead and sat up, frowning. You know what, never mind. I don’t think I need sleep that badly. At least my meditation doesn’t get hijacked by some weird dream about Yunxu entering my world.

Although… doesn’t that raise a question? Would Yunxu still have his cultivation in my world? Is there such a thing as cultivation in my world? Is it possible to cultivate, or to have a cultivation? I never met any cultivators, and magic was generally considered pure fiction, but maybe they simply hid themselves away…?

I just don’t know. It’s not as if the loan sharks were hanging out with cultivators. In any case… ugh. Hui rubbed his eyes and stretched, shaking his head. What a terrible dream.

He climbed to his feet and straightened his robes and hair, not used to having to fix himself after the night anymore. Quietly, he laughed at himself. Should I brush my teeth, too? Ah, I’m not sad to leave that behind. It’s wonderful how cultivators don’t have to worry about mortal ailments like cavities.

Pale morning light spilled through the narrow window in his room, a brilliant white-blue. Stretching, Hui let out a yawn and wandered out into the hallway. What patients do I have right now? I think… right, just that incestuous brother, Wu Fanyun. Ah, and his elder sister, who’s looking for someone to warm her bed that isn’t her incestuous brother. Hui chuckled under his breath. I wonder if she’s so desperate because her possessive brother won’t let her go? Now that he's incapacitated for a moment, it’s her chance to go out and have some fun!

…Ah, no. That’s actually possible, isn’t it? That’s… kind of depressing. Hui put a hand to his chin, then sighed and shook his head. Oh well. All she is, is my ticket to All Heaven Sect. Remember that, Hui. Don’t get attached. This is a business transaction. A business transaction!

No… that’s worse, isn’t it? I don’t want to be like the loan sharks. Even if it hurts in the end… I’d rather care about her as a person. After all, it isn’t like she’s committed any crimes or hurt anyone I care about. Almost subconsciously, he lifted his hand to check on Zhubi. The snake hissed back, half-asleep himself.

Hui cocked his head to look down at Zhubi. “You haven’t taken human form recently. Is everything okay?”

Zhubi hesitated, then bobbed his head, wiggling his tail-tip reassuringly.

“You just don’t want to?” Hui guessed.

Zhubi bobbed again, nodding.

“Well, it’s your choice, I suppose,” Hui said, shrugging. Zhubi could be hundreds of meters long, too, but he prefers to stay small. If it’s his personal preference to live his life as a small snake, I won’t stop him.

Ah… could it be? Did Ying Lin traumatize him? He loves to be carried, so maybe… he’s afraid Ying Lin will force him to walk if she’s around and he’s in human form? Hui tilted his head. “I’ll carry you in human form, too. I don’t mind.”

Zhubi hissed back and settled down around Hui’s neck. He closed his eyes.

“Well, it is the most convenient way to carry you. I can’t argue that,” Hui replied, chuckling.

He turned the corner, and Wu Fanyun stood there, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. He glared at Hui, then harrumphed and turned away. “I’ll ignore it, just this time.”

“Elder Brother, you can’t one-sidedly decide something like that,” Hui replied, clasping his hands together. He smiled at Wu Fanyun. “Treatment is expensive, you know?”

Your sister paid part of the price, but dammit, after the way you treated me, I’m not going to let you go that easily! Hui thought, narrowing his eyes slightly as his smile widened.

Wu Fanyun scowled. “I never asked…”

“Is this how you repay a life-debt? I saved your life, and you thank me by spitting in my face?” Hui asked, giving Wu Fanyun a discomfited look, as if he truly believed that. Say whatever you want, but give me something first! A treasure, spirit stones, I’m not picky, but I’m not putting up with you mouthing off at me for nothing!

Grimacing, Wu Fanyun reached into his robes and threw a bag at Hui. “There. Sister! It’s time for us to go.”

Hui caught the bag. He quickly opened it and scanned the insides, smiling when he confirmed the glistening spirit stones inside. Wonderful, wonderful. Ah, I love the feeling of receiving money. Much better than the sensation of it slipping out of my hands!

Gui Yutong emerged from her room, a slight furrow in her brows. “Already? Aren’t you ill? We should stay until you’re fully healed.”

Wu Fanyun strode over to her and put her hand against his chest. “Feel the flow of my qi. I’m perfectly healthy.”

Closing her eyes, Gui Yutong exaimined him. Reluctantly, she shook her head. “You are healed. Indeed, the healer is impressive!”

Eh? Why does Elder Sister seem disappointed? Hui wondered.

“Let’s go,” Wu Fanyun declared, heading for the door.

Gui Yutong dug in her heels, slowing him. She reached into her robes and tossed him a small jade plaque. “I’ll contact you through that when I’m ready!”

“Small cultivator understands,” Hui replied. He snatched the jade plaque out of the air and tucked it into his robes. This way, she can notify me when the selection trials for All-Heavens Sect begin.

“What did you give him?” Wu Fanyun demanded.

“Nothing.” With a last, long glance at the door to the back gardens, Gui Yutong followed Wu Fanyun out.

Hui sighed out the second the door closed. Excellent! Not only am I free of that sis-con, but I also have a route to All-Heavens Sect and a bag full of spirit stones! Wonderful, wonderful.

“Master… who were they?” Ying Lin asked, yawning and stretching as she wandered over to him.

“A couple of patients,” Hui replied.

“Do you have any more of those dumplings?” Ying Lin asked.

Dumplings? Ah—the ones I gave her when I had her temporarily from Sectgoer and was trying to spoil her. Hui shook his head. “Unfortunately, they’re very expensive and only available a few times a year.”

Ying Lin pouted, but only for a second. She turned toward the back garden. “I saw you had a large yard in the rear of the complex. Can I practice my sword skills there?”

“Yes, but… be mindful of the lotus beasts,” Hui warned her.

“Not to worry, Master! I won’t hurt a one,” Ying Lin pledged.

“Good, because if you do… they’re dangerous creatures with a terrifyingly powerful life force. If they start attacking you, run away immediately and come get me!” Hui said, nodding.

Ying Lin laughed. “Aren’t they barely the equivalent of third realm in strength?”

Hui shook his head sternly. “Don’t underestimate them, Ying Lin. You’d be startled of what a lotus beast can accomplish when it’s truly motivated! Besides, aren’t you third realm?”

Ying Lin shook her head. She flexed her biceps and grinned. “I broke through last night! I’m fourth realm, now!”

“Oh… then you should start practicing flying on your own, too! Use Gu Tian, he can step in and levitate if you start to lose control,” Hui instructed.

“Yes! I’ll go get to work,” Ying Lin said, excited. She bounded off, practically skipping toward the back yard.

Hui looked after her and shook his head. How long has she been in the cultivation world? A week? Two? And she’s already fourth realm? Nearly caught up to me.

People call me a genius… ha! That’s what a true genius looks like, Hui thought, twisting his lips. He shook his head. No, no, it’s rude to all the true geniuses to call this small cultivator a genius. I know my place! I’ll have to make sure I express myself clearly in the future, and refrain from bragging. I don’t want to accidentally show off to another Ying Lin equivalent… that is, another true genius! How terribly embarrassing would that be?


Robert Mullins

Early chapter? Sweet. And my theory that Ying Lin will be the key to winning against all heavens and the most powerful force on their side just got more likely. I suspect she'll be joining him in the sect. Since they did say the minimum is fourth realm.

Refined Spark

Ying Lin is definitely going to crush All Heavens then ascend, while Hui talks about how hes not a genius. While this happens everyone else coughs blood

Robert Mullins

I'm thinking Ying Lin will be made a personal disciple of Gui Delun.

Robert Mullins

Hui: "I'm no genius. It'll probably be years or even decades before I have a chance to ascend."


Am picturing master weiheng and ying lin shaking their heads watching Hui from heaven