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Hui fled at top speed, robes ragged and bloody. Li Xiang carried a pathetic Ying Lin behind him, all of them huddling together as they flew. Hui looked over his shoulder, then grit his teeth and jumped out in front of Li Xiang and Ying Lin. His sword clashed with a huge saber, and yellow petals swirled on the air.

“You won’t get away, you scum! Your Perfect Sword Technique belongs to me!” Lu Xubo declared, shouting a little louder than absolutely necessary.

“Li Xixi, go! I’ll protect you!” Hui shouted back. He panted. Blood ran down his face, and his limbs trembled with exhaustion, but he still managed to hold out against Lu Xubo’s powerful strike.

“Xiao… Xiaoxiao, I’ll go,” Li Xiang said flatly, tripping over her line. Unlike Hui’s passionate acting, she delivered the line stiffly and without feeling. She glanced at Hui, waiting for the next line.

Argh! I should’ve given Li Xiang the non-speaking role, damnit! I knew she couldn’t lie, but for it to extend to acting… argh! If only we had more time to test it…

Too late to correct his mistake, Hui swallowed and went on with the show. He glared at Lu Xubo and lifted his sword. “I… I might not be able to stop you, but I’ll at least keep you from obtaining the Peerless Sword Art!”

“The Peerless Sword Art is mine!” Lu Xubo shouted, but his words came out somewhat bored. His attacks, on the other hand, flew with their usual weight and deadly precision. Hui desperately blocked. Even relying on his fifth-stage cultivation’s speed and occasional barrier talismans, he still accumulated wounds over his body.

Fuck! I know I told him to fight for real, since they might have a sword expert of their own who’d be able to tell whether we fought for real or not, but this is too much! Couldn’t you hold back a little, Elder Brother? Hui screamed silently, his arms aching as they flashed left and right to block Lu Xubo’s blows.

Eyes slightly maddened, Lu Xubo launched another flurry of blows. Yellow petals rained down on Hui, and a sweet scent filled the air. A low chuckle escaped his throat. As he attacked, he muttered to himself, “Die, for daring to touch my Li Xiang!”

Hey! Hey now! That’s not part of the script! Elder Brother, now is not the time for your inevitable betrayal, okay?

Using all his strength, Hui blocked Lu Xubo’s blow… or so it appeared, anyways. Lu Xubo, like the rest of Li Xiang’s followers, had appeared to only be at fourth stage, and fighting him, Hui could tell he wasn’t disguising his cultivation. Honestly, it’s impressive that Li Xiang and her followers have managed to hold out for so long, with Wang Xiu out searching for them. I imagine they would have been caught long ago, if not for Li Xiang’s extraordinary strength and the help of the mysterious senior in the secret realm.

Honestly… I should be thankful that he’s only fourth-realm! Lu Xubo isn’t Li Xiang, but he’s clearly sought the path of the sword for much longer than myself. Beating him should be child’s play… okay, well, if I used my full strength and my talismans, it would be. But the fact that he’s able to scrape my skin is impressive! …or would be, if I wasn’t in the soft-skinned plant form, and only had a small fraction of my true cultivation in this clone.

…He’s basically just a normal fourth-stage cultivator with some nice swordplay, huh.

Hui shook his head, suddenly much less impressed by Lu Xubo. So it seems being a sword cultivator isn’t all there is to fighting above one’s level. One must be an extraordinary sword cultivator, like Li Xiang, to pull that off. When it comes to Lu Xubo and his ilk… even this humble cultivator can defeat him.

Hmm, I wonder if I could beat Li Xiang’s entire six-color squad? I have a squad of clones myself, after all…

No, no, no, Hui. What am I thinking? Even if I can crush them, what about their families, clans, sects? There’s no guarantee there isn’t an expert somewhere in their lineage. Step softly. Unless they provoke me, there’s no need to go around beating people up!

Was I infected by Wang Xiu’s hot-bloodedness? What a dangerous thought!

Scowling, Lu Xubo hammered down at Hui. “You’re stronger than you look! But I’ll break through that guard!”

“Li Xixi, run!” Hui shouted, pretending to falter under Lu Xubo’s blows.

Li Xiang nodded and flew off at a pedestrian pace, a pace even a mortal would struggle to not pass. Hui resisted the urge to put a hand to his forehead. Can’t I get at least one good actor in this world?

Right on cue, as Li Xixi flew ever-so-slowly away from Hui and Lu Xubo’s fight, the treasured ship floated past behind her. She glanced at Hui, tilting her head.

Yes, yes, now is the time! Go! Say it!

Li Xiang gave him a blank look.

Did you forget your line? Ah, dammit, there’s a limit to these things! Hui cleared his throat. “Li Xixi, please! You have to get away! Someone should save you.

Li Xiang’s eyes lit up. “Ah, can’t anyone save us?” Carrying Ying Lin, who continued to dramatically lie limp in her arms, she flew toward the ship.

A few people standing on the deck looked up, but no one moved. Hui scowled. Come on. Aren’t you righteous cultivators? Don’t tell me you’re all hypocrites like Wang Xiu! Save that beautiful girl right in front of you!

Lu Xubo swung his sword. Seeing an opportunity, Hui threw himself backward with the swing, crying out. He flew past Li Xiang and plummeted toward the ship, his eyes flickering shut. “No, Li Xixi…”

Confused, Lu Xubo looked at his sword. “I didn’t swing that hard,” he muttered under his breath.

Hey, can Elder Brother stop it with the extraneous remarks? Hui grumbled.

At last, a soft female voice sounded out. “Save them.”

The cultivators aboard the ship instantly leaped into the air. One moved to catch Hui, while another gently took Li Xiang’s hand and led her toward the ship’s deck. Eyes closed in supposed unconsciousness, Hui sighed, satisfied in a job well done. We did it!

The rest of the cultivators rushed toward Lu Xubo. Wasting no time, Lu Xubo turned and fled. Yellow blossoms rained down behind him, and a thick floral scent filled the air. As he left, he shouted, “Fine! You can take her today. But I’ll be back for her later!”

That’s not in the script! What if they throw us off the ship for being a danger to Chen Xigui’s beloved, huh? Hui shouted silently, but then sighed. Oh well. At least we’re on the ship. Step one is completed. We handle things one step at a time from here.

“You don’t get Li Xi…xi to yourself for too long,” Lu Xubo snarled as he vanished off into the distance.

Yes, yes, go on. Ah, it’s so nice to run off the flies that gather around Li Xiang… Now she isn’t surrounded by that annoying multicolored squad, and I’ve finally got that petal bastard off her, too, Hui thought, sighing to himself. I worry about her. If they have secondary intentions, she might not notice, because she’s so straightforward herself.

I’m not Ying Lin, though. There’s no reason to suspect that mysterious senior of lusting after her, for example.

Hui shifted, pretending to rouse as they reached the ship. He fumbled at the air and tried to jump to his feet, and the cultivator helping Hui to the deck took his hand. “Here, here.”

Hui took the man’s hand and climbed upright, then turned and smiled. “Thanks to Elder Brother for—”

Ji Taiyu smiled back at him. “It was nothing, nothing at all.”

Hui’s eyes flew open. Ji Taiyu? What’s a third-stage rogue cultivator doing on board a ship like this? How did he get tangled up in this mess?

Wait, where’s Bao Huli?

“Master, I’ve retrieved them,” Bao Huli said, her voice soft and sweet. She hurried over to Ji Taiyu’s side and gazed lovingly up at him, waiting for his praise.

“You’ve done well,” Ji Taiyu praised her.

Bao Huli blushed and turned slightly away. Even though her tail was hidden, Hui could almost see it swishing behind her. “Disciple doesn’t deserve such praise.”

What ‘doesn’t deserve!’ You practically came up to him begging for it! Besides, can such a simple praise really be something someone doesn’t deserve? He basically said ‘good job’ and patted you on the head!

Eh. If he actually patted her on the head, Bao Huli’s ears might pop out from happiness.

In any case, I’d better keep my eye on this fox. She’s completely unreliable, a total pig teammate! Running away when I was injured last time… tch! I can’t count on her at all.

“We are grateful,” Li Xiang said, cupping her hands to Bao Huli and Ji Taiyu.

Ji Taiyu pushed a bottle of pills into Hui’s hands, then quickly stuffed one into Li Xiang’s hands as well. “Heal up, heal up. That must have been frightening. Don’t worry, you’re safe here.”

“I was so worried you wouldn’t come help us,” Hui confessed, while watching Ji Taiyu’s reaction. After all, Ji Taiyu is an old-fashioned righteous idiot—I mean, cultivator. He wouldn’t let people die for no reason.

Ji Taiyu shook his head. “It’s simply that the cargo we’re transporting is too precious. I must put it first.”

“Oh?” Hui asked, as if he didn’t know.

“Ji Taiyu! Watch your tongue,” one of the other cultivators barked.

On closer inspection, all the other cultivators aside from Ji Taiyu and Bao Huli wore the same robes. Their robes were faded and old, clearly not in their best shape. The strongest few among the entourage had cultivation bases at the fourth stage, though most remained at third.

“Ah, I apologize,” Ji Taiyu said, bowing.

“We’re grateful to sir for providing his treasured ship, but please, be mindful of hidden dangers,” the second cultivator said, glancing at Hui, Li Xiang, and the slowly reviving Ying Lin. Unlike Li Xiang, Ying Lin committed to her role, and blinked around blearily at the world as she ‘woke up.’

Hmm, let me guess what happened. Ji Taiyu somehow acquired a treasured ship due to that luck of his. As he flew along, he encountered the beloved’s party. Seeing as they’re ragged and worn, they seem to be from a small, weak sect, not the kind who can provide a treasured ship for travel. Being a righteous man, Ji Taiyu naturally offered to carry them to their destination in relative safety, and as Bao Huli and Ji Taiyu both seem to have weak cultivations, they had no reason to refuse.

Ah, I miscalculated. I thought they’d be a rich sect since they had a treasured ship—I didn’t expect a poor sect, who would see me and Li Xiang as serious threats, even if I suppressed my cultivation to fourth stage. Although, thinking about it, it makes sense. The beloved is the one who pressured Chen Xigui into marriage, sight unseen. If she was in a good place, she wouldn’t have to clutch so desperately at strings. I thought it was merely because she looked elderly and had an illness, but, well… the cultivation world takes all types! If she truly wanted to marry anyone with some power, I’m sure she could find someone willing to marry her, as long as she had money and backing. But with no money, no backing, and her unfortunate circumstances… truly, Chen Xigui may be her only chance to marry well!

Should I commend her for her negotiation skills? How unfortunate, then, that Chen Xigui is such scum! Though… if he didn’t have a flaw, I doubt he would’ve agreed to her conditions. In the end, it’s an unfortunate situation one way or another.

Hui coughed weakly, spitting up a bit of blood. “As you can see, Elder Brothers, we’re no threat.”

Li Xiang’s brow twitched. Hui glanced at her. Say nothing. Say nothing!

He coughed again. “Could we ride with you to safety? We won’t stay long. It’s just that… if we go out again…” He gazed off the ship to the horizon where Lu Xubo had vanished and trembled slightly.

“Naturally,” Ji Taiyu said. He reached into his robes. “Do you need more pills?”

“No, no, small cultivator is fine,” Hui said quickly. If I take much more from Ji Taiyu, I’ll feel like Song Weilai! It’s too easy to take advantage of this man!

“Ji Taiyu,” the fourth stage cultivator said warningly. He bore the appearance of a sect elder of some sort, in long, flowing robes, a long, white beard, and long, white hair.

“I cannot turn my back to either of you. However, I pledge that I will do my utmost to keep you all safe,” Ji Taiyu said.

The sect elder frowned. “They’re fourth stage. What can a third stage like you do?”

Ji Taiyu glanced at Bao Huli. She glanced up, startled. A warm smile spread over his face. “I’m sure I’ll find a way.”

Bao Huli moved to his side. “Does Master need something?”

“No, no,” Ji Taiyu assured her gently.

Hui squinted. Come to think of it, Ji Taiyu’s cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds since I last saw him a few days ago. It hasn’t improved much, but for the time we were apart, it’s remarkable. Is dual-cultivating with a fifth stage fox beast so beneficial?

He glanced at Bao Huli, to find her scowling at him. She quickly turned away and disguised her expression, but under her breath, she muttered, “So many uglies intruding on my love nest with Master… hmph!”

Hui pressed his lips together. Could it be? Is this treasured ship less the result of Ji Taiyu’s luck and more a concerted effort on Bao Huli’s part?

Er… anyways. Let’s not think about it too much.

A faint voice echoed out from deep in the ship. “I would like to meet our new guests.”

“Ya Ai? Are you sure?” the elder asked.

No more sound emanated from the ship. The elder reluctantly stepped back, gesturing for the three of them to follow him. “Come with me. If you act strangely at all, I will not hesitate to end your lives.”


Robert Mullins

Li Xiang must be going through some serious heart tribulations now over how far she is willing to take this acting idea.

Robert Mullins

I want to see Li Xiang team up with someone who means well but has a contrary condition where they are incapable of speaking the truth.

Philipp Gawol

Being incapable of telling the truth is pretty easy to work with. Just interpret everything he/she says as sarcasm.