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Hui flipped his hand over. With his entire arm rotted, barely hanging onto his body, the motion required every ounce of his strength. Still, he gathered the qi into his palm, then wrapped his qi around it, creating a parcel. A flick of his fingers sent the parcel into his body. A duck leaped out, draw by the intense, concentrated qi in the packet, and swallowed it up, but the rot qi remained sealed in the parcel. Rather than converting to death qi, it sat safely inside the duck’s belly, sealed up.

It's not a perfect solution, but it’s a start! Besides, as long as I can wrap up the rot qi and take it with me, I can send it to the other clones, and we can all study it together. That way will be much more efficient than me studying it alone. Moving as rapidly as his withered body allowed, Hui packaged up bits of rot qi into the ducks, then sent the ducks to the other clones.

I’ve discovered a new type of energy! This should help us play dead in situations where we have to die for days or months at a time, he said, as the other clones received the ducks.

Days or months? Mortal, what kind of pitiful engagements are you getting into, that you have to play dead for so long? the rogue cultivator asked.

The miracle healer clicked his tongue. Rogue, you don’t see the bigger picture. Any of us might have to commit to a long-term fake death at any moment. We need flexibility and the ability to convince our opponents of our legitimate death, even if they’ve seen us die before. By rotting away, can’t we look even more truly dead?

Maybe I should lie on the ground and rot away. Perhaps that would lead Li Xiang to find us, one of the ones searching for Li Xiang added.

Eh? What’s everyone talking about? I got caught up in an auction, the other Li Xiang searcher replied.

Auction? I’m out here in the wilderness and you’re living it up in the city?

Elder Brother! Don’t be jealous. I’m searching for Li Xiang in the best way I can think of. Many cultivators attend these auctions. It’s attracting flies with honey!

And what am I stuck with, the vinegar of running until my feet turn raw? the other searcher returned bitterly.

Hui coughed, interrupting the petty argument. I risked my life for that energy. Study it seriously. If we want to be able to rot in the future, we need a way to store it without rotting ourselves, a more permanent solution than simply putting it into the ducks for safekeeping!

Understood! It’s something to pass the time, the second searcher replied.

The miracle healer sighed. I’m so busy with everything, I won’t have much time, but I’ll try. I wonder if another clone is going to wake up soon? It should be any time now…

Even if another clone wakes up, won’t it be the same as the rest of us? Busily following his own path? the rogue pointed out.

One can always hope… I could use an assistant, the miracle healer sighed.

Hui cleared his throat. If I could, Elder Brothers… could I—

Heavy thumping caught his ear. A low hiss sounded in the distance. Hui turned, startled out of his meditation. He swallowed. Elder Brothers, I might be going offline for a bit. Please excuse me! I don’t think I’ll die, but just in case, study that energy!

Eh, Mortal, what’s—

Mandibles descended from above and latched onto Hui’s shoulder. The rotting flesh stretched, nearly tearing. Hui twisted slightly, fighting the hold, and fell down, deeper into the rot energy.

The rot surged, devouring him. In the space of a moment, his body withered down to its core, little more than scraps of putrid flesh on the seed.

Shit! I fell in too deep! You really did it this time, Hui!

The spider struck again. This time, Hui didn’t resist. Mandibles clacked around him, and spider saliva rained down on his seed core. The spider retreated out of the rot, spindly legs scurrying, and ascended into the web. Its mandibles tried to inject venom, but with Hui’s body completely bloodless, it didn’t succeed. Frustrated, the spider spat Hui out.

I escape again! Aha, playing dead always—

The spider whipped around and turned its spinneret at Hui. Thick silk lashed around his seed core, binding him to the web.

Ah, well… I didn’t get eaten, at least, Hui thought, settling into the web. He regrew his body around his bound core, not bothering to break the spider’s web. More silk spun around his body, and Hui dangled from the web despondently, playing dead as usual.

Mortal, are you going to escape? the miracle healer asked.

A sixth-stage spider monster, not bound to any master… don’t you think that’s too good to pass up? Hui responded.

You think we can capture it? the rogue replied.

Hui paused, then laughed nervously. Er, that, and… Han Qin’s found me. His real name is Lai Shuren, and he’s a Wandering Immortal. There’s something about this area, something I don’t understand, that keeps him from locking me down the way he did with Sixth. If I leave this area, he’ll kill me in a heartbeat.

There was a moment of silence.

So you’re stuck.

Ah, if you leave, you die? I understand.

I’ll look for spirit beast seals! Too bad you didn’t say so earlier. There was this pill up for auction…

Shut it about that auction! I swear, one more word, and I’m forcing you to swap with me!

Hui cleared his throat. Who ended up with Ying Lin, in the end?

Don’t worry, I got her. She won’t be corrupted by that indulgent, auction-going fellow, the second Li Xiang searcher replied.

We really need labels for you two, the miracle healer mused. How about Sectgoer and Wildman?

Those suck.

They’re quite terrible, Elder Brother.

The rogue cultivator laughed. They’re better than nothing.

Dangling from the web, Hui turned his head, gazing into the distance. The battle no longer raged, and no sign remained of the four cultivators. Their auras lingered on the air, but no fire flashed, nor did swords whistle through the air. It looks like my hiding-in-the-rot ploy worked. Knowing Lu Lintei, the All-Heavens Cultivators wouldn’t have hung around too long, and if Han Qin is really as wanted as Ding Qinwen acted like he was, it’s very possible he ran off when the All-Heavens cultivators threatened to call for backup, or something similar.

I’ll stay here a little longer to be sure I’m safe. I can’t risk being wrong about Han Qin. And besides, if the others need more rot qi to make a breakthrough on it, I can send them some. Hovering above it like this, I can continue to study it while I wait.

That, and it would be a great benefit to my sect’s retribution if I could capture this spider beast!

The spider beast scuttled up to Hui. It hauled back and bit him, injecting venom into his plant body. The venom sunk into his body, but his body wasn’t flesh. It simply sat in a pocket in his shoulder, slightly painful but not particularly dangerous.

Hmm… I wonder if I can study and replicate this venom? If I can’t, Zhubi probably could. Though, knowing that snake, he’d probably eat it. It’s worked out for him so far, but… I can’t help but worry a bit. All the dangerous things he’s eaten will catch up to him one day, surely.

Businesslike, the spider moved on, hurrying to another part of its web. Hui watched it go. I certainly hope the All-Heavens cultivators didn’t get caught again…

Oh well! That’s not my problem. For now, let’s focus on studying the rot qi and the spider’s venom.

It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t get back to the village I started in yet, but Han Qin is too much of a threat. Once he moves on to targeting a different clone… or if another clone sees him far away from me, I can risk leaving this area. Until then, I’m stuck!


Robert Mullins

I assume next chapter we'll be switching over to wildman's perspective?

Robert Mullins

The narrative structure feels a bit like avengers infinity war. Infinity war had a large cast of seeming distinct plots threads and characters all sown together by the way Thanos interacted with each group. This is similar except it's a large cast of Xiao Huis with their own independent stories that are sown together by Ying Lin's interaction with each of them.

Philipp Gawol

Kinda odd that the spider isn't sapient when Zhubi is.