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The sound of combat came from a road to the right of the plaza. Rowan pushed ahead of Ikara and led the way, splashing through the ruined fountain’s puddle. Footsteps echoed from the buildings above as Katy ran alongside him, sound of her feet almost hidden in the ceaseless patter of rain. She jumped again and vanished, a blur of pink amidst the gray clouds.

At the edge of the building, Rowan stopped and peered around it. The man covered in weapons and his daughter fought a valiant battle against Jacob and Marlene while Jeff and Amy sat back, content to watch. Façade undone with the onset of battle, the man swapped between a halberd and a scythe in a confusing but practiced style, using the dual-range to his advantage to keep Marlene from a killing blow. His daughter, meanwhile, a slight girl that barely hit five foot, went face to face with Jacob, her tiny fists landing punishing blows on his body while his big hits always seemed to land a second too late.

Rowan frowned at the scene. What is that man’s class? All-Rounder? Dual-wielder? It’s been a long time since that was enough to get anyone excited… The girl, though, she’s a Monk for sure. No doubt.

“They aren’t even taking them seriously,” Ikara whispered.

“It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing,” Rowan replied. He opened the System and sent a quick text message: Hero’s team, we’re here on north road 3, u on way?

A long pause with no response. Rowan bit his lip. He glanced back out at the battle. Marlene kicked at the man’s halberd. The shaft snapped, splinters flying. The girl screamed and whirled toward her father. In that moment, Jacob wrapped her up in a bear hug and lifted her off the ground, ready to slam back down on her.

Hero team! What the hell is the holdup? Rowan typed furiously. Are they betraying us already? Stupid time to attempt it, but then, I never feared Terry for his strategic brilliance…

Three dots, dancing at the bottom of the screen. A picture of Lancelot popped up with a reply. Not good. Wait.

Wait 4 who??? May not have another chance! Rowan replied.

“What is it? Why aren’t we attacking?” Ikara whispered.

“Fucking Hero’s team being stupid assholes,” Rowan snarled. He glanced out at the fight. Should we intervene, even without them?

The girl twisted free of Jacob’s grip and punched Marlene. Marlene staggered, her blow skimming by the man’s throat instead of opening it. The man grabbed Marlene’s collar and threw her to the ground, as Jacob retaliated with a punch to the girl’s upper back. The girl stumbled and fell onto Marlene, who grabbed her in a koala-style grip and put a knife to her throat. The man froze.

Shit! It’s now or never! Rowan glanced at Ikara, who stared back at him, wide-eyed.

“We can’t let them die,” she whispered.

Rowan threw his hand out. “Garden Box!”

The box materialized over Marlene’s head. Her eyes widened. She released the girl and jumped upright, and the box splashed harmlessly to the street. Rowan flicked his fingers and released it as he charged out, running directly at Jeff.

“Restraint,” Jeff yawned, barely lifting his hand to point at Rowan.

Rowan’s body froze in the familiar jolt of a restraint spell. He scowled, eyes narrowed. “Fuck you!”

“Where’s my points, huh, boy? I’m assumin’ that’s the only reason you done came to greet me. If I’m wrong, you’re in for a world’a hurt,” Jeff drawled.

Behind him, Marlene and the girl engaged, while the man took on Jacob. Under Jacob’s heavier blows, the man steadily backed up, unable to land a serious hit on Jacob.

Thread traced along the ground below him, drifting with the flow of the fountain’s water toward Jeff. Rowan pretended not to see. He scowled at Jeff. “I won’t give you anything.”

Jeff scratched his jaw, raising his eyebrows at the same time. One hand trained steadily on Rowan. “We’ll see about that. Punishment.”

Sharp pain bit into Rowan’s neck, but only for a moment. Threads tangled Jeff’s ankles and tightened, yanking them together. He toppled over as Katy hurtled from the sky spear-first, one foot braced on the wings at the back of the spearhead where metal met wood, other leg bent back, both hands gripping the shaft. Jeff grumbled and kicked his feet, stumbling as he tried to sit up, and missed the sight of the spear soaring for his head.

His hand dropped off Rowan. Rowan shook himself, then charged for Jeff.

Water blasted out of the puddle on the ground and smashed Katy out of the air and into the wall behind her. Like a swatted fly, she stuck to the wall, pinned there by the pressurized blast. The water fell away, and so did Katy, tumbling to the ground.

Jeff glanced up. “Good save, Amy. Count that one as a bonus.”

Amy smiled and gave him a short salute.

Rowan shouted, brandishing his hand spade, and closed the final feet to Jeff. Amy raised her hand, but Jeff waved her down. He pointed at Rowan. “Punishment.”

His shout turned to a scream. Intense pain rocketed down his neck, through his spine, tearing through his limbs. He crumpled, instinctively trying to protect whatever was hurt, but nothing was hurt. The red ring around his neck burned visibly, a brilliant crimson hue.

“Get the other one around the corner,” Jeff ordered Amy. She nodded and lifted her hand.

A bolt of lightning hit her from behind. Amy staggered, then whirled. Jenna stood opposite her, rod raised. A wall of water rushed at Jenna, and she squealed and jumped aside, slamming the pole onto the ground and kicking her feet up over the wave at the same time. Lightning struck the rod, then jumped toward Amy.

Jeff sighed and raised his other hand. “Punishment.”

Jenna squealed and crumpled as well. Katy struggled and half-rose, but barely got anywhere before Jeff trained a finger on her. She convulsed and fell back to the ground.

“You, around the corner. Come on out now, or I’ll kill your friends,” Jeff said casually, as though he were inviting Ikara to dinner, not threatening her friends’ lives.

“Ikara, no,” Rowan grit through the pain.

The thread on the stone floor twisted hesitantly. After a moment, Ikara stepped out, head bowed.

“Good girl. Punishment.”

Ikara stiffened but didn’t drop over. Every muscle rigid, she stood upright, teeth bared, eyes squeezed almost shut, legs shivering.

Jeff chuckled. “There’s that good ol’ fashioned GSEZ grit. Show those city folks what it means to grow up in the sticks.”

Marlene slammed the girl into the wall, and she slumped, unconscious. Jacob pinned the man to the ground with a foot. Rowan’s heart sank. It’s over.

Jeff let out a dramatic sigh. “Dearie me, whatever am I t’do. Marlene, I think these four are hopeless, utterly hopeless fools. Might as well cut our losses and pick up whatever points they’ve got in ‘em.”

“Cut our losses?” Marlene grinned and drew her sword across her neck.

Jeff let out a hollering laugh. “Marlene, you know how to tickle a man!”

A laugh met his. Jeff fell short, but the newcomer kept laughing. He stretched his massive arms, pulling the black sleeveless shirt tight across his shoulderblades, and slung his axe over his shoulder, flashing perfect teeth at the crowd. “I was told there was a fight. And you know me. I’m always down for a fight.”


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