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Watching Terry approach, Rowan’s mind spun. Run now? No, he’s too close. And he’d almost certainly attack. Putting aside his stupidity, the game, points, yadda yadda, he’s no friend of mine. If I give him the opportunity to get away with a sucker punch, he’d do it.

Stay frozen? I don’t think he’s figured out I’m not a clone. Maybe he thinks I got lucky, and that’s why I’m standing still. If he thinks I’m a clone, he ought to mostly leave me alone. Terry is many things, but insanely malicious like that Red girl isn’t one of them. He might AOE a plaza full of clones, but I don’t think he’d behead a clone of me out of annoyance.


Terry mounted the steps to the building Rowan stood before, and he breathed out and forced himself to calm down. Okay. Freezing it is. I’m a clone, just an emotionless clone. Casually, he slid one hand behind him and reached for his spade. If worst comes to worst…

“What on earth? Did you really make it past the first floor? No way.” Terry prodded Rowan on the chest.

Rowan swayed slightly with the contact, providing no resistance.

Terry tilted his head. All at once, he lunged at Rowan. “BOO!”

Staring into the middle distance, Rowan refused to twitch.

“Huh. Just a clone.” Terry chucked and slapped Rowan’s cheek lightly. “I’m going to look forward to beating all the points out of your main body.”

The main body’s right here, but sorry, it doesn’t have any points, Rowan thought to himself.

“Arthur! What did I say about running off on your own?” Lancelot jogged into the square, chainmail shirt jingling off her shoulders. Behind her, a beleaguered Morgan followed, already exhausted.

“I’ll be back for your points later,” Terry promised. With a last wild grin at Rowan, he turned and jogged toward his party members. “What? You aren’t my mom.”

“Oh heavens, no. I pity the woman,” Lancelot replied. She glanced at the downed clones. All around them, the surviving clones climbed back to their feet and returned to their wandering, but a good twenty clones near the fountain laid motionless, eyes gazing sightlessly at the sky.

Lancelot twisted her lips. She swatted Terry on the back of the head.

“Ow! What?”

“Wasting your mana and revealing your biggest attack at the same time? Is there nothing in that skull of yours?”

Rubbing his skull, Terry frowned at her. “You never let me practice it! There was no one around, anyways.”

Lancelot gestured at the clones. “Any of these could be real people! Don’t be stupid.”

“What? What kind of freak would skulk around acting like a clone?”

Ah, yup. That’s me. Rowan grimaced internally.

Lancelot swatted him again. “Anyone with brains, you dumb shi—exalted party leader. I was going to suggest we do the same until someone decided to blow up the fountain.”

Terry narrowed his eyes. “What did you call me?”

“Exalted party leader. What, don’t like it?”

“Guys, please,” Morgan mumbled.

A blue-haired figure rounded the corner. Adjusting his fluffy blue jacket, Jude beamed at the trio. “C’mon, lighten up! It’s a game. It should be fun, right?”

Rowan’s eyes widened. His heart raced. Pain panged through his stomach, chased by a burst of adrenaline. Him?

No, no! I can’t react! Play it cool, play it cool. He gazed off into the middle distance again.

Jude’s eyes hesitated on Rowan. His lips contorted into a grimace. He stalked a step toward Rowan, then paused.

He doesn’t know I’m not a clone. I’ve got to keep it that way, Rowan pledged to himself. Terry is one thing, but Jude already tried to kill me once. He’d do it again in a heartbeat.

A chill ran down Rowan’s spine, and sweat broke out on his back. Or—is that why he’s here? He found out he didn’t succeed, and he’s here to finish the job? He sucked in a silent, nervous breath. Good thing I didn’t run. That would’ve been game over for me.

“Jude? Everything alright?” Lancelot asked.

He turned and beamed. “Yes, of course. Thanks again for taking me on, guys. Not everyone wants a Medic over a real White Mage or Healer.”

Lancelot smiled back. “Even if it’s only for the Scenario, I’m always happy to have a party member with brains and a spine.”

“Don’t drag me into your fights with Arthur,” Morgan grumbled.

Paying him no mind, Lancelot continued, “Besides, it’s better to choose your fourth member than get assigned one randomly, and our party lacks a healer, regardless of specific class! Honestly, we should be thanking you.”

See if you say that after he stabs you in the gut, Rowan thought, narrowing his eyes at Jude’s back.

Jude glanced in his direction, and he quickly coached his face back into an expressionless mask. Man, how does Kaidu do it? I’m exhausted already.

“Noisy, noisy, noisy! I thought you’d never shut up.”


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