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Back out in the forest, Ike couldn’t help but feel safer than he had in the city. He ran a hand over the back of his neck. The air of defeat and self-destruction in there… I’m surprised Tana managed to grow up so normal. In the forest, everything wanted to kill him, but they were all beasts. Straightforward about it. Back in the city, who even knew what kind of plots people would cook up to entrap him.

Yeah, I’d rather be out here. Hunting monsters.

He drew out Orin’s book as he walked through the forest. This part of the Abyss would correspond to the far reaches of the forest from the city, and there were fewer notes on this part of the forest. Ike scanned it, just to get an idea of what was in the area, then put it back away. Fulgur-Loups, giant snakes, and big spiders.

Spiders, huh? Ike looked around, searching the tree tops for white thread. Mercifully, the trees near him were clear of any signs of large spiders. A shiver crawled over his skin, and he rubbed his hands over his arms. If I see webs, I’m going the other way. There’s nothing spiders have that I want.

He’d seen his fair share of spiders in the slums. Been bitten by his fair share, too. The spindly little things snuck around and hid in the most unexpected places. They hid in the shadows to leap out and deliver their vicious venom into his flesh. Bulbous bodies and long, delicate legs, dozens of tiny eyes and hairy backs. Everything about spiders awakened his desires to run, or kill.

Plus, they don’t have any meat, and there’s no part of their body I can harvest for money. The only thing I can think of that might be worthwhile is the silk, and that’s not easy to harvest.

Large snakes, though. Some people paid good money for snakeskin goods, and the fangs could doubtlessly be used for weapons. Ike nodded to himself. Giant snakes. That’s my kind of hunt.

The Fulgur-Loups obviously qualified as a hunt, though he wasn’t sure what Loup’s opinion of hunting them would be. He glanced at her. Noticing his gaze, she tilted her head back at him. Ike shrugged and walked on. I guess we’ll play it by ear.

He turned his feet toward the cliff where Ket had shown him the puppets. But first, puppets. He’d hunt after he tested the puppets. After all, testing the puppets required none of his strength. If they activated the second he got close, he’d simply leave. If they didn’t… then he’d have to investigate a little more closely. Either way, compared to a hunt, it required very little energy on his part.

Ike paused. He looked over his shoulder for a moment, activating his Sensory Enhancement to its limit. Nothing but the silence and sway of the trees. The man in the monster-parts shop must not have sent his friends after him yet.

Or they’re like Ket. Able to move so silently that even Sensory Enhancement can’t hear them.

He looked to his side. Loup looked back up at him, wagging her tail. That’s what Loup is for. Patting her on the head, he walked on.

There was no path to the puppet army. It took Ike some time to pick his way through the forest back to the army. Once she figured out where he was going, Loup helped, darting back and forth to show Ike the route back to his destination. It was still before noon when he pushed aside a thicky, leafy bush and found himself at the top of the cliff that looked down over the army.

Ike looked around, searching for a route down. A thick tangle of roots and vines descended over the earthen cliff to the army’s feet. The cliff surrounded the army on three sides, and on the fourth, a thick swamp reached out to the horizon. Ike hesitated, then shrugged and grabbed the vines. I’m a good climber, and it’s easier to climb up than down. I’ll climb back up if they go nuts.

“You stay up here, girl,” Ike said, lowering his legs over the cliff.

Loup whined. She licked his face.

“Girl—hey…” Ike squeezed his mouth and eyes shut and quickly climbed down over the edge of the cliff, out of licking range. As he left her reach, Loup sat down, then lowered to a lay. She rested her head on her paws with a huff.

“I’ll be right back,” Ike assured her. He climbed down slowly, hand over hand. The vines and roots twined so tightly that he didn’t have to plan out his descent. He reached his foot downward until he found a foothold, moved his hands down, then repeated. His hands grew raw from the vines, and dirt covered his boots and palms. As he descended, he checked on the army over his shoulder. It remained deactivated. The puppets’ shoulders slumped, and their eyes closed.

It's strange how they already look doll-like, Ike noted as he continued toward them. Rosamund had appeared human at first, but these puppets clearly had ball joints and hinges. Their eyes were surrounded by dark edges, like a doll baby’s eyes, and their chins had deep lines on either side of the mouth. Even beheaded, Rosamund’s head still appeared human, as long as he didn’t tip it upside down to get the gunk out.

Are they lower quality? Or does the human skin get applied when they get activated? Pondering the questions, Ike came to the bottom of the cliff. He hopped off and faced the puppets, holding his breath.

Come on. Don’t wake up. You’re deactivated. Don’t move!


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