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I went shopping at Torrid (amazing experience with the staff!). I swear I tried on 30 different pants and tops! Last time I went shopping, I was a size 2. Most of the size 3s were like… tight and uncomfortable in random places? But then I tried on this one pair of size 2s that just hug me and all the right places! I swear I’ve gained weight since I became a size 2 , but I have no idea how much lol it’s weird, when you get as fat as I am, you have to gain a significant amount of weight to go up another size. I’ve probably been this size for at least 20 pounds, maybe more.

(Let me know if you like this longer style of post or it you’d prefer more weight updates[my scale is out of batteries currently 😤and so is my house] )



Lovely update. Always nice to hear these little stories