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I really love these two 🥺

The full version of a picture I teased twitter with 😈 for your enjoyment.

Now that I got your attention, lemme tell you something

I Wanna thank you all for this last months! 🎉 Im pretty sure you guys are gonna love the upcoming content for October.

These been pretty good times for me as a creator, altho I this has meant new challenges and learnings through this last year (not exclusively as an independent artist, but also extends to my personal life) I been able to grow, wich not just means a better life for me but also allows me and reward my team for their help.

Im looking forward to grow more as an artist and try new stuff with the pass of time, but I still need to learn better management, how to deal with backlogs and and my own greediness over projects.

Im glad you're here though that process. extra points if this helps me to keep bringing awesome content for you to enjoy.




Oh not you toooooo! Lol!


It seems a real struggle that: You can only realistically get X many sketches done per week so some interesting fanart/OC stories go sit on the shelf. As for managing it, having too many ideas, as a content-creator, sounds like a "good problem to have" at least. You can always go back through your incomplete archive and go "OH yeah! Let's do THAT!"


Hmm Yeah there's usually more ideas than time, but at the same time I dont have huge ideas with the Tastetown Cast. The other big ideas I have are mostly SFW related and I still have to find space for them somehow (But as mentioned, I see these tasks in my professional carrer as a active learning process) and thanks! Yeah, the cool thing about having lot going on is that I can work in different projects every day, and I can also get help from multiple people :)