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What you see on top, is a preview of the upcoming Anya shorstack comic!

I'll make two versions, read wich one makes you more comfortable

Announcement: The announcements, very short and simple.

Some details: Some details, in case you're interested.



1) Im starting to work with a schedule again! This will help me and my team to produce artwork more efficiently. This will also mean, as consequence, less presence online.

2) We're adding new dynamics and content to patreon:

- Polls for comics and pictures in the future (For 5$ and 10$ Tiers)
- Wips of comics and animations (for 10$ tiers)
- Patreon sketch commissions events once a month (For all tiers)

3) next patreon sketch commisison event: July, Thursday 30.

4) I also have a Twitch channel and a Discord Server. Please read the rules if you join.

5) I wanna stop promising so much projects and actually make these ideas real (Like the merchandise I been mentioning for months) but these things take time, and I still need to develop more healthy and efficient work habits. Im not far from that goal (。◕‿◕。)


Some Details

This year has been pretty busy to me, but I have commited the mistake of not being organized and professional enough. I do have a lot of fun projects (both NSFW and both SFW) both as "ideas" & "in the making", but trying to carry so much things without direction has prove me that, working this way is not the right way.

My projects and ideas are like a train, My creativity and passion are like fuel, but organization, discipline and perseverance are the engine.

My train, as amazing as it could be, wont reach anywhere without the engine.

It's not am abismal change, I just need to get myself together: Get back to work with schedules, focus on finishing stuff instead of caryring too much.

this means that there will be some projects and ideas freeze for a moment, as well as my presence online, but this is for the sake of a more healthy and efficient work habit.

Still, you can always hit me up and send me DMs for anything important, specially here in Patreon (◕‿◕✿)

Thanks for your time!




Thank you for the announcement. You take as long as you need your stuff is always worth the wait and absolutely amazing


For the sketch stream, could we request small SFW commissions (almost like chibi)?


Take all the time you need to hatch things out and plan out whatcha need to. The fact you gave such an informative update is already telling of how professional you'll be in the future~ <3 .