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Sup Fellas! I hope you're doing well :) This vote is form the next clone vessels that will be posted during March!

I Picked them by themes/franchise, so choose wisely :)

The winners will be picked on February 18


The Big_Red_Machine

Jaiden's mom, got it going in in Chok style :D

Wantinglake577(Lake Kanaye)

Dang it, Choklit! Why must you make us choose one and not all of the above? All of them are the best option, period!


Tailheads and Trigger, perfection. 😍


So much good choices... Well, went for Rei >:>


🙏 This is gonna be good! 😁

Wantinglake577(Lake Kanaye)

I just pick all of them and I'm hoping that all of them get picked if they reach a tie. There should have been an "All of The Above" as the 5th option. Or, is it possible to have Choklit do the other 3 options that didn't win as Commissions cause I wouldn't mind doing that? 🤔


Rei being on a clone facility makes so much sense, not doing so because of any bias, lmao. Still tho, was tempted to go for Trigger babes.

Wantinglake577(Lake Kanaye)

I'm just gonna cross my fingers into hoping that they all get pick as winners so that all of us can those YouTube, Tigger, Star Wars, and EVA babes in all of Choklit's sexy glory.


Aw man, Chok! This was a hard decision! But I already made it!


If you two let me joint your conversation :P The main reason why I made a pool is because I love all the options! So whoever gets selected, I'll gladly tke the others as commissions in the future, or for future polls ;D


That's a good plan, honestly can say whoever wins, will get some fantasTHICC art done! All these choices are just AMAZING.

Wantinglake577(Lake Kanaye)

Oooooooooh! I'll gladly take the others as Commissions when they open! Thanks for letting me know, Choklit! Plus, I'll most likely request another Clone Vessel Commission on top of the other 3, but with some girls/babes that need some appreciation and one them being Mari Illustrious Makinami (I love her much, she really needs some her spotlight too).


Damn, a good choice. Whoever wins, certainly gonna be a damn good group of babes who deserve it! Surprised to see Star Wars babes, love them!


Looking forward to this