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Dear Chocolate Goodies, how are you? I really hope you're doing well.

I know I been doing this "current mood" announcements very often lately, Your support are one of my main reasons to create content, so I do my best to keep honest and close with you :D Not just as an artist, but also as a buddy

With this said, I don't feel ok without explaining some of my delays with commissions and rewards.

I been feeling, since my return from US, very happy. The experience gave me a energy boost. My health is allright and im full of energy and ideas for this year.

But the truth is that im also very phisically tired and a little stressed, because I haven't taken a break since my return.

After having some conversations with my  friends and family I dediced that Im gonna take a Lil hiatus from my work, I hope you understand :(

I love what I do and im extremly greatful with your support guys, I also wanna respect myself, and don't turn this passion into something stresfull for me, I need to balance myself again and a lil vacations will help me.

Im sorry if this little announcement let you down somehow, I opened commissions recently, plus some rewards and sets I haven't delivered already, im very aware of this and I'll get to that on the first week of february :)

This doesnt affect the patreon posts, you guys will get 4 exclusive post per week as always!

If you got any complains, questions, comments, whatevs, please lemme know!


In other news, I got some fantastic projects for this year. this are not "ideas", this things are solid and are gonna get done this year.


- Im gonna sell T-shirts of Libby, Commander and Cream. I got more ideas for merch, but T-shirts are gonna be the first ones! These are gonna be SFW and will be shipped to all america (south and north) Patreons will got all the info!


- Im gonna start the SPH animation, full color.

- Im gonna Revive "Classroom Keyhole", with new tastetown teachers.

- Im gonna do a Pokemon Camp orgy animation.


- This is my last university year, so Im gonna do my Thesis!
- I also gonna start sharing more SFW in my instagram

Once im done with the first batch of commissions, I'll start these goodies, specially the Tshirts and SPH animation :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this, you guys rock! again, lemme know your thoughts and feels!


Mark R

Enjoy a vacation you deserve it.


I’m a little sad that works will get delayed, but I’d rather see Quality over Quantity. Hope this hiatus gives you more time to breath mang!


Get a good rest and get well soon 😄


Descansa mucho chocko bro, te haz ganado un buen descanso de todo lo que nos haz dado, y estoy muy emocionado por ver todo lo que harás cuando vuelvas, te estaremos esperando bro, disfruta tus vacaciones ❤️


With all the amazing stuff you do man your deserve a vacation Choklit hope you have a good rest and enjoyable brake. ❤️


Ay man, no worries, you worry about your wellbeing first and foremost. I get that some commissioners might be a bit annoyed, but as long as they get their stuff eventually I'm sure everything is fine. And if you feel like pausing the Patreon sometime, I wouldn't hold that against you either. Burnout is a real thing for artists.


Hey as long as you keep updating us I don’t mind.


Rest up, my dude. Take all the time you need.