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Patreon Commission slots are closed!

Dont worry, I recieved all emails. it was very difficult for me picking only 10 ideas, so I ended up chaining myelf to 15 different commissions!

I will send emails to the selected slots during the week, I wanna clarify something important.
I liked all ideas, and that thing never happened to me before hahaha. tbh I dont lie when I say it was difficult to pick only a bunch. If your idea dont get selected dont feel sad, I probably loved your idea but wante to give oportunity to someone else. Im pretty eager to draw the "non selected" ones aswell in the future.

please keep that in mind.

once all emails are sent I'll make a post too. Please, any questions let me know in the comments!



Did you already tell those selected or are they going to find during the week? Sorry just a bit confused by the phrasing.


Si por ejemplo yo quería 4 imágenes, tendré las 4 o solo 1?


Will there be an opportunity for “non-Patreon” commission slots later on if we miss this selection?