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Hey Guys, Classes finally ended, it was a crazy semester for me here at the US.

Im still gonna be here at US in texas, but I return home until new year (I love my country but US is a lot of fun :'( Im very sad)

This means I'll finally have some more "free time" now ;) not ALL the time in the world of course, but i'll be more arround finally :)

Cant lie tho, im sweating happiness haha

Important Message for Chocolate meals
(read all the instruction, fellas) 

Thank you so much for giving me time for my finals. it was WILD.
Now that im free, doing your pics are one of my priorities.
Because you didn't got a pic last month, I'll give you one of these options this month:

- One character in flat colors.
- Two character in sketch.

For that, I need you to follow this instructions:

1- Send a email to "choklitarts@gmail.com" with the subject december reward
2- On top of the message put "one character" or "two characters"
3- Add a brief description of what you want (be descriptive, but keeping things simple help me work faster)
4- Add a reference for Character/s and (optional) reference for pose.
5- Please send me your Patreon and Dicord Username to know who you are :B probably I'll know by seing yous idea but it always nice to have reference.

- You have to decide the idea for yourself! I can't help you to polish it. so send me the final idea.
-If you got multiple Ideas you can send them to me to pick my favourite, but again, not to polish them, that's on you.
-Upgrades are not available atm, but they will be in the future :)
-You have till December 18 to send me the email! All emails sent after that will recieve their reward next month! 



revisa tu bandeja bro ;)


Pero tu no eres Chocolate Meal patreon, asi que no recibes patreon reward. Recuerda leer todo!


All I heard was vacation 😎


Tienes razón, se me olvido que solo soy Brownie, me disculpo bro