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Yo guys, I hope you're doing amazing :) I been doing amazing by myself too, but very thoughful about my recent experiences.

Because of that I wanted to make a short Thanksgiving post (A little late, im sorry, im sorry haha)

Im very thankful of you, but not in a "formal" way, im completly honst when I write this.

I never thought I could reach so much with your support here in patreon and that's something very special for me, I have been able to take oportunities I wouldnt had without your support, and Im finally seing my artwork, not just in a profesional way, but also helping me to make a living. with your support, I can literlaly spend hours making content, its a dream come true!

So if im thankful of something, im thankful of having such a great and supporting fanbase as you guys :)

I got some fantastic projetcs for next year, such as a special Discord group (With special content for patreons only) , Merchandise (Tastetown clothes) and animated YCH.

So yeah, Just that! I hope you have a nice rest of the year ;)


Also about the Cream pic

If you follow me on my twitter proably you saw that im trying new brushes and options, basically I wanna get out of my comfort zone and give my artwork a more "presional" view.

when I see the artwork of other artists (both NSFW and SFW) I love how profesional the finish looks, and thats the direction I wanna go :D

Of course, Finals are a pain in the butt, but im slowly going there ;)

hope you like the Cream pic! the contet: Its 3:00 AM and cream her you fapping, so she go to your room to check if she can help you somehow... She's super nice with her guests :P




We're thankful for you, dude! Have a good one!


Thank you for the Golden goddess glorious goodies!😍 Made this Nonut November super hard!😤


How could you?! It's just good vibes and sharing them is good!


Bro eres el mejor, me alegra saber que todo te esta saliendo bien, conocí por primera vez tu trabajo en rule 34 con un post sph de Cocoa y Chok, vi tu estilo y me encanto, desde entonces estaba pendiente de nuevas publicaciones tuyas y creo que desde hace un año que te apoyo como patron, con algunos paros ocasionales, pero siempre me gusta ver nuevos dibujos tuyos de cualquier tipo, eres el mejor bro. Psd: Avisa cuando puedas empezar con las comisiones, tengo muchas cosas en mente jaja, cuidate mucho

Poison Insect Ultra

Buenisimo arte brother!, es reepico, en verdad tienes un lore y unas escenas sublimes!, una lastima que este un poco en desorden, esto del Patreon tarda muchisimo en cargar y es tan poco potente, no deja ver mas alla de unos meses sin bloquearse y crashearse. RIP a Tumblr, ahi te ibas a "Archivo" y toda la galeria estaba en perfecto orden visto desde arriba, podias bajar AÑOS en imagenes y encontrabas hasta los primeros artes. Pixiv es bueno pero se queda corto. Muy buena esa Cremita, es supertraviesa y juguetona con los dotados shotas :P Sigue asi, suerte en la Uni ;D