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A "what-if" scenario where, after being freed, Laura opts to follow her rescuer, suggested by Baskerville!

Sequel to: Trace Sparing Laura (color)




Wonder where this line of thought will lead? 💖


Trace's inner thought's: "Phew...almost lost my cool there."


“Hey, I just met you, and this is scary. So here’s your freedom, now follow me, maybe?”


Be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised with Laura resembling Sara, combined with his current grief of loss, I could Trace’s mind snaps at this moment, believing Laura to be Sara. He could take her home and acted like she was captured instead. I fully believe his mind would accept that this is indeed Sara, and those who would argue with him or deny this would face horrible repercussions. This kind of madness has happened many times in history and I’m some medias. I believe one example was one of the crazzy Roman leaders


I actually see this happening with Trace,well,the crazy Tyrant Templar Trace


...okay. That's a lot darker than my idea that they would just fall in love...please continue. Seriously now I want the art to go this direction


The calm after the storm


I thought it was pretty good. Maybe just change out "follow" for "join" to get the metre down?

Onyx Dragon 388

This reminds me of the movie scene but I can’t remember the name

silver dragonia

well she knows she should be careful with him as may snap but we know how he snapped and his personality changed 180 from an angry and powerful to a amnesiac kind yet still powerful but learning guy

silver dragonia

that he let laura follow him? well i'm sure he'd allow it as long she didn't cause him too much trouble and she would also likely know what happened to him when he lost his memories


She can't go back there. It only exists in her nightmares now.

wayne sampson

I love "what if" scenarios. you should do more art like this.


We know where it leads actually... it leads to them falling for one another off set and becoming a very loving couple, even if they do have to deal with the more enthusiastic fans of the show that are convinced that he should love Flora both on and off screen.


I imagine them returning to the estate, where Rose is shocked to see Laura beside Trace. She'll be horrified by what he's done, but she'll be smart enough to know that Laura's presence could help restore his sanity. And so she stays, gets spoiled, bonds with both Trace and Rose. From there, who knows? Maybe she'll be family, maybe his new spouse. Maybe it affects how the Templar view Keidran, maybe it causes the Templar to move against him. You could absolutely get an amazing AU tale out of this.


“Hey, I just met you, and this is scary. So here your freedom, so join me maybe?”

Onyx Dragon 388

The dark is as much a companion to the light. The difference is in how we look at it.


The monster, with his sliver of remaining conscience, choosing to escort this Keidran back to her lands...or to his. Could this end well? Likely not...but what trials would lie ahead? An excellent drawing!

Mark Temple

given this is still 'evil' trace, i'm going to guess he's not going to go out of his way to help her.. but i can see Rose doing so, perhaps employing Laura in the mansion in some capacity.


This is not really "Evil" Trace, it's Trace BECOMING Evil Trace since it's directly right after Saria's Death. To make a comparaison, it's Anakin right after raiding the Tusken village. Not after killing the Jedi. There is still hope of making Trace going back to the light side (or at least a grey one). I think Laura could become a token of Saria's rightness about Keidran, if Trace ended up being followed by Laura and was more or less forced to live with her during his journey, he would not be able to ignore that Laura is a Keidran, but, not a bad one, and therefore, that all Keidran aren't scumbags deserving of enslavement and/or slaughter.