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This will be the omnipoll form for this entire month! Everyone add their suggestion to this, no cooldowns. There will be an omnipoll that will go up on Wednesday, July 3rd, so submit right away!

I wish I could give you more time, but I'm leaving for Anthrocon on July 4th, so I've got to get the poll up before then. There will be no stream on Sunday. I return from AC on the 8th, for which I will then collapse and sleep for 12 hours and then get to work on July sketches. Hopefully, fingers crossed, I will not get con crud. In the meantime, I'll be posting color votes and older backlogged sketches. Thank you for your patience!


Sketch Stream Sunday!

This form is for those who contributed $10 or more to the Twokinds Patreon!



maren and nibbly swap species


Where's the July omnipoll?