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Well... we have captured the Spiderman, finally!

...But it is not time to relax yet, there are many of them out there...

Should we accompany them to the multiversal detention center and make sure they don't escape, or should we go after the rest of the Spidermans? >;b

Any comments related to the Spiderman multiverse do it without SPOILERS please, I haven't seen the second animated movie yet!!!




God I love this! Especially the noise canceling gags/muzzles and the belts on miles hehe. Great job! Btw do you know when comms will be available? I thought I might’ve missed an announcement or something haha


Oh and we should definitely accompany them to the detention center! Maybe put one of them in a straitjacket too hehe


Ty... and I don't know when I will be able to open the commissions :/