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Hey gang, wanted to shoot everyone an update for my summer plans! For the now-deleted post, someone asked, why not make a poll now that Patreon has that option? 

The answer, dear reader--because I did not realize Patreon now had that option. 

As you may have inferred from vague tweets and pictures of Will Ferrell, I've briefly returned to USC to finish the 10 credits I had left on my MFA, and yes, that is why I haven't been as prolific as I'd like to be, especially as there are so many projects I wanted to get started on.

So, a few big things - the first is that I'm thrilled to bring on my first full time employee - Angelina has been my best friend for nearly two decades (like Nella and Elisa, also an alum from the caves of fanfiction.net where we met as teenagers), so she will help me get the gears of war started.

The next is that, because of demand, I'm transitioning the channel to be more focused on video essay style content than Loose Canon episodes. That does not mean LC is DONE, just taking a backseat to try some more experimental stuff.  

Our big project is the long-awaited "film theory featuring Michael Bay" twelve(ish)-part miniseries I've been joking/not joking about doing for years. Yes, I'm finally doing it, and will be doing it alongside other, non-transformers related video essay content! Traditional Loose Canons are not DONE, just put on the backburner for the summer months. So the GOAL (keyword: goal) is to get out three videos per month for the spring and summer months, so cap your pledges accordingly! 

So, for $10+ patrons - if you pledge $10 ONCE in a month, that gets you in the credits for any videos that come out that month. Feel free to cap your pledge - it will not hurt my feelings and won't affect your credit status (I mean, I'm not gonna fight you if you DON'T cap your pledge, but I am just sayin', just so we're clear).  So we are excited to get started on my first multi-part series since... The Dark Nella Saga? Well, we all saw how well I stuck to that schedule (hopefully I'll be more reliable now that I have to pay another professional a comfortable living wage).

As for my next video essay that comes out in April (I'm working on one about Disney's Beauty and the Beast right now, so bear that in mind) - vote for which one you'd like to see first!


Hank Kleinberg

I think you cut off a sentence here: The next is that, because of demand, I'm transitioning the channel to be more focused on video essay style content than Loose Canon episodes. That does not I mean I inferred what you meant, but it still reads weird.

Alex Androski

Still appears to cut off in the now-fifth paragraph after "That does not".


\o/ hurray for proper poll.


The Mel Brooks one feels like the most important/urgent, though all are interesting topics.


Congrats on being able to hire someone full time Lindsay! Also I'm *way too* excited about Beauty and the Beast video essay already!!


I sincerely hope that your Michael Bay series addresses the most important question raised by his catalogue: Is Michael Bay's misanthropy justified by the reception to his films?


I really hope these all become videos eventually

Kyle Williams

As long as your videos are interesting and engaging I'm fine with you doing things besides LC. That's why I'm a patron, not for a specific video format.


Huzzah! And much joy was had. I am excited to see this film-theory with Michael Bay series. I learned so much just from your '3-Act Structure' and the 'Planting and Payoff' videos.


I wanna see if I understood, If I pledge $3.50 per video and you release 3 in a month, then I pay $10.50 and get credited on the videos? Just checkin' Also, Mel Brooks? come one people... vote Moana!

Kevin Lyda

Nazis seem worryingly topical. And thanks for the frequency heads up!


No, that won't show up on my spreadsheet - more like pledge at the $10, then cap it at 10/month.


I love all of these topics. Whoever wins, I hope you'll be able to do all of them at some point.

Matt Eldritch

Jezz, these topics all sound good, hurts to only pick one


I'm loving your video essays Lindsay, honestly I love most of what you do. Thank you for being on of the few content creators on youtube who acrually focuses on critical theory in relation to media.


All of the above? These are all very good choices


How on earth are we mere mortals expected to be able to decide between these three amazing prompts? Not all of us have the benefit of being perpetually on #beastmode


Gosh they're all good...and all deal in part with tackling not-so-good, not-so-long-ago history. Mood.


TBH it was the "Planting and Payoff: Mad Max Fury Road" video essay that made me sit up and go "I need to become a patron and help fund content like this!" Oh, and "Fight On!"


I like all three of these, but I think the Nazi comedy one is the one that we need most right now.


Oh geez, all 3, pls!


I want all three!!!!


My favorite part of following you and the rest of the Channel Awesome diaspora is seeing everyone find individual voices and grow beyond the summary/joke comment/clip format. All life is change. There are seashells far from any shore, and anchors on mountaintops. Don't look back.

Don Bright

I have a question about Michael Bay....... this is literally the only place i can think of where anyone might know the answer....sorry if its too long... In Michael Bay's The Island, spoilers, Scarlett Johansen plays a bred clone to be harvested for her organs, but she escapes Island-clone-dungeon into the real world and sees a picture of herself on a gigantic advertisement because her 'real self' (for whom her cloned parts will be used) is a big celebrity and spokes person / model. She stares at the billboard as if contemplating what it means for herself to be a product, like her face itself is a product, a marketing tool. But her character is literally a product, whose body is to be sacrificed and harvested. Was this some kind of meta commentary on what it means to be a celebrity? An actor? Like every celebrity must have that moment where they consider themselves a normal person going about their day, then they see their face 50 feet high on a billboard and think "WTF thats my face... that's me... what has the system done to me...".

Imogen Geier

It makes me sad, 'cause I'm gonna have to drop my pledge due to financial straits, despite the fact that I LOVE this new direction. I'll re-pledge ASAP, and probably make it bigger! As soon as we have money, I promise!


I love LC and your video essays equally, so It doesn't matter to me which content you're focusing on. I'm a happy patron! As for the poll...I'm going with Mel Brooks, seems relevant.


Argh diffcult choice here.

Shiny Skunk

Seems like a lot of people agree, but I'd love to see all three of these videos at some point. And no worries on fewer Loose Canons for the time being, I think I prefer your more film-theory-ish video essays anyway!


For a second misread part of it as the Return of Dark Nella and got even more stoked, but a 12-part Michael Baywatch sounds terrific.


Lindsay I'm proud to be supporting you! Thank you for keeping us in the loop ^_^ and congrats on expanding your operations, just let us know when you're taking your company public so we can buy shares :P

Liz Mallia

That's a hard one; I like all of these titles. Looking forward to the Film Theory featuring Michael Bay, sounds interesting. I love your videos; I've learnt a lot about film from them.


I'm so excited for your new direction and happy you can now bring on staff. Congrats on finishing your degree!


The Michael Bay series sounds great. I'm not a fan of the man but even I have to admit he's very competent. Theres a reason why The Rock is part of the Criterion Collection.


Picked Moana vs Pochahontas


As a german married to a jew, there was no competition!


I'm so glad all three of these are coming eventually, because the one I chose was in dead last. XD


im still waiting on the animorphs video...

Molly Noise

Wooo! Nazi's in the lead! ... Wait, hang on, that sounded wrong.


Well done on kicking out those last 10 credits! Voting for Mel Brooks, Looking forward to more content! :D

Lauren R

I went with Disney because I just find Disney history really fascinating. Buuuuuuuuut I'll take whatever.


Kyle Kallgreen recently released a video about the Chaplin film, The Great Dictator. It actually made me think about this poll again. Most likely the choice for Mel Brooks and comedies about Nazis is going to win....which makes me wonder if Chaplin's film will be brought up somehow.


They say the reason Nazis aren't the villains in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was because Spielberg couldn't bring himself to satirize them after directing Schindler's List. Wonder if that'll come up.


Even though you did the episode already and it turned out awesome I would still love to see you cover the two other topics here as I think they would both make great videos


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