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Let me begin by stating that you don't ever need to write to me apologizing for no longer being able to afford my or anyone's Patreon. I'm grateful for your support but I am not entitled to it, and if ever there is a YouTuber or content creator who sees their line going down and crows that they will have to stop uploading their priceless creations if they don't get more Patreon bux and tries to guilt you into giving them your money, then they are garbage and you should promptly throw them in the trash. 

With that in mind, even with Nebula's direct support we still rely mostly on Patreon for day to day expenses, as despite the misinformation that other human trash cans have put forth that I won't link here, I do still have several full time employees who all need a) salaries b) health insurance. Problem with the Nebula integration with the single tier was that it restricted the amount people could donate, even if they wanted to do more than the minimum, they still have to choose a "tier" and as I only have one tier, suffice to say this Patreon has been on a pretty steady decline ever since the Nebula integration. Therefore, I'm raising our one and only tier from $2/month to $3/month. I understand that this might be an inconvenience to many especially in these increasingly stressful financial times, so if you feel like this is too steep to keep subscribing on a regular basis, I completely understand. 

But this brings me to another question I see a lot: Nebula is a little bit more expensive than my Patreon (4.99/month compared to $3/month) so the question is, if you want to see my video content, which should you subscribe to?

The answer this depends on what you're in it for--aside from my old videos which are are Patreon-only and bad and I do not recommend, isn't all of my video content on Nebula? Well, no--as of right now only Nebula originals that are a part of my contract go onto Nebula, and those are always going to be video essays in the traditional sense. Any other video content (like the short doc I made about researching Truth of the Divine during the pandemic) are Patreon-only--pretty much anything relating to my books and other writings are going to be exclusive to Patreon.

But if you are a fan of edutainment and video essays, Nebula is probably a better bang for your buck. While I am presently Nebula's only "exclusive" creator (meaning I don't cross post any Nebula originals to other platforms), most Nebula creators do create exclusive content for Nebula that you won't see on YouTube or elsewhere. And when it comes to price, remember that Nebula costs less than half what YouTube premium does while offering many of the same features (if Nebula had the complete Beatles catalogue as well as Miss Rachel I wouldn't need to pay for YouTube premium either, but alas). And yes, we do get a 50% cut of Nebula subscriptions in addition to payment based on monthly watch time.

So tl;dr: if you're interested in my books, writing and things associated with that in addition to our video essays, you should subscribe to my Patreon. If you're in it only for video essay content because that's your thing and you aren't interested in my other work, you should subscribe to Nebula. All of us here on Team Lindsay are grateful for your support either way.

Noumena book 3 is very close to the finish line, and we will hopefully have a release date for that soon, which means it's that time of the drafting process again: who wants their name to appear in my books by way of character death?? You do you do! Look for that update in the next day or two.



I'll pay whatever helps you keep making all types of content, and I'd prefer to use a platform that benefits you the most. Heck, you could make it $5 or whatever and I'll still support. <3


I just upped my monthly payment to £10 a month 🤷‍♂️


The problem is that in Germany many people do not have a credit card (me too) so subscribing to nebula isn't an option https://www.statista.com/statistics/968220/credit-card-ownership-rate-european-countries/


I'm down to die.

Kait Hatch

I'm also down to die. But as Roy, if possible. If you need a surname, Roy Geebiv.


I am subscribe to nebula through the curiosity stream. I will probably still keep both, as I supported different creator by that deal. But thank you for being clear with those option, I am in fact trying to keep the budget for Patreon similar and shifting options if I need to.


I like Patreon. I don’t have a Nebula subscription and I think it’s just one I can’t reasonably afford


I can't want the Nebula videos unless I give them permission to see my pledges and email, which I don't want to do. So, Patreon.

jaded cynic

I have both and plan to keep both. Nebula is great for supporting other creators I watch regularly without joining their Patreon individually. Being able to watch all the videos on my smart TV is a huge plus, too. Thanks for taking the time to explain and being open about this :)


i prefer patron as a platform


For what it's worth, I just became a patron today specifically because I want your vids (including the bad ones) and don't have any other real interest in Nebula, and just found out this was an option.

Ash (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-05 21:41:47 I'm prefer Patreon. I'm here for all the content you create. And if you shift to only Nebula, I will follow you over there.
2023-06-04 22:47:39 I prefer Patreon. I'm here for all the content you create. If you shift to only Nebula, I will follow you over there.

I prefer Patreon. I'm here for all the content you create. If you shift to only Nebula, I will follow you over there.


Late to this but just decided to increase my pledge manually. Didn't even know you could do that. I feel like the minimum is set too low as is anyway.