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Finally got to do my favorite X-villain(?)!

Next couple are going to be my choice.  Muahahaha. 


Loose Canon: Mystique

Uploaded by Chez Lindsay on 2016-08-31.


Kyle Williams

Great video as usual! I never really thought about Romijn's & Lawrence's Mystiques being so different as to be out of continuity with each other, but you made a good case for it. Its funny that Disney-Marvel is known for consistently producing great movies, yet the X-Men franchise has them beat by a mile in terms of female representation in major roles.


Excellent as always, and I love the new title sequence!


Oh man, X-3... there's something I'd like to see you rail against for forty minutes a la Phantom 2004. Both of those movies were positively insulting to watch.


Okay, I need to rewatch X-Men 3 The Last Stand just, so I can remember what a confusing piece of shit movie that truly is. I remember coming out of the theater and felt scammed, and I was 13 when it came out. I was at the age when I thought Epic movie was actually funny instead of facepalming my head in embarrassment that I have to write that honest of god awful truth even I felt scammed by the X-Men 3 The Last Stand. Also, Mystique saying, "that's my slave name" kind of irks me on how bad that forcefully written line that was. A little bit too on the noise. By the way, great video.


I erased all of x men 3 from my brain, I cannot remember anything from it hahaha

Piper Malone

I didn't know much about Mystique so this was interesting. I would have enjoyed seeing a little more of her run in the comic like with Nightcrawler but I get that there was a lot of movie material and you had a thrust to your argument (that Mystique has gotten a more varied read in the movies and she can support this complexity). All around really interesting perspective thanks for putting this out.

Mel Vitta

I love your intro. That's a nice touch.


I saw epic movie in cinemas.............................................sorry I just thourght this might be an appropriate place to get that off my chest, I feel so much better now


Love the new intro! Very fun.


The intro is awesome.