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I had intended to put this up last week, but computer problems and then leaving town necessitated that I move systems, and owing to the size of the project... Long story short, I've had a lot of technical problems. I hadn't intended to dump BOTH parts one right on top of the other on the same day, but there it is. The second part will be up later today. As for technical problems, I'll try and fix those once my main system is up and running again. The final versions will be up on YouTube next week. 

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Lindsay you rule


So psyched. Let's have a look.


I am entirely too close to this event to ever be completely objective about it... but, I'm hardly alone in that. I admire you for tackling this subject and in such depth. I eagerly anticipate Part Two.


Excellent video adeptly handling this tough subject. Looking forward to part two. I assume War of the Worlds will feature?


Ahh, Toby Keith! Memories of my Air Force boot camp! Gahh.


Great job!


You did a really good job with this difficult topic! Sorry to hear you're having technical issues


Nice job! It must be tough topic to tackle in this episode. My reaction is more similar to yours where I really hate the reaction after 9/11, and how people reacting to it, and how not many of them are checking their emotions or finding emotional healthier way of dealing with it with this anger and confusion to the point we are putting a screaming Orange cockroach into the position of Presidency. But at the same time, I am distance since I am in California, and I never lived in New York, so I don't have this huge connection to Twin Tower as others do. I can't wait for part 2.


Well done.


Good work.


This was rough territory to venture into, but well done. I'd say "mission accomplished", but that would be too ironic.


I am very glad you did this episode. I cant imagine it was easy to research. I was only 9 when it happened, and being on the west coast for us it was a very early morning and a long day. My image of 9/11 was always the image of the dust and stuff storming through the streets I remember the news channel I was watching showed security image of a a little shop where the clerk ran out and dragged a woman who I think was busy listening to music, into the store before the dust cloud could get her. But who knows maybe it was a false memory. I will say the piece of media that stuck with me the most was John Stewart's first episode of the Daily Show since the tragedy. I thought he handled it well. One thing i will add though, holy shit, 'truthers' are so much more common outside of the US. I went to school in England and I dealt on a regular bases of 1, people asking me why I voted for Bush (I was 8 when he was elected man), and 2, I knew that 9/11 was staged right? LIke I wasnt another stupid American who believed some people just wanted to cause tragedy and that it wasnt one big conspiracy right. Like right? TOWERS DONT FALL THAT WAY DONT BE STUPIIIID- yeah I did end up punching some one in the face over it once. Now when it comes to that issue I like the Penn and Teller episode on it, I dont like all of Bullshit and recognize it is far from a fair debate or look at shows, but they hit the nail pretty good on the head with that one. Conspiracy theorists want to believe that because its easier for them to believe there was a big conspiracy behind it all then the truth that some times bad things happen.

Piper Malone

This was really engrossing and had a lot of good points and pieces I had either forgotten about or didn't know existed. I'll be interested to see what you do in part 2. Thanks for putting in this hard work.


Don't apologize for makeing long videos because I'm pretty sure we all love it when you do.

Josh Spicer

"I'm Already There" really shouldn't count mostly cause it came out before 9/11 even happened. Also yeah, Jadakiss.


Honestly I kind of love Courtesy of the Red White and Blue in a cheesy, Roland Emmerich movie way.


I really appreciate you taking on this topic. I'm sure it's hard for you as a New Yorker to think about. I was only 9 when this happened and I didn't get it. I didn't understand what a terrorist attack was and that this was more than a plane crash. With what's happened around the world this past year (watching a coup live on television among other terrible things), I'm starting to get why 9/11 is and was a huge event that people still talk about and haven't forgotten. Watching you take on the topic and the timeline of how it was covered (mirroring the stages of grief) also really helps. Thanks once again for teaching me something with your videos!

Jacob Haller

I haven't watched part 2 yet, but, thinking about my own 9/11 pop culture reactions: On 9/11 itself, after being turned away from the blood center, I went to a bookstore and bought two books: a collection of 'The Onion', which I found impossible to find any pleasure from; and Michael Chabon's 'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay', which was 100% what I needed. I haven't read it again since, so I'm not sure how it holds up, but, at the time, I read it as a story of two people who feel helpless in the face of evil, and how they express this, and maybe even fight back in a small way, through the medium of comic books. I also remember Letterman, the Daily Show, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and various web comics I read, struggling to come up with ways to address the attack, in ways I generally found to be pretty touching. After that, I tried to avoid popular culture representations of 9/11 as much as possible. I remember in 2006 a friend recommended the book 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close', and how angry I became when I realized it was a 9/11 book (though I didn't say anything to my friend, and did finish reading the book). More recently, I noticed that the blatant 9/11 imagery in 'San Andreas' didn't make me angry, which I figure counts as some kind of progress, maybe.

Mel Vitta

Yeah, sadly my oldest brother has somehow slid into the ranks of 9/11 truthers. It's really sad honestly, but he knows better than to bring up his views in family gatherings.




As much as I hate the endless slew of far out, unverifiable conspiracy theories about it, the fact that 3 buildings fell straight down, without toppling to either side and in an unprecedented manner, is exceptionally bizarre. Like, WTC7 just had fires caused by falling debris, but it fell straight down. That's weird. No buildings have ever behaved that way before. The NIST report can't account for why those 3 fell like that, but nowadays discussing these physical abnormalities apparently puts one into the camp of the tinfoil hat brigade or brings about somber head shaking and an, "Oh shush, it's too late to talk about it now."


Here's the thing... yes, they have. Repeatedly. Many peer-reviewed explanations exist for the physics of why things happened the way they did. Just because you don't accept them doesn't mean no one "can account" for them. And the assertion that buildings fell straight down instead of toppling over is just... bizarre for many reasons. Of course they fell straight down. Buildings are designed to topple straight down in the event of demolition. Buildings implode rather than topple, because mass and gravity. And regardless the mass was too heavy to topple like a guy getting knocked over.But I don't want to get into this - point is, yes, there are many, many outlets addressing these things, just because you don't accept it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's not "too late", it's just been thoroughly debunked, and at this point if you don't accept it, then there's really no discussion to be had.


Got a big laugh out of "Stitch did 9/11". The whole scene is even worse, they go to an airport and Stitch gets on a plane as it's taking off and throws everyone off.


I think the only "Heartfelt Tribute Song" that I still listen to is "The Rising", and even then that's mostly because I am a massive fanboy​ of the Boss.