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Hi all! This is Elisa, Lindsay's assistant. I'm the one who moderates all the YouTube comments, screens all her emails and the DMs you send her, and also the one who does the Patreon credits that appear at the end of her videos, amongst many other things.

If you want your name to appear in the credits at the end of Lindsay's videos and you are pledging $10, make sure you are pledged specifically to the #passion tier. Going forward, no one pledging exactly $10 who's not pledged to the #passion tier will be included in the credits. This will give people the opportunity to support Lindsay without their names being included if that is what they wish. Everyone who is pledging MORE than $10 will still be included in the credits, even though you are not technically in the #passion tier. If you wish to pledge MORE than $10 and NOT have your name included in the credits, the only thing you can do is alter your display name on Patreon to a pseudonym, and that will be included instead. Unfortunately, due to the way Patreon's spreadsheets work, this is the only way I can go about this matter, given the sheer quantity of Lindsay's patrons. 

Speaking of which, thank you all SO much for supporting our team! Your money doesn't just go to Lindsay, it pays the full-time salaries of 5 people AS WELL AS full health care insurance for all of us AND our families. My two little children have health insurance thanks to you all. It's a big job and a lot of work managing a YouTube account the size of Lindsay's, especially considering the controversial topics we address, and having her cover my whole family's health insurance makes me able to commit my time and energy to keeping her comments section free of harassment and bigotry without having to get a "real" job on the side just for the sake of insurance because the American healthcare system is truly evil. 

So again, thank you for all of your support and generosity. Lindsay's inbox here has been absolutely flooded with messages, along with her email over the last few days, and as I'm the one who screens all those messages for her, I know exactly how amazing you all are. Please check your patron status/tier/name to make sure you're where you want to be wrt the credits, and have a great day!


PS. Some of you like to choose amusing "names" (sometimes full sentences) for your Patreon display name so that they appear that way in the credits for all to see. Just know that the longer your display "name" is, the smaller I have to make the font, and the less likely anyone will be able to read it. The shorter you keep your name, the better it will be seen in the credits.



thank you for the work you do ☺️


You bunch are the best! I wish I could give more!


Thank you for all you do, Elisa. Lindsey sounds like she has an incredible team.


Thank you so much for your work, and happy to be of help 🥰 send our love to Lindsay


Watch me turn my name to “M” so it can be in the largest possible font 😂


I would like to welcome Lindsay to team "I Quit Twitter." I guess she quit a long time ago amidst all this nonsense, but I did not know about that nor the offending tweet because, I quit Twitter, AND SO CAN YOU! Everyone quit Twitter! Your psyche will thank you!


Thank you for everything you do, Elisa

Haldon Lindstrom

Thanks, Elisa, for the update. I really appreciate how much you and the rest of Lindsay's team keep us up-to-date on what is going on, and to know that our contributions help to support you. Take care, and hope you have a fantastic day.


Thanks for the words about the whole team, and what the sponsors are actually doing. So many are unaware of the behind the scenes people who make projects like this work, especially in times like these. I for one really appreciate everything you ALL do.


Short Question Elisa: Around half a year ago, you and Lindsay made a Q&A stream, which I missed due to obligations. I asked for a recording on a YouTube comment, and I was told that you are making it more polished before releasing it. I just wanted to ask if we can expect the video to appear somewhere, because I would love to see it :-) I don't even need it polished. However, if there is some other reason why it can't be shown, then of course, I'll understand. I always look forward to the next video.

frank sands

Thanks for all your work! I changed my pledge to #passion recently, can you tell me when the credits are updated?

Shiny Skunk

Thank you so much for your hard work, Elisa! I can only imagine how hard it must be to moderate comments on one hellsite, let alone all the places Lindsay gets messages.


I appreciate your work Elisa


Upped my pledge to the #passion tier

David W (d20dave) (d_dave)

Thanks for everything you do Elisa :) We appreciate you. I'm really glad everyone is able to have full health insurance - I know that can be hard for such small businesses. As a person who grew up in the UK, "evil" is definitely the right adjective unfortunately.

T. Delligatti

You are a goddess, Elisa! Your work (and everyone’s work on this channel) is much appreciated!! I hope everyone on the team has a great weekend.


Thank you for the screening work you do!


Thank you for your work!


There were some technological difficulties with the editing process with that stream, but Lindsay STILL hopes to get it edited together to release it properly one day. However, she ALSO was feeling leery about putting it on her main channel due to how much the algorithm has been punishing her lately. We actually have now made a whole separate side channel for posting this very sort of non-algorithm-friendly thing. So once she had the chance to get back into that project and finish getting it edited to the standard she's comfortable with, we'll be posting it as the first video on the new channel. --Elisa

Curt Clark

No changes needed here, just wanted to say how grateful I am for all of the hard work that goes into this. You guys are all awesome.


Thank you for everything you do, Elisa!


Thank you for all the hard work you do Elisa!

Scott Greene

Thanks for all your hard work supporting Lindsay. You guys are truly running one of the very best channels on YouTube.


Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, Elisa!!! You are appreciated! 💜

Daniel Wright

Always glad to hear from the Maven of the Eventide! No changes needed here. As with many others here, so grateful for the work you all put in! :)


Thanks Lindsay and crew! I'm leveling up to $20, and proud to have my name associated with your excellent work.


Elisa, you’re doing an amazing job! I am currently pledging $10 but not sure that I’m in the passion tier. I would like to continue showing my support for Lindsay and the rest of the team. I know you’ve all been through a lot lately, and I would like to make sure that I am showing my support, even if it is through a silly user name. I’m fairly new to Patreon, how would I go about pledging more every month, to ensure that I’m showing my support? Also is there a Venmo or something that I could send some money to, after watching that last video I felt I needed a drink, and I can imagine everyone on the team needs one much more than I do. Is there a way I could send y’all some wine/beer/name your alcohol money?


Thank you for your work, Elisa. It’s nice to know that Lindsay has a team of good people around her!


Proud to have my name associated with Lindsay’s excellent work and the haters can suck it. Come at me bro(s)


Thank you for you labor Elisa and thank you Lindsey for always challenging ALL of us to keep asking questions and reimaging our literature, our cinema and our world! 💞


Thank you for the work you and the rest of your team do


Thank you for all the work you do. After the latest video I changed my my tier to #passion for $10

Pocket & Locket

There’s a way to change your tier! I think if you go to her patreon page, there’s an option for viewing your membership; click that and the scroll down to view all the tiers, you can switch from there!

Patrick Riegert

Thanks for all your work, Elisa (and the rest of the team). I'm proud to be a supporter!


It’s been really incredible watching this channel blossom over the years, and I’m thrilled to know that it’s become a sustainable team effort that can support families like this. It feels like the extended edition payoff of collectively growing up on the internet, absolutely inspiring.


Thanks for all that you do, Elisa! 🤩


I tried to increase my monthly amount to Lindsay, and now I am not sure if I’m in the right tier. It keeps prompting me for the $10 payment without the #passion tier . Sorry if I am being thick, but I wanted to increase my monthly contribution and still be in the same tier


Thanks so much!!! Take care!

Keith D. Jones

Money's expensive, so to speak, or else I would contribute more, get to see my name up there in lights. I'll just have to settle for a less-flashy tier for my vicarious empowerment and know that I'm helping to support the whole Lindsey Ellis Team in my own very insignificant way.


I quit too. Social media companies need to take responsibility for their platforms.

William Jarvis

You are all so talented and the work you create adds to my life--I'm glad to know that the money is well spent, on content, sure, but also on people! I am quite happy to remain named as one of Lindsay Ellis' many co-conspirators. She is a menace whom I am proud to aid and abet.

James McKey

I SPECIFICALLY increased from $2 to $10 and pruned down some other recurring stuff to make this work. Lindsay and of course by association, the whole team, is really awe-inspiring. I really appreciated her courage and vulnerability in this last video on the whole Twitter "cancel" nonsense and knew w/in the first 10 minutes I was going to have to find a way to make this new tier work. So glad you can do this full-time and support you family as well, including health insurance. Just switching jobs we are having to sweat bullets for a bit and go with catastrophic coverage for 40+ days until the new insurance kicks in. Wish these people showed as much passion about making sure everyone had quality health insurance 24/7 whether they have a job or not.


Happy to participate and put some money towards someone's work I can actually believe in!


Thank you, Elisa!


I read this above There’s a way to change your tier! I think if you go to her patreon page, there’s an option for viewing your membership; click that and the scroll down to view all the tiers, you can switch from there!


Just upped my contribution to $15. Please don't let Twitter assholes decide what you're worth.


Happy to have my name associated with anything Lindsey and the team produce


I've enjoyed the content for so long. After this latest controversy I wanted to show my support. Keep up the good work! ♥️


Thank you Team Lindsay!


I speculated that this channel could not be done by Lindsay alone, but full-time labor of five people! What a work. No wonder your "contents" (:P) have such high-quality insights and information. I am really proud to be one of your supporters. Cheers!! Wish the BEST <3<3


Thank you very much for the work you do!


I've only just caught up with what happened and can only say how sorry, and disgusted I am, over what happened to you. As ever your response was nuanced, considered and where it most needed to be, tough-minded and angry. I completely understand the decision not to share the credits this time. But I would have been proud to have been included, and will continue to be as I support you going forward.


Thank you Elisa and every one on the team for bringing such great educational content and experience to us!!

Christine D

As I've been a fan of Lindsay's work for a long time, this whole thing has filled me with both fury and empathy for what she's been put through. I guess it did make me finally get around to supporting her on Patreon, at least. My best wishes, and tons of admiration, to Lindsay, as well as Elisa and the rest of the team.

All-Natural Fig Jam

So glad that Lindsay's team gets proper insurance! And this Twitter thing has made me reconsider a lot... for a long time my only exposure to "cancel culture" was famous comedians (all men) complaining on TV guest spots that their careers had been temporarily stalled because of all the assaults they committed, so I had very little sympathy. I totally missed Natalie's thing a while back, but now seeing this.... I'd never considered how Twitter's systems actually encourage outrage, so any chance of real discussion is just completely drowned out. I did see some POCs with real concerns on Twitter. But they were overwhelmingly screamed over by the flood of outrage, so to expect Lindsay (or you) to find them would be expecting you to find a single hay straw in a stack of needles. I hope you all stay positive through this experience and continue making amazing content.

jaded cynic

Hi Elisa! IMHO you have the toughest job on the team, handling tons of messages, many of which are vile and cruel. I joined Patreon specifically after this ordeal to show my support. Hope you’re all doing okay ❤️


Hi Eliza! We all love you too! (In addition to Lindsey, not as a reply to "I love you"....)


Thanks for all your intense work, Elisa!!

Coal Musterm

Appreciating all the hard work you and the rest of the team do. Thank you.


Thank you for everything you do, Elisa! Lindsay’s content means a lot to me, and I’m overjoyed to hear that your family is being supported!


Well I just sent my message of support (took me a little longer) to Ms. Ellis but, it takes a village, thank you to the rest of the staff!

Brandon Scott Jensen

Thank you so much for what you do! You, Lindsay and the entire team are appreciated! *hearts* Proudly part of the #passion tier. New patron, but long-time fan here.


Thanks for all you do, Elisa! And thanks to the whole team for bringing us such insightful, wonderful content! Sending positive vibes~


I saw some comments from a troll here yesterday. I ain't gonna lie, it made me sad a little: what can you say to those kind of people to make them stop harassing people? Nothing. So, instead of giving them the attention they're so blatantly begging for, I decided to upgrade my contribution to Lindsay ! So thanks, lil' Troll, I'm sure Lindsay will appreciate your efforts on her behalf !


Glad to hear you're doing well Elisa and thanks for the hard work you do.


When they are so blatantly trolling, ignoring really is the best option. When they don't get ANY reaction from you, they get bored of it very quickly. On YouTube, I just flag them and be done with it.