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I'm posting this here because I feel like if I owe anyone an explanation it's you guys, so with regard to the Twitter thing - needless to say there is a lot of projection and assumption of why I did decide to delete it, but at the end of the day I took this whole debacle as a sign that I really need to rethink my "career," such as it were, because clearly this is not working.

Twitter and social media in general have become such an incredible source of toxicity, for culture in general and for me in particular. It was making me so unhappy, which is part of why I had been getting increasingly snippy and defensive in ways that were unnecessary and unprofessional. The people who are saying that this is the result of carelessness are right--I was careless. 

As for the question of "why now", it wasn't that this controversy was the worst ever, it honestly was just the last straw, and not just for Twitter. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, how I should engage with content or if I should continue making it at all. So I'm taking some time away from Internet, try to detox from it, and then we'll see what the state of things will be going forward.

As for an actual statement, I'm not making one now. I'm going to take some time to consider how to respond, because I think it will take some time to figure out what I want to say and how to say it.

For the people who've sent messages of support I appreciate it, and I do apologize for any hurt or stress this may have caused. I don't feel awesome about it. 



take all the time you need 💖


As a fan of yours for roughly ten years now, I hope you take some good time for yourself but that you're still able to come back to making videos and podcasts. You're fuckin' good at it and I like your perspective on things. Of course, if you do decide to retire from ol' YouTube, that's absolutely fine and your decision to make.


If it’s any consolation, I think your content has been better than ever, your transphobia in media video was great. But I relate with this sentiment abt social media a great deal. Give yourself some time away and know I along with the rest of us will be here when you return. Love you Lindsay.


take the time you need


Twitter is a microcosm of the worst of humanity. There are more of us out there that still support you and appreciate the content you create and will continue to support you in whatever you decide to do next.

Matthew Dillard

I have no clue whatever you are referring to Lindsay, but I support your decision to step back from it all. I really respect it when someone can recognize that.


I'll second that, definitely take as much time as needed. I wouldn't blame you if you decided not to return to Twitter, or just used it basically as an automated post thing to post links to any new stuff you make or book-related announcements. And if you decide not to make content anymore, well - thanks for the years of good, enlightening videos and writing. It's been a pleasure.


Take all the time you need. It's a stressful time for a lot of people, so maybe we all should just take a break, in one way or another.


Well, this leaves the #RestoreTheDarkUniverse movement without a leader.

Katie O'Donnell

Sending you support and hoping for you to get some clarity and comfort in your time away ❤️


Whatever you decide to you, I'm happy to support you, either here or anywhere else. I'm very sorry you're going through this. You do wonderful work, and the glimpses of you that I see through it are equally special. Best of luck to you.

Tony M Parker

I wouldn’t blame if you never returned to Twitter. As long as you’re okay. Take as much time off as you need. You’ve been such an inspiration, and I’m sorry so many misinterpreted your initial post. I will personally support whatever you do decide to move on to professionally. Know what you are loved and supported by countless.


Time to read or watch one of those stories where the message is "It's not how many times we fall down, it's how many times we get back up". We all make mistakes, that part of being human. I've not been following that closely, but it doesn't sound like you've done anything super harmful or unforgivable or anything. I hope this interlude leads into a great new chapter for you.


Focus on writing or just on whatever makes you happy. Stepping away is the right decision. I truly can't fathom people's ability to just constantly taking everything in bad faith and being vitriolic at every opportunity. Hope this break is going to bring about better things for you Lindsay!


I’ve been following you since your very first Nostalgia Woman video. It’s a long time to have been in the online public eye. The toxicity that gets thrown at you and everyone in the business of Content™️ is terrible and exhausting - and the nature of for-profit social media just makes it worse. I hope you get the space and detox you need, not so you can make more awesome stuff, but so you can be healthy and happy.


I saw your name trending, then I saw the 'offending' tweets and was actually relieved, they weren't anything like I had feared. I tried reading them in the least charitable way possible and even then couldn't understand the outrage. They need to be read by the reader with intent to find something wrong with them to garner the kind of blowback you received. That said, take your time away to detox, I think we could all benefit from doing the same. I'll be here for whatever content you produce in the future (and I'm going to buy your book tomorrow).


I have been a fan of yours for about 10 years now. I wish the best for you, and I do hope you continue to make videos and podcasts. I think you are brilliant and your videos have brought me so much joy over the years. Sending you good vibes and support!


I've been watching you since I was in middle school (I'm 26 now lol), and I think you've already evolved immensely as a creator. As for all this, I think you create what you want and not worry about the critics and naysayers. Some people just have nothing except hate and drama, and any opportunity they get they'll just dogpile. I know you probably don't feel great about how some people feel, but just know that many of us enjoy your content and understand you're only human. Of course, you do you with your career, just know you'll still have support.


Do what you need to do to survive. I'm not sure any war has ever been won on social media but the casualties seem to be racking up. You're the second creator I know that's doing something like this. Best of luck with your recovery.


Not gonna lie, not sure what happened, as I'm not on Twitter. But I can totally relate to the toxicity of social media (left Facebook years ago, glad I did) and the whole mob mentality when it comes to all of these situations. Hope you find what you're looking or what you need in self reflection and we'll be waiting for your return ;)


I only speak for myself of course, but I'll be here no matter what. I have enjoyed so many of your endeavors that I want to continue to support whatever form they take.


I also don't know what this is about, and I'm fine leaving it that way. I'll just wait a few years for it to become a Ted Talk.


You have to do what is important for you. I personally think twitter is a toxic hellhole, but that's not exactly a hot take. I do hope you won't stop creating content for good, as it is difficult to find people who can be both insightful AND entertaining, and you do a great job of that. Wishing you all the best.


I really love your content, and to be selfish for a second, would be very sad to never see any more of it. But, you have to take care of yourself, and I respect that. :) Twitter is garbage, but you rock. ❤️


I've watched your videos for years & occasionally read your twitter (though I DON'T have twitter myself & am glad about that fact) so have real faith in you. Your work brings me immense joy, but if you need time away from everything I get it. Best wishes & affection to you brilliant creator!


Yeah I'm not on twitter and I'm googling it now and it makes zero sense to me why saying two children's tv series are similar blew up?


I don’t know if this is what you need to hear now, but speaking from the heart as a long time fan, I’m so happy for you. I only got a Twitter this past year which helped contextualize some of your videos in terms of not only cultural specificity but honest frustrations. In just passively seeing the anger, abuse, and toxicity hurled in all directions (but mostly those with pointed, thoughtful takes and more than 10k followers AKA you and others with great takes) I felt second hand exhaustion. It’s so much just reading all that garbage, and I genuinely can’t imagine having said garbage hurled your way. I absolutely love your perspective on pop culture, film, philosophy, literature, and general trash™️. Really and truly, your videos gave me an early and profound appreciation for humor, theory, and, above all, nuance. Twitter doesn’t take kindly to that. Thinking of you and sending all the good vibes your way! Just know for all the nerdy, musical/film/book loving folks out there, your voice has had an impact and deserves a rest!


I don't know details aside from screencaps but I will say just searching you on twitter is a disaster that makes me stressed as a random third party. twitter as a platform feels toxic as hell to me, in part because the character limit severely constrains discourse. like you can read 3000 one liners about somebody being a pos and a handful of people attempting threads to break it down, but ultimately those 3000 are overwhelming. what a yikes all around


Please take the time you need and make the best decision for you possible. I love your videos and have a lot of fun on your twitter, but not at any cost. Much rather you be safe, not in a creepy internet stalker way, but maybe in a vegan kind of way (?). ‘this content was made without suffering’ lol

Daniel Wright

Not sure what happened on Twitter but, as a fan for over a decade, do whatever you need to do for yourself. You owe it to yourself to find some contentment, which is more important than any video or whatever else. Do what you need to do. :)

diego kontarovsky

yeah, social media in general is just complete poison. i think about the early days of the internet and it was really nothing like this. people discussed interests in newsgroups, met friends in chat rooms, and shared content on personal blogs. now the internet is like a network of sinister hive minds communicating exclusively via memes. we must dismantle the social media monster and revive the age of geocities


FWIW I’m Southeast Asian myself and when I first saw Raya trailer I definitely saw some heavy influence from TLA. And most of the cast of Raya is of East Asian descent so…. if they were going to go after anyone for being insensitive, it should be Disney. Anyway, stay strong, we’re here for you.


As someone who isn't on Twitter I'm not sure what happened but I can say that removing myself from social media has been incredibly helpful to my mental health and I hope it is for you too. Love your videos but at the end of the day I hope you're able to find what's best for you.


Mate, best wishes from ours to yours. After a decade of awesome content, it seems that this kind of rubbish is a sign that you are well regarded enough to be a target. Do what you need to do, you'll have our support.

Ali Bushell

We'll miss you Lindsay, but your self care is far more important than any obligation to entertain us. We, the ones who put our money where our mouths are (rather than just saying it) respect you and love you enough to want you to prioritise yourself over our needs.


❤️ Take your space! I can’t begin to imagine the pressure that comes with being so publicly facing. Your work means a lot to me! ❤️

Greg Willickers

I love everything you do, and I hope the dipshits won't be able to bully you out of continuing. You're not the problem.

Robyn Valentine

Twitter sucks! Whatever you decide I hope it brings you peace and happiness!


Taking care of yourself should be priority number one. We will all be here waiting when you are ready for whatever is next.


I have no idea what happened, but I 100% support anyone deciding to not be on Twitter any more.


Take as long as you need to and I'm sorry people online can be so compassionless and obdurate. I'm a big fan of your content obviously but you being happy and safe is more important than making videos. If you decide this is a good place to stop then you can be so proud of what you have produced.


Not sure what happened but Twitter has become a raging dumpster fire inferno with no disco. Fuck that place. Hope you’re having a good spa soak with a champagne flute or whatever helps you chill.


Wishing you all the best :)


Honestly, I don't think anyone is capable of handling hordes of toxic folks on the regular. I was appalled by the vitriol. Appreciate you and your work! Take care <3

The Overthinker

I found your video essays a while back and felt a kinship over love of film and reasonable snobbery. I've also never been on twitter and haven't touched facebook in over a year. I really do think it will help. If you want something to relax and provide good feels I have suggestions but don't want to plug anything without request. Thanks for everything -That guy who spent the whole Hobbit pt 1 shouting 'Thats what I said' at his screen


I’ll add my voice to the choir. I’m another long time fan who’s not on Twitter, and so out of that loop. Take your time, you do you. The good you’ve put in the world is more than many. If we get more videos and podcasts, great; if not, we’ll always have Phantom ;) Getting to meet you at your con-lang lecture in Vegas back in 2019 was a personal highlight of my year, so thanks for that and all you’ve given!


Sorry for your Twitter trouble. The internet is truly toxic these days. I mostly stay off of social media for that reason. The venom makes me disappointed with humanity. My sympathies for your troubles. Take your time. Your content is great and I’m sure you’ll figure out the path you want to take.


I'm sorry it's been, well, obviously shit for you. I don't know exactly what's been happening (I ignore Twitter), but it would be a huge shame if you stopped creating content because of it. I would miss your content a lot, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that. Take care of yourself!


I’m sorry it’s gone this way, Lindsay. The standards expected of people online are increasingly punishing, and it’s made the internet a hostile place where if you’re not dragged into a complicated dogfight with total strangers, you’re witnessing one, or trying to protect a friend from one. How can anyone be happy in that kind of environment? Disagreements happen but those explosions always seem to be wildly disproportionate to the stakes at hand. I feel like people have forgotten how to step back. I wish I knew what the answer was, too. And that aside, I’ve always appreciated your insight into things, your sense of humour, and your ability to tease nuance out of media critique. Whether you continue making videos or not, I appreciate having gotten to see your work, and I’m looking forward to whatever you do next. Rest up and I hope you find some peace.

Camille R

I would never, ever blame anyone for ditching Twitter. *never*. You do whatever clears your head and calms you, and I'll support it. (And for god's sake, I can name four people on YouTube who said the same damn thing *at length* and have not had any backlash. Will leave you to guess what characteristics they have in common.)

Ryan Frazier

Twitter is a bad place and I understand why some people feel the need to use it professionally but I would never disagree with the desire to leave it


Hey Lindsay. Missed what happened on Twitter but it sounds like it was not a fun time. I had a Bad Thing happen on Twitter, and I basically shut it down for two years, I only came back late last year, and it was lovely to be able to engage with you in dumb jokes and offer support about your creative work. Rest assured, Twitter is a trash fire. I miss 2012 Twitter a lot, when it was closer knit and your friends would joke and have fun together. But honestly, the lovely patreon community kinda fills that gap now. Know that there are people out there who care for you heaps, and want the best for your mental health and well-being. You do what you gotta do. Take care, and stay well and happy.


Whatever happened - i'm sure it's a good call to take a break. I hope you find other ways to express yourself without risking your wellbeing!


Have a bowl and listen to something cathartic; I have genuinely learned so much from all your different content over the years. Lindsay the person is the priority here. Your content aside, I hope you know you are not alone.

William Jarvis

All day I was thinking that while I was upset at your absence on Twitter, I was also happy if you were disconnecting from a horrendous source of toxic, disingenuous scorn. You are a brilliant writer, commenter, and cultural critic. You'll find a way to share your thoughts--or not. You don't owe any of us shit. :)

Sam Frederich

You rock Lindsay. Take as long as you need, we'll be here when you get back.


I think we're going to have to come up with an EGOT equivalent for getting cancelled by the right, the left, and everyone in between... But honestly, if you hadn't posted here, I would have totally missed this whole episode. Take a deep breath, take a step back, and take whatever time you need. I hope you're surrounded by friends and family supporting you right now. Remember twitter isn't real life, and honestly 95% of your viewers will never even hear about this.


Another person who isn't on Twitter, has no idea what happened, and loves to listen to what you have to say. I really hope this is not the end of your stuff, but it's more important that you do what's best for you. I'll be excited to listen to you again if I get the chance, and I will learn to deal if I don't. As others here are saying, you don't owe us anything.

Nathan Saritzky

I've been watching your stuff since I was about 18 over ten years ago. I'm in the prime shitlord demo, and I often feel like I could have turned out like one of them. Your criticism--the first real media criticism I encountered--ie part of what turned me away from that.


Do whatever you have to do, seriously, a lot of us love your stuff & do actually care about you & whatever kind of break you need is more important than the Twitter. Twitter is weird & toxic & idk maybe none of us should be on it tbh. The Rent video is one of my go to things on a bad day because I hated rent & it makes me feel justified, & I selfishly hope you come back or at least continue making a podcast with Kaveh, the king of the ad reads.

Joshua Mannix

Coming at this from no knowledge of what's happening then googling, Jesus people are dumb. Lindsey, keep doing what you're doing. Social media, specifically Twitter, is just awful and takes anything half said in jest or six degrees connected to something someone considers racist/sexist/transphobic as you literally pissing on some god's altar.


Honestly, deleting Twitter is an excellent life choice for everyone. Good luck and enjoy the time away from the screaming trash fire of the internet!


Glad you are taking time 💜


honestly deleting is the right call, even if you were to later undelete and return (though it doesn't sound like that's the plan). once the mob gets going minimizing surface area is the best thing to do.


While I haven’t dealt with this kind of situation, I’m very familiar with that feeling of a last straw that breaks something (take care of your health y’all). I hope you can get the space you need. We all want to get the things we like without the process that created them hurting other people. But the latter is a thing often obscured from us. While we are all obviously interested in following your work, please don’t let it come at the cost of your well being.


Honestly, I think you got it right when you said you couldn't have throwaway tweets. Having a normal personal twitter where you say off-the-cuff things will just result in this same situation over and over again. Twitter is a plague that's bad for a great many people's mental health. (I think a lot of youtubers have underestimated how much that screenshot of the teen bugging that person was part of a massive pattern, not a random instance of a silly kid who could be dealt with by blocking: constant low-level harassment is the norm now if you're a fanfic geek on twitter, just like it's common if you're a well-known youtuber.) For what it's worth, I think your explanations of how editing and film craft affect perception are some of the only good ones out there for the general public. I've used your analysis of Megan Fox's character in Transformers while teaching film editing. That part of your work is tremendously impactful. I hope it becomes something you enjoy again.

Twit In A Hat

If you do decide to move away from YouTube, I do hope you continue your critical essays on pop culture in some form, because I have not found anyone else who does it as well as you. The world needs more Lindsay Ellis's (how dose pluralisation work on proper nouns ending in 's'?).


Uh, don't take this the wrong way https://imgur.com/sCshJhG


Take care of yourself, Lindsay! And take as much time as you need. There is no shame in staying away from Twitter or only using it to post promos for other videos and/or books, and closing replies. There is also no shame in ditching it completely, or coming back at any time you like. The important thing is, what makes YOU happy.

Poorly Fleshed Skeleton

I’m so sorry this has been affecting you so badly. I really hope you’re able to take the break you need and no matter what come out of it feeling better. I definitely understand how exhausting it is to be constantly ground down by the toxicity of people around you from work. I don’t work in social media, but I do work as a CSR for the accounting department of a hotel chain. People constantly feel the need to one up you or put you in your place and I see this kind of thing a lot on Twitter too. Like some people just go on to scroll through to find something to be mad about and try to scream the loudest about how horrible it is or try to “own” the poster without stopping to consider “hey maybe I don’t have the full context” or “maybe I’m making assumptions about this person’s intentions that are wrong.” The way people act is always so performative, whether the crowd is other people or just themselves. I can’t count how many times people have treated me like absolute garbage, yelling at me, talking down to me, speaking over me and telling me I said things I didn’t, only to then turn around at the end if I’m able to do what they want to be calm and polite and sometimes will apologies for “if” they were a little rude. It always feels like they’re trying to get back into character so they can tell their friends about how they had to yell and fight with the unreasonable employee to get what they want while they were the picture of civility. Usually when there’s fighting it’s because they asked a question and then interrupted my answer to yell at me because they don’t know the thing and no one will give them answers or what I’m saying doesn’t make sense as if they should have a complete understanding from my incomplete explanation. I don’t know. It just feels like people like playing heros and so often have to turn other people into villains to do so. And when they want something like public attention or free stuff they feel even more validated in their masquerade because not only is taking a “villain” down a moral crusade, but you can now also give them something they want and they convince themselves that fighting for it is fighting for a good cause. I really don’t know if any of this makes any sense or is relevant or if I’m just projecting my own feelings from my own terrible week on this, but il just leave it here just in case


I was born in 1985, Lindsay. That should tell you everything you need to know about whether or not I took offense. Fuck em. Just take care of yourself. We'll be here should you return.


I completely understand! The toxicity is the reason why I‘m also not using any social media, or use them anonymously with minimal engagement. That said, I love your video essays and will definitely be sad if you don‘t publish those anymore. I‘ve been following you since „The A-Word“ and Nostalgia Chick; there is no creator that I‘ve consistently followed for such a long time. If you‘ll can find a way to engage with us - your fans - without toxicity, I‘d be super happy, but your mental health and your wellbeing always come first, of course. Just know that besides those horrible people out there, there are plenty of us, too, who love and support you!


Just, like, in case this makes you feel better (and it's true), I have no idea what you're talking about. And I don't need to; I'm sticking around. I love your critical essays and I simply wait for them to show up in my feed. Twitter is too much noise for me. I think you probably have a lot of followers who simply appreciate your work and your insight. Do with that what you will. I just know that, often, when internet harassment occurs, it can feel like everyone is in on something. And it's not actually everyone.


Been a proud supporter since the Dark Days, and I just wanted to say that I am such a fan of the work you’ve put out. Seriously, I think I’ve gotten smarter about the media I consume because of you, and become a better (aspiring) writer cause of your work. Please take all the time you need and I can’t wait to see what you do next. I think the media and literature landscape needs a voice like yours.


rest well


I had to google it to understand what the hell this is about. I still don't. I even saw some people attacking Big Joel for... reasons? I don't get it. I never understood twitter and I'm so glad I'm not on it. Apparently asking saying you don't understand something is cause enough for people to get cancelled there this days, I guess? Seriously, people should not be on twitter, nothing good comes out of it, at least nothing that makes dealing with toxicity worth it. All the love to you Lindsay, you do good work.


I'll be waiting for whatever comes next, Lindsay. I look forward to the next book, no matter what ^_^


yeah Twitter sucks I have never had one and just occasionally read through my fav creators twitters cuz like damn Twitter has some good jokes sometimes. wishing you the best also really loved axiom's end!!! (almost created a Twitter to tweet that at you a few months back)


Please don't stop videos essays, or having contacts with your fans (in a way or another, aside books), as me. Why not a private channel, that can only be seen by patreons, or vlogs like Natalie ? I would be really sad if you stop online content, especially as you already said that you main incomes come from here (before your first book). But as everyone say here, take some rest first. ^^


I hope things go well for you as things are no doubt beyond our full control. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors.


I got to a point with Facebook and eventually Twitter as well where I had to go cold turkey, and I'm not even a blip on anyone's radar. I literally had no idea what you were talking about, and I want you to know that you have at least one fan, and probably plenty more, that love your video essays and would stay fans even if you had no other social media presence at all. Everyone makes mistakes, and while I firstly hope you do whatever you need to do to be happy and fulfilled, I also hope that includes the wonderful work you've been doing.


As a long term fan of yours (for over ten years now?) I am in full support of you taking as much time as you need for a break and decide what's right for you. I am sincerely sorry that you even had to go through all of this.


Deleted my Twitter account months ago. I still sometimes click on a link to a tweet only to get asked to create a twitter account to read it. That is ALWAYS enough reminder to realize I don’t really give a damn what any tweet says. Now if I can. just learn to meditate and stop over-committing myself, life will be wonderful!


Social media just plain sucks. I've tried to juggle some sort of justification around in my head for awhile now but it truly is just a net negative for society. I'm obviously biased when I say I still would love to see you continue to produce your video content and keep that twitter account deactivated, but only you know what is best for you. Whatever you choose, you'll have my support (for whatever that's worth I guess).


I have no clue what's going on since I don't use Twitter, but I still think you're awesome and wanted to let you know that I've been having so much fun listening to Musicalsplaining. ❤


Okay, I looked it up and this is such a Twitter-universe exclusive controversy. If you're thinking this has any bearing on your actual YouTube career, I'd tell you not to sweat it. And, if it is starting to affect your mental health and perception of your place in the world, then, yes, absolutely get the fuck off Twitter -- and don't look back. I've had a Twitter account for years, but only started paying attention to it over the past year. I've enjoyed your Tweets and I enjoy the takes of other journalists/media critics I admire. In fact you are one of the reasons I started paying attention to Twitter. But, for all the good Twitter allows for, I almost feel like it has become its own kind of informarion and media bubble. The entire platform is depended up having the most loud, funny, cutting take for 'success'. It's all chatter with everyone competing for recognition by increasing their volume. As an outsider, it can be amusing to read the takes and laugh over trending topics, like Four Seasons Landscaping or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Shrimp. However, when you're living in that mess and getting Tweeted at or even actively trying to participate in those conversations, it just seems like it would be fucking exhausting and draining. Honestly, most of the negative reactions I read to your Tweets seem to be examples of something more brewing; whether a deep underlying prejudice to you and your work (not necessarily based in fact, but emotion) or a severe anger and frustration with the anti-Asian bias and whitewashing in our society, that the pain and outrage is boiling over into the innocuous, and relatively harmless media. Asian voices may have been ignored and pushed down for so long that some of the outrage out there may come off as overly sensitive and easily triggered -- or the criticism lacking in its targeting. (Do I make sense?) Basically the pain is absolutely valid, though the articulation and object of the criticism may at times be lacking. I hope, given time, you'll realize this shouldn't really be any reflection on the really good and incredible work you've done with your video essays or writing. I think disconnecting will help you reassess your career and will lead to some inspiration to branch out. Basically, it makes perfect sense to me that you'd be burned out at this point. And, obviously, you're not the only smart or notable voice quitting Twitter lately. (You've quit the same week Chrissy Teigen has withdrawn, after all.) I still admire John Green for detaching himself and readily believe it has substantially improved his life. Though I will miss your voice among the chatter, I am entirely on your side in this decision. For what it counts, I would love to see a video essay from you in the future that exams the history or running thread of anti-Asian sentiment within our favorite media. (Can we get some recognition of the racism in the original Aladdin and how it probably rivals Song of the South for offensive portrayals of people of color?) Anyway, I hope your rest and clearing will give you the time and space you need to bounce back. Hope you savor many warm beverages and take refreshing walks in the budding springtime. Please, make it a point to pet many puppies. Take care. I'm on your team and believe you and your talents are so much more than any Twitter feed. 💕

Hannah Pate

Your content has reliably been entertaining, informative, and nuanced. I've been watching you for nearly a decade now and you've gotten me through some hard times. I hope you continue producing videos and podcasts and books, but if your career takes a different course I wish you success!


I hope you’re ok ❤️


Ugh people are so mean on the internet -its shit. Do what you gotta do x


Good luck, Lindsay. Burn it all down if you need to.


If it helps, my (admittedly unasked for but brief) balanced look at that tweet and the response: I took the comparison to Avatar TLA to be a 1:1 plotting comparison, e.g. naming territories after parts of a dragon versus naming territories after elements and such. Unfortunately the inherent shared cultural root of each gave off the impression to many that you were in a way reducing Asian-forward YA epic fantasy. I know you didn’t mean that. I won’t say “I’m with you no matter what!!!” because really no fan should be that way about anybody. But thanks for being forthright about your humanity and you’re undoubtedly smart, receptive, and open enough to continue to grow from all these scenarios and respond in whichever way is right for you. And take care of yourself!


Enjoy the detox, I know I'll still be here.


It's a good idea for everyone to take breaks from the Internet periodically, especially the hyper (social) media parts of it. It's really hard having nuanced takes in a short form, rapid response format. I've renamed the Twitter app on my phone to HotTakes. Take some time for you. If you keep making video essays, I think we could all benefit from a more nuanced review of Asian and Asian American media in the context of the recent violence against people in the AAPI community. But first, again, take the time for yourself. I'm sure wherever your "career" takes you will be interesting.


I'm another one who's not on Twitter... But I'm also considering leaving social media in general as it just feels So. Draining. As an artist in a different form, I'm also not sure that I can get my work seen if I do that.... Not really sure if I have an answer, but I totally understand the dilemma. Your videos have helped me a lot. I will look forward to your next project, or enjoy your work from the past, whichever it is. Take care of yourself.


I have no idea what went on, and I don't care. I'm pretty convinced that any internet controversy doesn't accurately portrays who the people behind the keyboard are. Often it get carried away in a way you can't imagine before hand. It's good to take a step (or a leap, of a fucking trip for that matter) back. And if you get to the conclusion that you need and want a complete change of career and leave every social media included YouTube and Patreon, then go for it. After all, what you do make a lot of us think and pleases us BUT don't just do it for us. We'll find another way to get content we like. You need to come to the point that you're happy with what you do too. Peace, get well and maybe see you later.


Been watching you since you were invited on the website that shall not be remembered. your growth has been amazing to watch and I feel inspired by watching your videos. I would hate to see you go but I in no way want you to continue doing something that is dangerous for your wellbeing. Take care of yourself and no matter what decision you make I support it.

Bonnie Fiddis

I’ve mostly withdrawn from social media myself so this post came as a complete surprise to me and I still don’t really know the context. All I can say is look after yourself and take all the time you need.

Gian Balangue

Take all the time you need. You're a wonderful human being and we love and appreciate you 💖


After all the incredible work you have done, the break is more than deserved. You are a genuine inspiration. Thank you and rest well!


I don’t go near Twitter anymore, you gotta do you. Haters gonna hate, screw them. You are awesome, keep up the good work!


No problem, take care of yourself. Everyone needs some time off, especially if your own name is your brand. Sending support from Barcelona, I love your channel.


Take care of you! Not sure what's going on but put yourself and your mental health before social media nonsense. We'll be here when and if you decide to come back X

Ben and Sion Fogal

I hope you will feel better. We all feel crappy about mistakes. As far as content and social media go, you're allowed to tap out. I would miss seeing new videos from you, but I'd rather you just get to have peace in life 🙂


You do what's best for you, Lindsay. I do want to say I love your videos, and your last one made me laugh so much! I hope we see you come back sometime and make more content!


It's nothing short of insane out there. It is tiring just existing in these virtual spaces many times. Take care.


Do what’s best for your well-being. Really enjoy your content. Twitter is just toxic at the moment. Take care and look after yourself.


Take care of yourself. Twitter is not that important.


Never liked Twitter, so would have missed the whole thing if not for another YTer's video. I love your video content and will miss it if you quit YT as well, but you have to take care of yourself first. Be well.


Take care!!


I am so sorry this is happening to you - social media is toxic. You are one of my favorite content creators! When I see a new Lindsay Ellis video pop up, I legit stop whatever I'm doing and watch the whole dang thing, then I watch it again later with my husband lol. Your analysis of media is always so thoughtful and engaging and I have learned a lot from your work. Please take care of yourself and know that we love and appreciate you.


I'm on your side


Please do what you need to take care of yourself! <3


Heal and rest. Be a #Menace.


I'm sorry all that happened. Your longform video essays are a huge part of the kind of thing I like on YouTube, can't tell you how many things I've learned watching them, then having to pause every few minutes to look at more stuff about something you just said.


Whatever you decide to do, I'm here for it, ride or die.

Sophie Cleverly

I hope you're ok and I hope you can have a chill time for a bit.


An understandable decision. Please do what you need to do to take care of yourself.


Coming from a fan of yours who's been a fan for at least 10 years now, do what's best for you and take some time for your mental health (I'm still taking that time off for myself as well, much as I'm not comfortable with how long I'm taking...). If you don't come back, I'll be happy to support you through your books. You're amazing!


Mind yourself Lindsay. Take your time.

Kristian Høy Horsberg

Dear Lindsay, The last year has been exceptionally difficult for a lot of us. Even for those who’ve been relatively unscathed by the pandemic in terms of work, illness and loved ones, it still takes a toll. And let us not even start getting into the massive fuckery that’s happened over in the US these last four years. I don’t use Twitter much myself (don’t find it an enjoyable place to be anymore), but what ever the controversy – frankly I don’t care. Either making it a controversy was a massive overreaction to whatever you said, or maybe you made some mistake. Like, whatever. Everyone’s human. You’re currently the creator making the best and most well produced video essays about stories on YouTube. Every new video is a treat. At the same time, I also enjoyed your book and Musicalsplaining with Kaveh Taherian has also been great fun. You guys make a good team. I hope you remember through-out all this that this is how the majority of your audience engage with your content. It’s a bright spot in our subbox quickly enjoyed, and then not interacted with further (save maybe a like). It’s just a small percentage that always have to ruin it for everyone else. You have to make the decisions that are best for you. We’re of course all hoping you will decide to continue making the content we enjoy, but everything must eventually come to an end. Take care of yourself.


Take care, we'll be here excited to see what you do next.


I don't use Twitter so I have no idea what this controversy is about. Pretty much all social media is a toxic cesspit of one-upmanship so I just don't bother. I hope you take the time to have a well deserved break. You genuinely do deserve it. I've been a fan of yours since the dark days and I've never found another Youtuber who does quite the quality work you do. While (quite selfishly) I hope you don't eventually decide to give that up, your own health and happiness is the ONLY important thing. Have a good rest, and best wishes regardless of what you decide.


Take care of yourself, I know these aren't the best of circumstances but I hope you can enjoy your time away. I know we can all get defensive and that's rarely something that we feel good about, but for what it's worth I did see the original thread, and while some of it could have been worded more clearly I don't see how it possibly justifies the response you've gotten. Please be kind to yourself.


Love your work and I hope you get to feeling better. Looking forward to all the next book too.


Twitter is a toxic place and I perfectly understand why you would want to remove yourself from it. I only use to to check out Comic Book releases. So I have no idea what controversy you're talking about. I just hope you take care of yourself, take all the time you need, and come back to us healthy and happy. ^^

Simi Parquette

Thank you for telling us Lindsay. We support you. Hope you feel better 💕


I'm so sorry this has become such a source of stress for you - you don't deserve it. Take all the time you need ♥️


Hi Lindsay, as a Chinese Malaysian person I actually find your comparison spot on and honestly I don't even know what people are trying to cancel you for. (I have beef with them using the name Raya which is a Malay word then coded Raya as a Vietnamese, I'm like gosh the Americans really don't know what they're doing despite having a Malaysian on board as a writer. I don't know how much influence Adele Lim had or if it's intentional on her part... The cultural references are quite a mess honestly and the comparison to ATLA is in more ways than one on point because they definitely have a bit too much East Asian influences despite marketing it as Southeast Asian) Anyway, yes you have fans from Southeast Asia, you'll find plenty of us hanging out in your subreddit all being baffled at why are the Americans getting offended on our behalf or whatever, when we find your observations spot on. Take your time, and whatever decision you have come to, we the fans will always support you.

Charlie B



Your dual (successful) careers as video essayist and author can only be helped by removing sources of toxicity from your live. Well, I will miss the spicy hot takes and the shitposts equally.

Joshua Rodman

This is curious to read without having any idea about what the twitter thing was. At the same time I don't ask that anyone re-iterate it for me and I don't feel the need to go digging for it. I'm glad you're giving the space to evaluate whatever it was.


I'm also a fan of yours who's not on twitter, I use it to post my art and thats it, so I had no idea what was happening on there. Reading back through the comments on this, I'm now a bit less confused but I think you are definitely correct to leave twitter, that site has an awful culture and you will not be the first or last to suffer from it to the point of burn out. Take all the time you need, I won't lie, I would be sad if you never create again, musicalsplaining has been really cool to listen to as someone who knows nothing about musicals and whenever your videos drop I end up rewatching them about 3 times as there's no other video essayist I've found that mixes genuine insight, accessibility and humour as well as you do. But your health is more important than any of our enjoyment, so please please take all the time in the world, I personally will still be here.


Sending lots of love, take all the time you need. Twitter really has reached a point of being impossible to deal with healthily


Please know that you are loved and appreciated. You’re fucking brilliant and your content has brought so much joy and knowledge to so many people. Please take care of yourself!


no idea whats happening, but look after yourself. Hope you do well.


I do use Twitter and I still have no idea what this was about. Lindsay, I hope you manage to take some space, process and recover; we'll still be here when you get back. But I hope you don't let them drive you out. People should be allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, and the way that the current social media culture on places like Twitter and Tumblr gives zero room or leeway for that is just really, really awful. I don't know what I would be able to do in your shoes, either, but I think getting the hell off Twitter is the right call. But I hope you don't stop creating, as I think we'd all be so much worse off for it.


I never post or comment but felt I had to - holy crap this is such a storm in a teacup controversy, I can't believe you've been attacked like this over it! Why would anyone just jump to "racist"?? Where is the nuance?The mob is getting so ridiculous now. I really hope you find your way though, who cares about Twitter, let them whinge in their teacup. Your long form work is awesome and a much much better place for nuance.


I had no idea that something was going on. Did some research and....oh boy. Not that people shouldn't be held responsible for what they say but that outrage was truly ridiculous. How is anyone supposed to have an open discussion with rage mobs like these. This f****** outrage culture has to stop! Now! Lindsay, if you are reading this, take good care! It would be a pity if you stopped making content, but I couldn't fault you for it and your health comes first. Whatever road you take, I wish you all the best.


<3 You've always been an inspiration to me and I've learned so much from watching your videos. Really appreciate everything you do.


Twitter is a lot like high school, it’s only important while your trapped within. Every thing seems so big and so important then one day you leave and life just goes on. Now you are free to engage with the world In a much healthier way.


Take care of yourself. As you can see, a lot of people trust you and will be waiting for you. <3


Having looked into this controversy I'm going to give it the time it deserves: really looking forward to your next book, enjoying "re-reading" your first on Audible. I would suggest you have evolved beyond Twitter.


I saw someone say, regarding what occurred, that it was like a "0.1/10 grievance that became a 10/10 grievance," and boy does that feel correct. Pretty sure all of us here know to trust your judgement, and while people should absolutely be held responsible for what they post and say, it has definitely felt like this has snowballed way past what was ever acceptable. Take the time you need, and whatever you do next, we'll understand. Gotta live your life for yourself and those you care about as first priority.


Take care of yourself and do what makes you feel the most fulfilled. You do not need every little thought of yours scrutinized like this. Take care. 💜


Take care of yourself ❤️ we're here for you


I didn't even know there was an outrage until just now. I think getting off Twitter is the best move. It's become such an utterly toxic place. Reminds me of when the mob decided that ContraPoints was a TERF and tried to bully her off the internet too. People who think like that are not worth your time. Keep doing your thing, your fans, friends, and family have your back.


Normally I don't comment on the internet like ever but I know, also from ContraPoints video on cancelling, how important it is that you get words of support. Rest, take your time and we are here for you! ❤️❤️❤️


I'm really sad that this has happened to you. I love your work, and think the internet is a better place with you in it, but self care comes first. Please take all the time you need to recover and figure out what comes next.

Jack Gattanella

"Or if I should continue making it at all." Say it to yourself, right now: you are a NY Times Bestselling author! Your videos and podcasts get millions of views/listens! You are awesome at what you do. Just focus on that. And (to quote the film critic Matt Singer who said this on twitter) never tweet.


I didn't know there was something new & bad going on, I guess because I veeeeerry rarely go on Twitter I hope you're ok, or that you will be and that you have a good support system I wanted to let you know that you and your team do an amazing job on the videos on your YouTube channel (and on It's Lit!). I love them and regularly rewatch them! Also I asked for your book on my birthday, I'm reading it at the moment and I really enjoy it! Take care of you & be kind to yourself Sending lots of good vibes your way 😊❤


Stay strong and stay cool, Lindsay! And I do hope you continue making awesome stuff. The best time spent on Twitter is the time not spent on Twitter and/or not giving a damn about haters & other idiots.


Take care of yourself, and take all the time you need. Pulling the plug on Twitter is self-care, and that probably goes for you more than most, with how eager everyone seems to be to dehumanise you constantly. Please hug your dogs as much as you can and stay safe. <3


Take your time. Take care. Do whatever you need to do. We will be here.


Goodness, I had no idea this was even happening. It's so rediculous, just blood for the blood gods. Hope you feel better soon. Take as much time as you need.

Steven Gibson

Reposting this bc I think I might have been automoderated for salty language: Screw all those stupid, slobbering, idiot hyenas. None of them could handle 1/10 of the abuse you’ve had to deal with online. You’re the only one who gets to decide the course of your career. You’re Lindsay Freaking Ellis. Sending love and support. ✊🏼


I fully support anyone’s decision to not be on Twitter. I hope you keep producing content of some sort somewhere down the line though because it’s so wonderful. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. 🤗


I saw that Twitter mess, and took it as a good reminder to go buy Axiom’s end (and log off). Excited to finally read it! It should be here today. ❤️


Good for her Seriously though, I can't imagine what you're going through and making a living on the internet comes with some real burnout. I don't know anything about the Twitter posts, but I'm sure that it doesn't reflect you as a whole. Your videos are great and if you make more I can't wait to watch them, andif not you're still a great youtuber and writer! Take care of yourself!!

Seb Jones

Take what time you need to take. Do what you need to do to get in a better headspace, and if that involves never coming back to Twitter, then I reckon you should absolutely do that, Lindsay! Take care.


I hope your doing as well as you can be at the moment. Deleting twitter always sounds like a good idea. I'd be sad to loose your video insights but health comes before content and I'm grateful for all the ones we've already gotten. Enjoy your break! No matter how long it ends up being ❤

Eileen Nguyen

There's nothing that makes me feel old more than realizing that I remember when Twitter was a fun place to make jokes. I abandoned mine just over a year ago and no regrets. I don't know what you did or send but I can say in all confidence: They're overreacting.


I discovered your videos during a really hard time in my life. They were the perfect content to keep me engaged, and get me to smile, then laugh. It really helped me get through that time. Loved your book and can’t wait to read to the next one. Thank you for your work, and please take good care of yourself. ❤️


Take care of yourself, Lindsay! While I love the videos you create, you are a person before you are a creator. And if it's in your best interests to stop making videos or whatever, I understand. Enjoy your internet detox.


What utter madness. Hang in there Lindsay. I was listening to Musicalsplaining when you posted this message and always have you on in the background when I'm cooking or just chilling. You got a good heart. This won't define you. Much love!


Similarly have no idea what's happened on twitter. Hopefully whatever it is Lindsay will see in the comments that there are lots of people not involved in twitter who think she and her work are pretty neat.


I am so sorry that you are going through this, and hope that you are taking care. I think I may be too old to understand what the Twitter thing was all about - but for what it's worth I think you are insightful, smart, and funny. Have enjoyed everything you have produced. Looking forward to pre-ordering the sequel to Axiom's End. Take care.


Sending support! Deleting Twitter was the right move- so much toxicity and hate from folks that just want to create drama for entertainment without considering consequences.

Chris Faehl

I have no idea what the Twitter controversy is - and I don’t need to know. Glad you’re pulling the plug on Twitter, as social media seems to be all about outrage amplification, and you don’t need that toxicity in your life.


I’m so tired of the cannibalistic Twitter woke brigade. Nobody needs that toxicity all day every day. All the best Lindsey, hopefully a break will help you decompress from this mess


I use Twitter, but only passively. You were one of the people I followed. I always enjoyed what you wrote, and from the limited research I did it looks like people who hated you and/or love to pile onto someone who's 99.x% with them rather than deal with actual problems. If you need to get away from that toxic environment I understand, but you really didn't do anything wrong and I look forward to your next YouTube video.

Cat Gaillard

Take care of yourself Lindsay! I think it’s safe to say your patrons are all a group of people who believe in you and support you through good times and bad. You’re a rockstar! ❤️❤️❤️


Hug. I love your videos and insights and wit. Social media can definitely be toxic so do what you need to do, but I'll be watching for whatever you do next.

Glenn Ponka

I love your videos. Be good to yourself. Ignore the Twitter. Any artist looks for feedback, but Twitter seems to be concentrated negative feedback from who don't care.


Twitter is a toxic hell hole. Just sending a lot of love your way hope you take care of yourself x


You’re the best.

Juan Borla

I think this entire thing speaks less to whatever flaws you have than to the massive flaws Twitter has. Your work so far been invaluable and truly unique, so I'd be extremely sad to see the worthless hell scape of 140 characters harm it. That said, your own mental health always always comes first. Take care of yourself, please. We'll be here if and when you come back.


The only thing I use Twitter for (or did before the pandemic) was the check the status of the Toronto transit system, to see if there were delays that would affect my travel plans. Twitter seems like the worst place in the world to be, but I'm not a creator, and I'm old (61), so all my friends are on Facebook. I had to read news accounts of your recent Twitter drama and was truly shocked that your tweet caused so much trouble. I have been hearing the same idea expressed over and over again on the numerous pop culture podcasts I listen to. I hope we don't lose your critical voice. Your work on YouTube and Musicalsplaining bring me much joy. (Thanks for the shape note reference, btw. I've been singing in this tradition for over 30 years-another great source of joy in my life-and am always so excited when it gets a mention outside of "folkie" circles.) I hope you can rest, refresh, and come back as a creator stronger than ever. Love you.

Eva Kenieva

I don't know what this latest controversy is, but I'm sorry you've had to deal with internet drama. I've had my own tastes of that. I do hope you choose to continue making videos because I enjoy your work a lot, but you do what you need to in order to look after yourself. If you don't keep making videos I'll still read your books.


As someone who was never on Twitter and gave up Facebook nearly 2 years ago, I wholeheartedly endorse this decision. I have no clue what the controversy was, but as long as you're as introspective about it as your content is insightful (which sounds like the case), I'm happy to continue supporting.


It's quickly becoming a deeply exhausting place to exist. Projection and assumption is exactly it. Take your time.


I really love your videos Lindsay. <3 As a student of literary and cultural studies, I see you as a huge role model. Regarding the twitter thing, I only use twitter sporadically and passively, mostly because the way people talk to each other there makes me sick within five minutes of opening the app, so I think getting away from it is a very good idea indeed. But it also makes me sad that people are so mean to each other there that they even succeed in driving away someone who engages with internet communities for a living. Hugs and love, I hope you feel better soon <3


You are an innovative and brilliant media critic, and whichever path you choose for your career, I know you will succeed. I support you doing whatever you need to do. Honestly, I strongly suspect this latest disaster is an astroturf campaign designed to take down bread tube’s biggest creator, but I have no real evidence to support this. Besides the fact that you’ve never done anything to piss off anyone I actually know. Well, my husband grumbles whenever you rag on Rent, but Rent sucks, so again, I’m on your side. Good luck, and keep us in the loop, if you can. We are all worried about you. We love you.


Please take the time you need to rest, and as much space from the internet as you need. I hope you come back to making videos - they’ve been so helpful for me and many people I know.


Take care of yourself!


It's okay take your time and I hope you fell better.

J. Francis

Twitter is wretched—it encourages half baked takes and snark, and it encourages people to get very, very angry. I think staying away from it permanently is the best idea for anyone


For what it's worth, I wiped my Twitter a few years back (don't follow anyone but do post links to my blog etc for those that still use it) and it improved my mental health no end. Whenever I follow a link to Twitter I'm always amazed at how I get drawn towards some hateful bullshit without even thinking. Twitter is not a neutral space - it's engineered to be that way. You're best off out of there. It won't harm your business and it will dramatically improve your mental health.


I am super grateful for what I've learned from you and you will be missed but also glad you're putting you first.


Do what you feel is best. Walking away is hard, but worth it.


I just really don’t understand why people continue to have a Twitter... or social media at all really... getting rid of mine was the best thing I ever did and whenever I go back on I can feel myself starting to stress out. I used to feel like I had to have accounts for my professional development, or for keeping up with old friends, but that’s just kind of a lie our current culture has projected. My advice to everyone: just delete them, it’s absolutely not worth it anymore. I don’t want to lose a creator like you because of stupid stuff like this... I hope you are doing okay, you deserve to take some time for yourself :)


Like all the people here above me, I'm sending all my support your way. I do not even know what happend I don't have twitter (It asked for my phone number at the beginning and I wasn't ready for this level of commitment so I deleted it right away). Sure I understand it was exhausting and super tiring for a long time, so alone time without any angry mobs hungry for drama is a good choice. I wanted you to know that like many, I think you are a good creator and you know your craft. It's informative and very entertaining. Twitter is maybe just not the way to represent it. Deleting it is probably the best choice now.


Out of the loop. One thing, IMO, there’s very few highly policed spaces on the internet, and it tends to give the biggest trolls the loudest platform... which should be opposite. I personally think there should even be comment sections on media unless it’s going to be tightly policed. Anyways, good luck, you’re probably handling this better than anyone else would, and I’m sure the average person doesn’t know that you made a mistake, but just wants to see your culture videos.


I'm sorry. I know having (if not actively using) Twitter has been a big deal for authors, but it's become such a poisonous hellscape and life is much better without it. I hope you won't be gone for good - your work is meaningful - but do what you gotta do. Take care.

Tuur Verheyde

Your take may not have been unproblematic, but it wasn’t worthy of this storm. Lindsay, I think you know better than most that this has nothing to do with good faith discourse anymore. people were eager for a reason to cancel and couldn’t hide their glee once their chance seemed to have arrived. If you want to have a nuanced discussion about what you said then do it here or via a YouTube video, but please Just stay of Twitter. At this point it’s just where people go to lash out or enjoy their echo chamber. You don’t need it, just let it go and focus on positive contributions to discussions rather than the asinine discourse.

Josh Janney

MANY critics have compared Raya to Avatar: The Last Airbender so I thought the Twitter drama over Linday's comments was completely absurd. I understand Raya is an important step forward for Disney in representation, but that doesn't mean criticism of the movie's story should be off-limits (although personally I actually really liked the movie). Lindsay may have had some bad takes in the past, but the bloodthirst of the people trying to cancel Lindsay and the sheer glee they had over driving her off Twitter is sick and evil.


I will support you in any decision. Take care of yourself and don't let the toxic people drag you down.


Hi Lindsey, I’ll start by saying that only idiots and the disingenuous could interpret what you wrote as being offensive. That said, and for what it’s worth, I think this is a step in the right direction for your channel. Twitter and social media in general is absolutely toxic. It’s the reason I left it years ago. The problem I see is that that toxicity has been seeping into your videos. Your videos used to be informative and relied heavily on your studies. The last few have been mostly cat fighting and internet drama. It’s gotten so bad that my wife and I couldn’t finish the last one and are seriously considering pulling our support. I hope you will get back to what you did best: analyzing movies and sharing your thoughts and knowledge with us. If not, then it might be time to pack it in and do something other than YouTube. I do wish you the best in whatever you and your team decide.

Vladimir Barash

Sending you all my support Lindsay. Hope you can take all the time you need to take care of yourself.


I'm not very eloquent, but I just want to say that your content has been uplifting and most recently very vindicating to me. Despite having no interest in the site I attempted to set up a Twitter twice just to follow you, and both times I deleted it within two days because I couldn't handle the ecosystem of social media even if I actively avoided reading reply chains. I can't even begin to understand how stressful and discouraging it must be to be at the center of a Twitter frenzy, and frankly I'm not sure I want to understand because I would probably react with far less patience and fortitude than you.


I've been thinking about you since yesterday and been worrying about you. Take care of yourself ❤️ I will miss you if you stop doing videos as you're my favorite video essayist but I understand that you must do what's best for you.

Klaus Kinski

I know a million people have all ready said so, but there's nothing wrong with what you said and the Twitter mob is insane

frank sands

I've been more and more away from Twitter, so I don't even know what the current Twitter thing was. But I support you completely and love your work. As someone else said here, I understand that Twitter is a "necessary evil" to spread your work and be a part of "the conversation" to stay in the pop culture zeitgeist (which must be exhausting). Please know that there are a lot of people that love your work


And I hit the enter button too soon, so apologies for the spam. I don't know you, at all really, aside from what I see in your videos, but I don't think the person who produced something as empathetic and touching as your recent transphobia video could truly be a bad one (inb4 Ender's Game jokes) and I want you to know that whatever you decide you'll always be that person to me. Good luck and please be safe. <3


I logged on to Twitter to even figure out what this is all about and I’m so outraged on your behalf that I upped my Patreon contribution from $2 to $4 per month. So sorry you’re dealing with this manufactured controversy that has real-life effects on you as a real-life person with real-life emotions.


Do what you need to, what’s right for you. Don’t listen to anything we say, listen to what the real people in your life say. This is your decision, and yours alone, and you don’t owe us any one decision. Don’t let the bastards get you down ! But now I’ll throw in a hug emoji for good measure. 🫂

Tuur Verheyde

Also, given the subject of the drama (an opinion about a film and a show), it’s clear that discussion for its own sake is dead. An opinion about a piece of entertainment is treated like the moral equivalent of a racial slur or political endorsement or a fully formed racist dogwhistle. Nothing is allowed to be just an opinion, even just a bad or misguided or badly worded one. It’s treated like a statement of true alliance and or values. This isn’t about discussion. This is about maintaining the online caste of ‘unproblematics’ by simplifying every opinion to its worst possible interpretation and seeing that as emblematic and representative of your values. It’s grotesque in its intellectual dishonesty. Even people who have a genuine issue with what you said seem to understand that the form of the backlash has long since diminished its subject and destroyed all chance to have a genuine discussion. Twitter is a battle arena for the bored, the jaded, the cruel. It can be used to connect, but given the size of your platform you would do fine without it. Either way, it’s never gonna be the place where you can just have an opinion. I suggest letting it go or using it only for pr. For your mental health, your reputation, your career you should avoid using Twitter for venting or opinionating cause sadly you have too many followers who live off drama and look to you to start it.


Hi Lindsay-- I think people feel powerless and they're out for blood. They want to smash whatever they can get their hands on, it's all that makes them feel good (or feel anything) anymore. I don't personally think you did or said anything wrong or insensitive. I support your retreat from social media and content making, I think it would be good if everyone stepped away from social media, honestly. I really love the work you create online, we need thoughtful media criticism. Wishing you all the best.


Please, please, don't quit your youtube stuff, just get off twitter. I quit twitter over 2 years ago (I wasn't that active of a poster anyways) and feel much better. Twitter makes the entire world a worse place.

JD Sharpe

Usually I try to uncover the core of why people are upset, but there's nothing to sympathize with this time. The twitter mob is a bunch of purity-obsessed assholes who either intentionally took what you said the wrong way or have zero comprehension of culture outside of their ''can I accuse this of being racist'' bubble. This ''controversy'' is absurd from top to bottom. I hope you keep in mind that you're in the right and you're absolutely correct, twitter is shit. I can't think of much good that it does for anyone's mental health; it's a bullying platform. Look after yourself, first and foremost, and as always thank you for all the insightful, entertaining and fantastic work you've done over the years.


I’m sorry the internet is dumb. :(


as someone who has never used Twitter, i have no idea what is going on, but i hope the best for you and your detox.


I agree, please don't stop making these great videos over Twitter. We don't need Twitter, but we do need great scholars like you.


Please do take care of you first. Whatever you decide, thank you for years of wonderful and thought-provoking content!

Jack Holmes

We’ll miss you if you decide to step away from video making, but I would completely understand. Take care of yourself, Mrs. Ellis. ❤️


Just wanted to say that I hope you're doing well despite everything, and that you don't owe any of us an explanation. I've been a patron of yours for almost the entirety of your channel, and I'll continue being a patron until the day you decide to make your last video.


Whatever you decide to do - just know you have made a lot of us happy with your content over the years.

Brandon Powell

Those pitchforks seem pretty sharp and those torches look pretty hot but the mob wouldn't know what to do with them even if they needed them. It's just a bunch of meaningless barking and they will Tire themselves out before long.


You deserve a rest. We all appreciate all you’ve done so please you’ve earned it.


FWIW, I would be very sad to lose your YouTube channel over this tempest in a teapot. It makes me glad I never got into Twitter. I cannot speak as an Asian American person on this situation, but I am a Latinx person who has occasionally had creators I love say things that don't sit great with me, but not only do I recognize that people are human and can say things I don't like while still fundamentally agreeing with me on how to make the world better and making great art that I love, I also find it disheartening that I can't say things to these creators without the people who are out to get them weaponizing it as part of their next takedown. I've also been in situations where I feel like other Latinx people are not only reading racism where none was intended, but writing it into a statement that had nothing to do with race or culture in the first place. I hope you take the time for yourself, I hope you and Natalie have several cocktails and bond over this, and most of all I hope I get to continue enjoying your work on YouTube. In the meantime, you've given me the perfect excuse to open up my copy of Axiom's End I got for my birthday!


If you can survive a vindictive romance novelist who writes werewolf erotica, you can survive this.


Lots of support from my wife and I! Do what you need to for yourself. ♥️♥️


You’ve always been a favorite creator of mine. I’m at film school right now, in part because your videos made me really passionate about film. I hope you keep doing YouTube, but if it gets too toxic and you stop, I’ll always be grateful for the stuff you’ve already made, seeing that it’s inspired me a lot. 💜💜💜 lots of love.


Good for you Lindsay to quit Twitter. You don’t owe us anything but has given us plenty. I hope that you give yourself a long and nice break to detox.


If you want to stay off twitter, I think that's great. I don't think people on twitter realize how unimportant and irrelevant twitter is to everyone not on twitter. You can live a very complete life without ever logging in.


I hope that you'll be ok soon <3 Would hate to see you stop YouTube, but you gotta do what's right for you. In the meantime, we'll all just have to re-watch videos and re-read Axiom's End :)


You have already contributed so much to the lives of your audience, that will always be true no matter what you do next. Of course you don't owe us anything and your health and happiness outrank our desire for "access" to you. I want to find a way of saying this without aligning with shitlords or being such a self-pitying white lady, but stuff like this is partly why I still haven't made videos after years and years of wanting to. I know that if I were "lucky" enough to attract a lot of discourse I would want, need, and deserve criticism. But sifting through extremely uncharitable readings of your whole existence sans nuance from members of your own communities to find your legitimate room for growth sounds like a max-level emotional challenge that I don't yet have the skills and support for. Or maybe no one does? Maybe no one should have to? We shouldn't obligate anyone genuinely marginalized by something to Be Nicer for the sake of a healthier discourse/easier time for crybaby privileged people but I do question the political usefulness of leftists (often white tbh) creating lifetime sin compilations to target other leftists who have already demonstrated openness to improving, the ability to reach fence sitters, and a commitment to amplifying others. Especially when being not a cishet white dude seems to so dramatically increase the risk and magnitude. I wonder what it's like to feel free to mess up a few times, to be able to just casually throw your thoughts out into the world without agonizing over every word and trying to anticipate every rebuttal or misinterpretation. I don't know if it's a GOOD thing, but I wonder what it feels like. Taking care not to hurt someone to the extent that it's possible is important and I like to think I would really try, but my brain takes the information "small but vocal group of hobbyist cancellers exist" and tells me anything I could contribute would be swiftly overridden by my failures and it would be better for everyone if I just never published anything at all. Er uh, but don't be like me, if you're someone thinking about making stuff and especially if you're not a cishet white dude, I want to see your stuff! If you want!


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and that it has kept happening to you repeatedly for so long. I definitely understand you needing to take some time off. Take care of yourself. ❤️


I can't wait for the next Axiom End regardless and you have a restful Passover and Easter (which I mean if there was a more apt representation of the times... heck). Get yourself a nice long bath and eat all the pizza and chinese food to your hearts content.

Todd Regnier

I really hope that if you permanently quit Twitter/social media that you ultimately decide to keep making videos. You're incredibly talented at it and we need voices like yours.


Honestly, just watching all of this unfold on Twitter the past few days--including the stuff with Big Joel--has made me seriously consider deleting as well. Everything so easily devolves past real good faith criticism into lies or half-truths and into serious accusations thrown away carelessly and believed easily. It concerns me that people think it is okay to lob serious character-damning statements out into the void without any sort of verification. It's exhausting. I don't know if you've read How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell but she covers how Twitter is a reductive place for communication. It might be something soothing to read during this time. Take care of yourself!

Austen G

Do what ya need to do. You being safe and healthy is more important than any #content you make.


Love and support from fellow Long Beacher! Your mental health and well being absolutely come first, please take care of yourself!

Morgan Byrd

Hang in there.




Hey, I usually don’t really comment on those kind if things but I figured you could use some support in this. Your feelings are valid, your mental health is valid and if that helps you get away from the toxicity of the internet, then you did a good choice. I support you 100% and I hope you get better and you take care of yourself. We’ll still be here.


I'm sorry about all of the stress this has caused you. I wouldn't blame you for leaving Twitter for good. Whatever the site is useful for at this point, thoughtful critique and good faith debate isn't it.


I left Twitter back in January, and I gotta say, it was the best thing I have ever done for my mental health. Obviously I don’t have the platform that you do, but I had a similar “last straw” moment of misunderstanding with someone who was making accusations about my beliefs and my character. I can’t imagine how I would react if it happened on a larger scale, and I am sorry you are going through this again. The website is toxic, and you have always shown such care and nuance in your work—it’s the platform that makes healthy intellectual discourse impossible. Take the time you need; you have tons of support.

David Arroyo

This is why I don’t use Twitter


Take care of yourself and do what you have to do, you are worth more than your social media/content, whatever decision you make for your well-being is the right one.


I'm relieved to see you post this, I was worried since yesterday. I don't know if you'll read these comments, but I wanna say I support you and feel really sorry this happened to you. As much as twitter and other medias are great to share content, they've become such a cesspool of toxicity and a platform for mob lynching, I see it everyday and it's exhausting, I can't even imagine having to deal with it on such a scale. Just do whatever is right for you and we'll support you.


I’ve always found your videos and your general online presence to be completely refreshing. You offer a perspective that is balanced, highly informed, thoughtful, passionate, and critical, and I have been a big fan of yours for the better part of a decade now. I eagerly await your return, but in the meantime, I absolutely support you taking the time you need away from the internet to reset. God knows how important that is for all of us,. You are one of the best ones out there, doing work that is important. And for what it’s worth, I would have had zero idea of what happened had it not been for this post.


I must admit I don’t know what happened due to never getting on Twitter but I wanted to add my support here. I hope you’ll still continue to create videos. Your voice is important and I’d hate to lose it due to social madness. Do what’s right for you though. Take care.

David W (d20dave) (d_dave)

I'm so sorry Lindsay; that really sucks. For the record though: You did absolutely nothing wrong. (Imperfect tweets is not a failure; it's the nature of human communication.) But you also do NOT need Twitter. It's useful for business, but not required, and it's bad for all of us psychologically. I think you are amazing, and I will support anything and everything you make in whatever format or platform. Take whatever time you need. I'll always be here to support you.


Very much support! Huge fan, love your content and this is a good reminder it is great because of YOU which means, that's the number one thing to protect. I'm glad you are taking time away take care of you. Get that rest and space.


I don't have a twitter or follow any major social media accounts. I hate to ask, but what is all this actually about? I'm completely in the dark.


Honestly, this is way over blown. Discussing similarities between two cartoons does not constitute hate speech. This is just an example of how toxic twitter is getting.


I didn't catch it either. I gather from googling that she noticed that "Raya: the Last Dragon" (and a lot of other recent YA fiction) follows the "Avatar: the Last Airbender" formula. People got VERY mad.


I can 100% understand stepping away from social media - it's a definite hive of scum and villainy sometimes. But PLEASE don't step away from making new content - you're one of the few people still creating thoughtful discourse on film! Whatever your decision is in the end, I wish you nothing but good luck!


Sorry this happened. Getting away from twitter and taking your time to respond seems very sensible. Take Care R(x)

Mark Tomczak

Sorry to hear about the shit. You lasted on Twitter about five years longer than I did; no shame in walking away from their garbage fire. Whatever the miracle of modern Internet-enabled communication is going to look like in the future, "Everyone gets to stand in a room and scream at everybody else" ain't gonna be it. Be well, stay safe from the pandemic, and good luck. Whatever you choose to do next, it'll be your choice, and that's what matters most.


You deserve a detox. As for Twitter... it’s a cesspool. No one needs to be there.


I absolutely agree with taking a break for your mental health. Seeing all of that shit people were posting was driving me up a wall, I can only imagine what it was doing to you. Those people are just out for blood, because they don't like seeing people in progressive spaces be successful. They feel the need to tear them down, keep them "humble"? But it just becomes harassment. You've made tone-deaf comments just like every other human being alive, because that's what we are: humans who make mistakes in judgements. In a normal convo you could just say "oh, ya know what, I should rephrase" but once you post something it's there forever and people will never let you live it down. Your opinion about a movie is not a statement on a culture, especially comparing two films made by giant western corporations. It baffles me how hard these people are trying to defend DISNEY as this bastion of Asian representation...? But I digress; take time, breathe, and know there there are lots of people who support you. Your content means a lot to so many, and the more people that give up and run after the twitter mob comes for them, the more empowered that mob feels. We know you're a good person who makes overwhelmingly net positive content. That should never be shamed offline.

Jesse Ingram

I love your work and separate all the drama from the person. I have tons of respect for you, your thoughts and opinions, and the ways you express them. I understand if you choose not to release anymore content; but if you do decide that, you will be greatly missed. Your voice is one in a million and I always look forward to new content from you. Maybe you should release only to patrons? Anyway, do what you need to do for you and I hope we're graced with your presence again.


In short: 1) Twitter is a dumpster fire. 2) We love your content but we love you more. 3) You have our full support no matter what you decide to do.


Glad to hear you have stepped back from all this, I’m surprised you have stayed on Twitter for as long as as you have really. The way some people have interpreted the offending tweet is shockingly dense. I’ve only seen the Raya trailer and was reminded of ATLA world building just from that. It’s such a bone headed reading of your tweet I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I think that’s why the discussion quickly pivoted to “We tried to help Lindsay understand and do better but she decided to double down on her RACISM.” I mean Jesus they misunderstood your tweet but still want you to apologize for them clearly not getting it. It’s digital “have you stoped beating your wife?” rhetoric. Anyway we hope your doing okay. Take it easy.


I hope you can detox and feel better. I really enjoy your videos. Thanks for posting this. And thanks for all your work. Take care.


SO sorry about you stepping away, but I understand why you feel the need to do so. Please do whatever it is you need to do to de-stress and get your thoughts together. I for one love your content and am convinced that your voice is badly needed in social media. Please take care of yourself, and I hope to see and hear you back online in the future!

Jon Gilbert

Somehow both glad & sorry that I missed all of this Twitter hysteria, but I think i’ll refrain from wading into it much after the fact. Even if Monday morning quarterback analysis of what you posted could be described as semi ill-considered, the backlash seems way WAY out of proportion. An off-hand comment about fiction trends (that doesn’t even register what I would call an opinion, let alone a “take”) shouldn’t get people hounded off media platforms, and certainly not as thoughtful a creator as you. I support whatever you feel you need to do to get yourself right & stay healthy, and a social media detox seems like a sound step in the right direction. I understand the inclination to withdraw from YouTube, and while I think it may be a somewhat knee jerk reaction, it’s certainly a reasonable one considering how overwhelming I imagine all of this must feel being on the receiving end of it all. However everything shakes out, I’m still eagerly awaiting my Team Lindsay (and my Team Natalie) pin whenever it arrives. Thx for the update


I fully support you taking a Twitter detox. And an internet detox. Spending more time offline is genuinely good for the mind.

Jason Pargin

I wish I could hire someone to run my socials, but have a fear that it wouldn't work somehow. But the idea of having to just be online every day for the rest of my life is unthinkable.


The whole thing got blown way out of proportion and you DO NOT deserve what happened. We love you!


For what its worth, I've always enjoyed following you on Twitter. Not saying you shouldn't leave it or do whatever you have to to stay sane, but reading your tweets has always been a high point on that site.


I wish you all the best during your detox and I hope you're able to get rid of at least a good portion that negativity.

Haldon Lindstrom

I'm not on social media, so this is the first I'm hearing about this, but if you need to take a break from engaging with it, I think that makes sense. I'm not going to try and give my hot take, but I've come to respect that your opinions come from an informed and thoughtful place, and I'm upset that putting your opinion out there caused you so much grief. I always enjoy your content, and look forward to when (or if) you come back. Take the time you need, and stay healthy.

Katie Kelley

Yeah life is short. Do what you need to do. Thanks for all the enriching content to date, all the best. 👏


Take care of yourself. What you create online is great but your well-being is more important.


Hi Lindsay, I've been following you since 2012, when I was in grad school. Your videos kept me company during the many long days sitting in a lonely room staring through a microscope. Parasocially,*  you've been a constant presence in my life, offering levity and intellectual stimulation about one of my passions: storytelling.  I don't know what you have gone through or said on twitter. I have the luxury of a job that does not require an online presence. Being a passive online observer of the social media circus that was the 2016 election pretty much convinced me that limiting my online presence would be the best thing I could do for my mental health. Whatever you decide, please know that you have enriched my life. True, it's sometimes via swollen werewolf cocks, but hey - life is messy.  If nothing else, know that you are valued.  *not sure if that's a word- but if not, it should be


We have your back Lindsay, whatever you want to do. Also, I'm not on Twitter, so I wasn't following that anyway.


I'm so tired of seeing this happen again and again - I can't imagine how exhausting it must be for you. It's just not possible to ever be good enough for these people. Your health is more important than work, now and always. Look after yourself! I sincerely wish you the best of luck in whatever you do next, whether it's Online Content or something totally new that none of us ever get to hear about. You only have the one life!


I wondered why Patreon didn't bill me for March but I knew an explanation would surface. Lo and behold this seems to be it. I know the pressures of a career, but I can barely imagine it on the scale you deal with. I've also been lucky at finding ways to minimize my internet presence. What you're doing now ... the distance you're making ... is the best decision. Take care of yourself. There's no way to stress that enough. You're a spunky soul not mention an inspiring essayist, so these bad things happening to your well-being is heartbreaking. Take care of yourself.


Your’s is consistently some of the best content on YouTube and I would gravely miss it, but I don’t believe creators have an obligation to suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of others’ edification and enjoyment...But I do hope we’ll get more adventures from Ampersand, Modulo, Tilde, Dollar Sign, and all our other alien buddies.


Twitter is a cesspool, so totally understand just walking away from it. Hope you get some space and feel better soon.


Take care!


Lindsay I hope you recover okay. I have never had a Twitter account, so I really have no idea what you are talking about. But I do know (from watching your videos) that you have an essential integrity in everything you do. I also think of the talk you did with XOXO a while back, which frankly put me in tears, not only for your situation back then, but also, as was implied, the other YouTubers who also have been put through that grinder.

Fel Martins

I don't even know what's going on :P Sure, get rid of twitter. I don't even use the service myself. I've gotten more emails about twitter than actual tweets I've done.


I'm not on twitter, so I'm not sure what went down, but I'm sorry you're struggling with this. If you need to take space for yourself, that's completely valid. I haven't been a Patreon member for long, but I've been a fan for years and I always love hearing your takes on things. I hope if you do need to distance yourself you eventually find your way back to content creation, but I also don't think you're under any OBLIGATION to do so- you should do what's best for your own mental health and happiness.

Faith Hicks

I've been taking a twitter break this week so I don't know what happened. but twitter is an exhaustingly vindictive place where it feels like everyone is trying to extract their pound of flesh. And for a woman of your level of visibility, I'm sure it's even more awful. I've always enjoyed your tweets, but wow do I understand you leaving. Take care and I hope things will be less stressful for you in the future. Love your work, like always.

Woodson Baldwin

For what it's worth this controversy is BS. I really hate it when this stuff happens because it makes getting actual Nazis off the platform much more difficult. Anyways I'm tossing you a couple bucks for a while as a show of support. Your videos are thoughtful and well made and I hope you find a less obnoxious platform to work on.


Social media is hard enough for us to navigate even without a career that relies on a presence, content, interactions with the masses, other “personalities”, or associated events and phenomena. Keep healthy and whole!


I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with all of this. I just wanted to say that I begin my first semester of a MA in media studies program this fall and I wouldn't be going if it weren't for your content which has been inspiring me ever since I was in high school. I have always loved film and media, but watching your video essays was like discovering this new language to properly articulate why I loved it. So thank you. Stay healthy and well and I hope you continue to produce more incredible work in the future.

Rich Stoehr

I'm not on Twitter so I don't fully get what happened, but from what I gather it's exactly the reason why I'm not on Twitter. Another of my favorite creators went through a similar thing recently and he reassessed who he is going to listen to regarding the direction and style of his content. Simply put, for his mental health he decided to ignore the people who don't actually care about what he's doing and are just there to take it down a peg. It was the right call for him and I think it's the right call for you too. Twitter is not necessary and it's not often a healthy or supportive place either. I think you'll be surprised how well you can get along without worrying about it. Here's to a brighter tweet-free future for you. And look, I got through the whole thing without saying Twitter is a shit show! Oops. (But it is.)


Look after yourself, Lindsay. We're rooting for you <3


Totally support you in this, Lindsay! 🖤🖤🖤


I love your work and have learned so much from you over the years. I'm also not on twitter-- it sounds awful and toxic, and I'm glad your choosing your mental health instead.


Sensible choice. Mental health must be a priority. Take care of yourself!


And if you do return to making content, you don't owe anyone a social media account. People can post whatever reactions they want to your work, but you're not required to respond or read it at all.


Just joined your Patreon to hopefully take some of the pressure off if people are unpledging over this. Take all the time you need, we’ll be here for whatever you decide to do in the future.

Wesley Quinonez

From my point of you you have always tried to protect those who aren’t as prominent as yourself who may need it. This past week I’ve been seeing a lot of creators that do the same being attacked. This may just be me but I think some people on the right may be going after creators that they don’t agree with in full force at the moment.

August Ellis

I’m sorry you’ve gone through this. I’ll be sad to see you go, but you’ve gotta do what’s best for you ❤️


It's times like this I question if creating the internet was such a smart move. Very sorry you're having to deal with this, love your work.


Just subbed today. Looking forward to your future content.


Good for you, and I'm sorry this is happening. I hope the time away allows you to heal and reevaluate things. As for the controversy itself: everyone debating the accuracy of your Raya/ATLA take is missing a much larger problem. The people coming after you clearly have wanted to do so for a long time. They've had beef for a while and are now using this as an excuse. Some have said so outright, and it's glaringly obvious in rhetoric like "_____ IS NEXT," "can't wait until _____ slips up." This isn't about Raya, or Asian culture, or anything the Twitter mob is feigning outrage over. This is about power and control. Social media in general has problems, but Twitter in particular is poisonous to mental health and public discourse. The platform's design inherently encourages games of insult tennis rather than actual discussion, and nuance is discarded in favor of meme-worthy one-liners. I don't blame you for a second for wanting to step away from that environment. I hope we can eventually look back on this and remember it as a dark spot in internet history. I also hope to see more content from you in one form or another, but, at the end of the day, you do what's best for you. Until we hear from you again, take care.


Like several people above me in these comments, I'ma join your Patreon for a few months as a show of support. I disliked that specific tweet, but like, damn. Social media has no concept of moderate response or assumption of good intent. I've been following your content for years. I appreciate your work a lot, partly because it challenges me and does more than confirm my existing beliefs. I hope you return to content creation in some way that works for you. If not, guess I'll just collect your books.

Anne and the Apocalypse

Appreciate this response and that you're thinking about all this. Taking time off is fine and good, and I hope it's good for you, whatever comes next.

Kat Green

I have a livelihood that doesn’t require me to curate an online presence, and it still took a year or two to wean myself off of social media completely, once I realized just how much it was warping my sense of self. It is mentally, emotionally, and probably physiologically bad for compulsive/addictive people. I don’t have an active Twitter account and I STILL stumbled into that situation as it was unfolding. There are some well-informed and passionate people on Twitter... and there are some deliberate and viscous bad actors who play “total character assasination telephone” in a way I’ve never really witnessed before. I think you’re smart for taking the time to think of what, if anything, you want to say publicly. I’ve watched your videos since that first audition tape (so... college...so... more than ten years), and-- for all that you have informed and entertained and inspired-- I’d rather have zero videos and zero access to you as a person (even in YouTube comment form) than see you gradually eaten alive by the demands of internet fame. Best wishes as you work through this.


The internet sucks. I'm a nobody and sometimes the internet can become overwhelming for me. I can't imagine what it feels like for someone who has any sort of following. Take the time you need, do what you need to do. At the end of the day your mental health is important.


Never thought I would ever sign up to Patreon. I've loved Lindsay's videos for a while - what happened on Twitter was so unjust that I felt the need to show support.


twitter sucks, avoid it like the plague


Honest Trailers made the exact same comparisons. They're right there. True, there aren't many Asian-inspired stories out there (EDIT: In Greater Hollywood), but your comment was understandable and the over-reaction is NOT. This looks like a standard Internet dog pile, fueled by bad-faith arguments from the same types of people. There was room for legitimate criticism and better yet debate and discussion, but trolls and online culture warriors have clearly hijacked this whole reaction for their usual purposes. Obviously, take a step back if you want to. But I don't see how you did anything to justify this $#!+storm.


I've been a fan of yours since the days of Nostalgia Chick. Nothing gave me greater joy than to find you again online and then to support you here on Patreon. Your book graces my shelves and is a point of pride for me. You are an inspiration to me in many ways especially as I still struggle to get my own book published. Take care of yourself, Lindsay. Spend time with friends and loved ones and take time deciding what you want your future to be. Your patreons may be nothing but faceless people across the world, but they support you and love what you do. There are few people on the internet that I follow with dedication. You and your content has always been a place of real happiness for me. You're the first person I think I ever followed on Twitter. I know something like this from someone you don't know means so little, but know that you have impacted my life positively for almost two decades. I wish there had been a way for us to protect you. Grow, live, feel happy, enjoy yourself and your loved ones, and let the evil they bombarded you with wash away. We will always support you.


I have no idea what happened as this and your video content is the only thing I see that you produce, I'm not on twitter. But my patreon support is based on the very high quality of the work that you do, the world is a better place for its existence. If you need a break, or to stop using a social media platform, for your own health you absolutely should. I see no reason you should not see my patreon contribution as much a financial support in this moment as it is in moments when you are regularly producing videos, and I am sure I am not alone in feeling that.


For the better part of a decade you've given me new ways to think about the media I love and the world I live in, and it was worth $2 to thank you for that. Having a two-way megaphone that can reach 300,000 people at any time doesn't sound like the healthiest thing in the world, no matter how you use it. I'm sure it's fun and I'll miss reading those thoughts, but I'm glad you're stepping away from it if you aren't happy. I'm sure it's an important part of your current job, but I really hope you don't come back unless it's because you want to.

Kyle Rudy

I hope your time off goes well! If you return to the internet on a different platform, please let us know. Your twitter was a source of harmless joy for me in the past few years, even though twitter itself is an absolute hellscape that I will never ever join. I'd love to follow your thoughts in whatever form they might take, wherever you might take them.


I'm sorry for everything that has happened and you're reason for leaving Twitter is more then understandable. Take all the time you and need though it may not sound much from someone like me, I'll always be cheering for you. You've done good work across the years and I'll always be thankful.


Whatever you decide to do, I'll remain by your side. You've been an inspiration to me since childhood, and you have my respect for deciding to self-care. Hope all goes well no matter what your decision ultimately is. ♥


I haven't seen any of the twitter drama. I hope it is not too harmful. I have enjoyed your film and cultural analysis for many years now - thanks for producing what I have thought of as insightful and careful work.


I don't even know what this is about but I've seen enough of both Lindsay and Twitter to be 100% Team Lindsay.


No need to explain to us friend, if anyone understands how absolutely goofy the bird app can be it's us. Take some time to just chill and relax I say.


First off, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your content. It's always incredibly well thought out and engaging and it has definitely helped me to be more conscious of entertainment's effect on the world and has inspired me to be more thoughtful in what I post and create. In general, I have also greatly enjoyed your social media presence and I am very sad to see you leave it, but I understand why. Regardless of any carelessness in your last tweet, I have witnessed firsthand how toxic many people on there have been to you and others and I can only imagine how difficult that is to constantly have to deal with. I'm not sure what the answer is to deal with that, but just know for all the toxic people on there, I'm confident that there are significantly more that just adore your content and have nothing but respect for you. For a lack of better words, it would suck major ass if you never created content again and I really hope you continue on, but you do not owe it to anybody to continue if you don't want to. I hope you're able to take some time to reassess and detox like you said and are able to decide what the best move is for you. Your mental health is the priority, so do not worry about the time, whether you take weeks or months, or even years, there will be plenty of people eager to consume your content when/if you return. While I may not be able to speak for everyone, regardless of what you decide, I respect your decision and wish you the best and I like to think most would agree with that sentiment. Thank you again for the countless hours of entertainment, I cannot emphasize enough how much of a positive effect you have had on my life and others, and I am truly sorry that things are the way they are.


I didn't even think to check your Patreon for a comment until I saw someone mention that you'd made one, and this is about what I expected. Disengaging and taking time to process and assess is definitely the right move, for your own mental health at the very least =)


I'm sorry this has happened and is happening to you. It's ridiculous that there doesn't seem to be a way to make thoughtful and engaging content about media in video essay format without also having to submerge yourself in digital "community" participation. I will always appreciate the way your videos have made media studies feel approachable and interesting in a way academics seem unable to, while also being knowledgeable and insightful, rather than just entertaining for the sake of it. Whatever you choose to do, I wish you the best, and I hope you find a way of life/work that is more wholesome than this.


Take care of yourself. ❤️



Mister Joshua

I am so tired of seeing this dogpiling as an audience participation sport. I am very sorry. Take all the time you want. I consider my continued patronage a pleasure, and as a bargain for the many, many times I have rewatched your videos. When I was falling apart last year because of all of the everything, I'd put your videos on and feel a little better. Hearing you articulate why I was so frustrated with the GoT finale, learning about the oeuvre of Michael Bay, discovering a history of capitalism and Notre Dame I never would have learned otherwise, hearing Dan Olsen yell "because I am your Alpha", and waiting for the next inevitable mention of how much you love Phantom helped me a lot. :) You work so hard to give us things that matter to us, and you help us appreciate (and critique) important parts of our culture. Be well and hang tough.


Just finished reading your book (I was halfway through it earlier today when I wrote my first comment 😅), absolutely loved it! Your physical and mental health is the first priority, I won't lie and say I would not be happy if you made new content, but I can't convey enough how much it is secondary to you feeling better, getting to feeling good and being happy ❤❤❤


You go girl! Leavie this cesspool of a social platform behind and never look back! Twitter is cancer.


I can only speak for myself. I won't ever condone demanding anyone accept apologies they truly feel are inadequate, but I hope the communities that were hurt (through real and/or perceived slights) have the chance to see what I have: a demonstrated and documented willingness to consider and promote other perspectives. No one is perfect and we can't expect them to be, but the people who get up and keep trying to improve after making mistakes are always worthy of encouragement. Wishing you the peace you are looking for, and hope to enjoy your shared thoughts again in the future.

Joshua Marchant

Don't know precisely what happened but I'm not going to look it up. Hoping you're able to take care of yourself and get the support you need. Your well being is more important than ""content"" (much as I adore your work!)

Jillian Jackson

I just read an article about it...... This is the stupidest sh*t I have ever heard. I am so sorry people are attacking you. Some people are so bored, hateful & petty. You were literally just making an observation & stating your opinion. Everyone has opinions. Just like they get to say you should be cancelled, you get to say whatever the hell you want about a movie. You're not attacking anyone, & you're not being offensive. From the tweets you posted I didn't see anything worth the reaction you got. People are literally so bored it's like they are finding anything they can in your tweet to give them a reason to "cancel" you. Again I'm so sorry you have to deal with that sh*t. Also I completely agree with the comments in here saying, that those haters' distain for you isn't new. Those people have been eagerly waiting for you to post something that they could latch on to as a way to "cancel" you. Anyway, I love your content, I always learn so much & am eager to watch your latest video. If you decide to come back please know there are A LOT of people who love what you do, want you to succeed & love you for you.


Twitter is a machine made for stupid outrage.

Keith D. Jones

Wow, very sorry this is happening. Take your time. Do what you need to do. Your youtube videos are interesting and wonderful


Take care!💋


Nothing I can say will ever capture how much your work has done to inspire me (and I'm sure many others). But you and your health are more important than your work/career/content. Please be kind to yourself <3


Truly sorry to hear this as I deeply enjoy your content and always look forward to new videos. I hope you are able to destress


Twitter is very much the bad website, and you are more than your content. Your mental health is absolutely crucial, and I am glad that you are doing right by yourself.


Take as much time as you need, and if that happens to be forever, I will always appreciate the content you have expertly made.

Katherine Evans

Twitter is the worst. You are awesome. You do you


Very upset that this happened to you. My faith in humanity ticked down a notch or two today, and it was already pretty low.


became a patron to give the little support I can


I've got a semi-decent following on TikTok and I have to say, I'm considering deleting it because of the toxicity as well. It really feels like internet culture in general is reaching a breaking point lately, and I think if you can manage a career without it, you'll be better off. Twitter isn't good for anybody but Vladimir Putin and Jack Dorsey. Really looking forward to your upcoming Axiom's End sequel. Have you considered publishing media criticism in book form? Might be a lot less public-facing stress.

Alice LWatson

Take care of yourself Lindsay! I am sorry people are being extra shitty.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Twitter is ridiculous. The mob will find a new victim and calm down. With your platform, you don’t even need Twitter. I love your content and honestly watch your videos at least weekly. They give me so much comfort. They are so well written, intelligent, and entertaining. Take time away from everything and enjoy a long deserved break.


Take some time away, take a breather. Keep in mind that the last year of Covid+Election has made everybody dial up their own anxieties up to 11. The whole discourse right now surrounding culture is actually in a very unproductive, tire spinning way. Twitter is kind of a toxic wastedump of comments and thoughts and it rewards brash, salty and snippy comments and doesn't really respect dialogue, or researched nuanced opinion that you have. Your kind of fighting against the grain, but that's OK because your making the world a little better by doing it.


Saw the tweet, missed the drama. So was somewhat surprised seeing this. Echoing many here, you were not wrong. I'd noticed that thing way before now. Glad you're taking care of you. If you decide to come back to videos/somewhat engaging with the world, you can always share your insights here. We're safe (said hopefully).


I am sorry this is happening to you. I really think that we need to have a talk about what nuance is as a culture. And how to ask up follow up questions. It is very telling, it seems people are eager to believe the absolute worst in people no matter what. I hope you don’t stop making things, but also it’s okay to take breaks. In fact, as an artist I believe it’s very important.

plum pewter

big, very huge sad :(

eddie phlash

Yo Twitter (and all the social media) sucks. They are actively harmful to both individual mental health as well as society in general. I hope you find what you need with this break. Even if you never make another internet thing, I am grateful for the many videos of yours that I've watched that have helped me to think about so many things in a new light. Thanks!!


I'm deeply sorry you've been treated this way. I totally support you making whatever choices you need to make, but it will be a sad day if we no longer see new work from you, and I will, to borrow a phrase, die mad at the Twitter shitheads who deprived us of your uniquely insightful and entertaining content.


Take all the time you need! Twitter is dumb and also bad.


Well, this was the final straw for me to quit that fucking hell-site and subscribe here instead, so.


I can't believe my wife and I weren't already a direct supporter but we're correcting that now as a direct response to what happened on Twitter. Take care. Don't stop doing what you do, maybe Nebula and YouTube only? Twitter is shit.


Hope you're hanging in there ❤ I love your content and stand by you! And if leaving Twitter is what's best for your mental help I absolutely support that as well.


Got this update, had literally no idea what it was talking about. Googled it. Reread the story. Thought, "Wait... Really? This? Am I missing something?" Like, I normally roll my eyes when people complain about "cancel culture," but... damn. The comment that you're not sure if you should be making content anymore makes me super sad. Even if you accept the premise that the tweets were messed up (they seem innocuous to me, but I get that as a white person I don't really get a vote), it's unbelievable to me that they could just straight-up destroy a career you've years building, outweighing what's gotta be hundreds of hours of essays.


That moment when you join Patreon just to support someone because you genuinely appreciate their work and don't want them to leave. I'll save the platitudes about the issue at hand. You're one of the best intellectual content creators out there right now and we'll be at a loss without you. I'm sorry people are misguided, malicious and toxic and terrible and you are and have been taking the brunt of so much of it.


As others have said, I had no idea this was a thing and am dumbfounded by all of it. What an unbelievable shame. I really hope this isn't the end of your content because you are the cream of the crop when it comes to video essayists. Ever since the Nostalgia Chick days, you've entertained and enriched me, and you've had such a huge impact on how I engage with and tell stories. The discourse will be worse off without your voice cutting the chaff. That said, taking care of your own mental health is the most important thing. Take all the time you need, and know that there people on and offline who support you. <3


I'm sorry you had to deal with this shit. And while I really hope you continue to make content in the future, I get it if you can't handle it anymore. You don't owe us anything.


Thing 1: I am an Asian American woman who supports Lindsay Ellis. Thing 2: Your content isn't just a fun pastime for me. Often, it makes me feel heard in ways that other media outlets could never make me feel heard. At the very least, your content leaves me with a feeling that my viewpoint is shared. At the most, it presents me with a new take that I enjoy considering as I form my own opinion of a given piece of media, and it exposes me to an in-depth perspective that I otherwise may not have heard. Thing 3: I am a high school teacher. Sometimes, there's a kid that I know will love your content. I recommend your work to those kids with great excitement, because I know how much it'll expand their thinking while appealing to their senses of humor and - a related word - humanity. What I'm trying to say is that you are an amazing resource and a creator of genuinely intellectual, timely content. That is invaluable. Thing 4: I agree with what others on this page have said. I hope with all my heart that you will keep making content in the future. But I also understand that everyone has needs and boundaries, and I hope you will take care of yourself and be well! Modu jal doe gil bib ni da, Laura Paik


Lindsay, You are brilliant, talented, and an exceptional human being. Whatever decide to do next, I support it. I imagine there will be quite a few people who support you too. Take all the time you need. Thank you for everything you’ve made so far. The Whole Plate has been incredibly helpful for me, since I couldn’t afford to attend film school when I wanted to. I found the videos on Borat, Rent, Protest Music and Mad Max all to be particularly insightful. (I’d absolutely watch a whole series on what was great about Fury Road btw.) Cats and Phantom are two of my favorites! And Game of Thrones. I mention all of these things to remind you of the incredible legacy you’ve created so far. Your work is valuable. Again, no matter what you decide to do next, it’s clear that there will be a legion of people in your corner. Take care ❤️

All-Natural Fig Jam

I'm a longtime viewer but just became a patron today because I read this post and want to support you in whatever you end up doing. Your video essays were the very first content on Youtube that really got me to think critically about media in general (I think it was the Hunchback video?) and I will never forget the influence they've had. I know you'll figure it all out <3


I love your YouTube videos. The combination of snark and analysis is brilliant. The fact that Twitter is a viscous hellhole, in which the worst flavors of human interaction stew to create a new and distinctive aroma of bullshitty horror, doesn't touch your work. Good luck and feel better!


P.s. as far as I can tell you really, really don't have anything to apologize for.


Do what you gotta do, queen. I’ll never forget how excited I was to find your new content after you (rightfully) ditched He Who Shall Not Be Named and I want to do everything I can to support your mental health. "Above all, do not lament my absence, for in my spark, I know that this is not the end, but merely a new beginning. Simply put, another transformation.”


Twitter’s a dumpster fire. I’m so sorry this is happening to you—take care, and be kind to yourself.


You may not end up reading all of these comments but if you do, I hope you see how much you have impacted people and how much we adore and respect your work. I joined up today because I want to be part of whatever you decide to do. You have nothing to apologize for, you are a badass human being. DFTBA!


Alt right trolls absolutely love destroying the best of us


The outpouring of support seen here says more about you than the tangled web of Twitter, which has no polite name. For what it's worth, I am very sorry you are being treated badly.


Hey Lindsay, I have been a fan for *years* and your videos have brought me an immeasurable amount of nerdy joy. This might be helpful, I hope: You're probably not familiar with this, but famous game developer Rami Ismail recently had an incident like this on Twitter where he said some things (in the context of criticizing the upcoming game Six Days in Fallujah, which is... a whole can of worms) that unintentionally caused a lot of controversy with people who in any other context would be major supporters of his. He unintentionally made things worse over the next few hours with some followups, then deactivated his account and went dark for about a week.


I accidentally hit Enter because I forgot that sends the message... ANYWAY my point is that after some cooldown time (for everybody) he reactivated his account and posted a very good apology. I think this was a smart move and afaik it has gone over pretty well. I know the point isn't just about 'social media strategy' and there's something much deeper and more important at play (toxicity, mental health, etc.)... but if you do decide to return to social media and/or address this directly, I recommend taking a look at his account and reading the apology.


Love you Lindsay, from a long long time fan. I'll be awaiting your return. No rush, take your time. ❤


I love your Youtube videos, especially the older ones. I've learned so much about film-making, storytelling, and began to see movies from a perspective that had eluded me before. Moana = Pocahontas. Megan Fox's character should have been Optimus's human BFF and main character. Dragon Lady Bad, nut wolf porn worse. And I think I'm smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb, I'm smart! but still I learn so much from your videos. I realize making hour-long videos takes much more time and effort than tweeting. But I feel that had you made videos about your recent Soul and Raya takes, you'd have been able to add more context and work out the wording to better illustrate your points without suffering the twitter nightmare. You made valid points and have nothing to apologize for...but, some of the wording was careless in hindsight. If you do decide to keep creating content, and I really hope you do, I encourage you to do more Youtube videos, fewer quick twitter takes, and keep writing. Just my 2 cents. Be well!


Nobody is perfect. You know, many of us aren't even on Twitter, so I don't even know what the brouhaha was about. Hope you're well, don't let a few nasty words get you down. sometimes it's okay for two people to disagree. I've been watching you since the early Nostalgia Chick days - still miss the bowtie. Take care.


Gonna miss your Kathryn Hahn energy but enjoy your break!


Lindsay, my partner and I are both Asian American, and we know that anyone who has watched your content and honestly engaged with it could never accuse you of being anti-Asian, transphobic, anti-Black, etc., and we realize how poorly content creators on YouTube are treated. We’ve watched your content for years and you’ve always made some of the highest quality content on YouTube (in fact I think your content was what helped elevate my own media analysis ability above that of things certain channels that mostly focused on shouting...). We just wanted to let you know that we support you taking time away from toxic spaces on the internet and please take care. - Joseph and Alison

Erik Anderson

I am glad you are taking a break from twitter, and the dishonest discourse that goes on there. Yes it cuts you off from some people and some recognition, but it also removes a huge avenue for alt-right trolls to use dishonest arguments to attack people. I have loved your work for years and you really do not need this, no one does. Perhaps its time this form of mental junkfood gets tossed in the can.

Erik Anderson

My second thought... perhaps this is a good point to turn your talents at social analysis on social media itself. How did a website that started to sexistly (sp?) rate women on campus become this? How did a text relay app become the tool for an unqualified president to take over a political party and ultimately, briefly the keys to the nuclear code? How did youtube go from a site to watch southpark Christmas specials and videos of your dog to the creation engine with the most toxic and manipulated comment section on the planet.


I missed the damning thread, but I've followed you long enough to give you the benefit of the doubt--and it's not like Twitter hasn't been jumping up and down on your last nerve for years now. Enjoy your break--hope you can clear your head, and figure out what you want to do next. You've reached a level of success you probably never imagined, but what's the point if you're miserable? I hope you can find a solution--I'd miss your content if you retired, but would also totally understand not wanting to keep subjecting yourself to /all this/ anymore. TL,DR: You have my axe.


Arg. These internet shitstorms are so goddamn stupid and disheartening. I hope your break, as long as you choose to take it, allows you to recover some peace of mind. It'd be a bummer if you didn't come back, but I think we'd all understand if you didn't feel it was worth the bullshit. Take care, maybe catch up on some naps, and I hope there can be at least a little comfort in knowing there are untold thousands of folks out there who appreciate you.


What you’re going through sounds unbelievably emotionally taxing. But I just wanted to say that I only recently became a patron because I realized how much of my own personal understanding of media (film, literature, and stories in general) was shaped by your really smart analyses and videos since 2016 (especially the Transformers series!), as well as people who were influenced by you. A friend of mine is a small Youtuber and has made video essays about our country’s (Philippines) local cinema, and she says in her video that she was directly inspired by you. I just know that I’m a smarter and better person thanks to your work. Thank you. Also, Axiom’s End was great! Can’t wait to listen to the audiobook (because I have an attention span of a gnat) of the sequel!!!


Have a well earned break from the internet - I hope that this peculiar thing doesn't put pay to your video essays though, they're absolutely wonderful and always interesting. But likewise, if it feels like it's time to move on from that then I think the vast majority of people who enjoy your work will understand and respect your decision.


I'm sorry this happened to you and I would be sad to see you stop creating content, but it's really much more important that you find something that makes you feel at ease, I really hope you'll feel better soon and wish you all the best! In the meantime I'll go listen to the audiobook of Axiom's end :)


Lindsay Ellis appreciation post 🙂


I'm a 'normal' (read 'not internet famous') person and I deleted facebook and twitter about 3 years ago. One of the best things I ever did for my mental health.


Appreciate the post, and so sorry this kind of witch hunt reached you for such a nothing, impartial statement about a show. Take all the time you need, and take care of yourself. I have been off everything social except for Insta and it has been a very healthy experience for me, and I am not even an internet person.


I think you disengaging was smart. I honestly didn't know you had a twitter. After talking to a few people about it... it's best that you feel you don't need all of that. I wish you luck regardless what you decide to do.


Your work online is great, but you’ve usually seemed, at best, kind of ambivalent about it. If it’s making you miserable it can’t be worth the price, especially if you have other options. Much of your audience will always be here for more of your online work when you want to do it, if you do. I imagine the hardest part comes when thinking of your employees. Maybe there’s some other way to help them other than putting yourself through this stuff.


Sorry you had to deal with this, some so-called "progressives" can be absolutely awful and I don't envy anyone that has to put up with that crap on a daily basis. P.S. do you have any plans to un-private all of your Nostalgic Woman videos this year?


So sorry to hear this. Decided to become a patron.


I only run a tiny business and we've noticed a massive spike in 'gotcha!' interactions in the last year, where people are wanting to catch us out fucking up in some way. And we just sell clothes! I can't even imagine what it's like if you've been assigned any more complex social role.


Enjoy the time away, honestly Twitter drama is the worst and being subject to it constantly must be frustrating to say the least.

Rajan Singh

I don't think you have anything to apologize for. Twitter is an awful place and I hope you leaving it is good for you but you continue to make videos


In all honestly, I hope you keep Twitter deleted. It's a bad place, we should all leave but it's like we're trapped until something forces our hand

Kait Hatch

I am forever grateful for Ian Danskin's still VERY RELEVANT video on Phil Fish and how brilliantly he unpacks that so much of cancelling Internet Famous people is because of this mentality that they are "being famous wrong." Leaving FB entirely has been brilliant for my mental health. I too, would divest entirely from Twitter BUT it just happens to be where the Disability Justice community does the most organizing, so I shan't leave it yet. Your presence shall be missed. Now I'll only have Crutches & Spice and Mara Wilson's tweets to look forward to. :P


Oh, Lindsay. I hope you keep doing your video essay work. It is thoughtful, inspired, and always entertaining. If there's any way to keep doing that work while getting to remove yourself otherwise from the toxicity of the internet, I hope you take it. I originally had more here about the twitter thing, but lots of people with more educated/insightful/relevant opinions have already weighed in. Just know you have a well of support here and no one deserves a waterfall of vitriol for making a comment that's "problematic" at worst when they have a great track record for being a reflective, caring human being who goes out of their way to be informed, and open to fair criticism.


Sending love and wishing you peace. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Subbed today. My world would be a little emptier without your insight and humor.


I just follow you for the video essays and deconstruction of media, not your social media presence... I hope you continue to focus on the former. The latter just isn't worth it... twitter and Facebook both are garbage fires or human interaction.


Your content means a lot to me and I’d be sad to see you leave, but if you think it’s what’s best for you I support any decision you make and wish you good luck on whatever you decide


Just want to join my voice to all the nice people here wishing you some well deserved rest to all this horrible drama on twitter. I love your content, and you way of approaching media criticism, and your persona in your videos. Hope you manage to get some relaxing done quickly!


Like many others, I've been following your since your days of being a contributor to *that* website, and I've been a fan since my teenage years. While I'd be sad to see you stop creating online content, your mental health and well-being is the most important thing. Gotta do what's best for yourself, ya know? Take all the time you need to adjust yourself and clear your head. When & if you do return, myself and others will be here to support you. Take care, Lindsay!


I had no idea this was going on until seeing this post. Went and deactivated my Twitter account because if they're trying to cancel you, then there can't be any value left on Twitter.... From a stranger - go rest. You've earned it.

Mary Pittman

Please take care of yourself and do what's best for you!


Agreed on everyone supporting your decision of disconnecting from Twitter. It’s a garbage fire. Take care of yourself, and hope that you’ll be alright eventually 😊


I'm a big fan, Lindsay, and I know this isn't your first rodeo dealing with social media toxicity. I know your heart is right and it's solid. We're with you! :)


I don't blame you one bit for dumping twitter, your content shines best when you have the space to get nuanced, and twitter definitely doesn't allow that. Wherever you go, I hope it grants you the space to shine. I always enjoy your videos, since I always learn a lot of great context along the way.


Became a patron today, even if u decide to discontinue your work, I wanted you to know that you have support. Your video on Trans history in Movies is actually what made me sub to your YT and I'm really disheartened to hear how things went down on Twitter.


You did nothing wrong imho


Hey Lindsay, I have been a fan for a long time, your videos have inspired me in becoming my own story teller. If this counts for anything from a random person on the internet -- you did and said nothing cancellable. And I saw every tweet the people were cancelling you for. While you have always had divisive and bold takes I greatly admire that about you. And you are a respectful and careful content creator. Take your time but I ask that you dont quit. People support you, and the reactionary left Twitter mob is truly ridiculous at this point.


Much love, supporting you here regardless. Thank you for helping me in my own journey. Wishing you the best.


Sorry last comment -- EXACTLY this. You have proven to be a respectful and good hearted person. Anything "problematic" should be open for discussion, but bullying a person like you off the internet is ridiculous when people like Ben Shapiro roam free.

Aris Behren

Not sure what to say except that I support you, and I cannot imagine how psychologically damaging it must be to have people gleefully tear you apart over the least charitable possible interpretation of an opinion...and to have them do it over and over again. For my part, I hope you don't stop making youtube videos, but I will understand if you do. And it is way past time for us all to burn Twitter to the ground.


"When well-intentioned people fall for bad faith tactics, bad faith people continue to employ them." --Lindsay Ellis, XOXO Festival (2019)


I hope the detox helps!

Joel Syverud

It sounds like you know what you’re doing, please take care of yourself and focus on what can make you happier in life! ❤️


Like many others have said here: I support you. Twitter is a sewer, and you're better off without it. Please keep making brilliant essays. Take care of yourself. Don't let the trolls get you down. You are a good person and you are fighting for what is right. Even if you don't feel awesome right now we still see what an awesome person you are. I will continue to support you.


You are brilliant and I am so sorry this is happening. I support you. Your essays have been so wonderful and educational. Thank you for what you do. Be well. Take time to heal. ♥️


I have learned a lot from your video essays and I am grateful for your work.


I had to look this up, as I don't really do social media anymore. Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus that the outrage over this is absurd. I'm sure it has a lot to do with timing, but regardless... even if we allow that you made a mistake, how is anyone ever supposed to learn from their mistakes if cancelation is the only allowed outcome? Take care of yourself, and please keep making content. The world is better with your voice in it.


Your happiness is most important! Know I stan you and I have for years!! Much love to you


I hope you take the time you need to decompress. We’ll be here waiting for your return!


It's selfish of me to say: I do hope you continue to make ~content~ whenever you feel ready to. But, obviously you should do what's best for you -- ultimately, I just wanted to be another one of the many to say that you have provided a lot of insight and understanding to my own media comprehension. Having never considered pursuing media criticism academically, I feel like I gain so much from the way you have spoken and performed your media commentary. Thanks so much and sorry that your career obliged you to dwell in the toxic hell of Twitter and the like

Corin Cerami

I feel like this is going to be taken negatively by others here based on the other comments I've read, but as someone who's been a fan of yours since 2008 I do feel obligated to tell you that I think you fucked up here. I don't know what kind of harassment you received on Twitter, and I'm sure it really sucked. That being said, I think you had a pretty bad take your response to the criticism really felt like it brushed off people's concerns, at least to me. On top of that, your fans are now all over Twitter harassing POC and anyone else talking about representation. I know you haven't told people to do that, and none of us can be to blame for the actions of others, but by just deleting your account and not taking any accountability, the stans have been inspired by your and people like Contra to be way more toxic and low key racist all over Twitter. I'm hoping you'll read this and take it as well meaning criticism from someone who's been watching your work for over a decade and wants to see people improve themselves.


"...and I do apologize for any hurt or stress this may have caused. " Girl, there ain't no "may have caused" about it. It is possible and important for you to own your impact even as you explain your intent. If your intentions are not in alignment with your impact, you gotta set the ego aside and try to do better, by listening to those who have been impacted and doing your own learning. You have have a huge audience and a lot of influence, and with that power there must come great responsibility. I know you have it within you to do better and be better.


You did absolutely nothing wrong and sorry that you have to deal with a bunch of crazy people


This Twitter mess has broken my brain this week. You casually compared two pieces of media with similar plots, this doesn’t necessitate an apology or the witch hunt that ensued. Take all the time you need, people who support your content know you’re not any of the accusations being thrown around


i've been enjoying your content for years, shamed to say I hadn't joined your patreon before, but i've been obsessing over this the last couple days and the whole thing is absolutely mental. I just wanted to show my support and that whatever you decide to do (i loved your book) I'll support your decision. <3


This is a very weird criticism that she needs to be harassed and then take responsibility for every rando racist on twitter...


I hope you feel better, and I hope you make the decision that's right for you, even though I selfishly hope you continue to make essays, because I enjoy them and think they've gotten better and better over the years as you've really come to define and refine the medium and your voice within it.

Susan Wenger

I'll miss you on Twitter---which you should stay away from if it brings you nothing but stress---but I truly hope you don't stop making videos.


I left twitter and facebook years ago. I never felt I was able to engage with people in a healthy way but each person needs to make their own choice. I enjoy your writing and video essays so I “want” you to continue producing work in that vein but more important than what I want - do what is best for you and your family. You have no responsibility or debt to anyone other than them (IMHO). We, the fans, will be here when and if you decide to come back. And if you don’t, we can just re-read/re-watch the content you put out to date.


I joined as a patron because I’d dragged my heels on joining, and this seemed a good time to let you know that I really love your videos and hope that work continues. Please warn us if you plan to delete your YT account so we can download your collection to cry over in your absence. Love ❤️💜💛💚💙


It's always Twitter, isn't it? Take whatever time you need, the rest of your life if necessary, I honestly don't know what happened but it looks to me like you're doing what you're capable of at the moment to show your remorse. I'm guessing it's been blown way out of proportion by angry mobs regardless for which I am sorry, you don't deserve it. Nobody does. Your content is one of my favourite things on the internet! No hard feelings if this is it, I think you've given me enough to last a lifetime. Meanwhile I'd like to encourage everyone to read the book "So You've Been Publicly Shamed" by Jon Ronson if you haven't (or just tune in to his TED Talk about the same thing) to learn more about the blame and shame culture of Twitter/social media to stay informed on the effect it can have on individuals and get a better sense of how powerful it really is.


I truly appreciate the work you put into the world. I rewatch your videos and reference them regularly. I feel like you remove some of the elitism that can occur around educating yourself. I have ADHD and by watching your videos, I feel like I can obtain info that might normally be beyond my grasp. I'll support your choice either way, but please know the world is better with the content that you put out there.


I came for the insightful and interesting commentary on movies. I stayed because they were that good. I hope you get better soon (I know you're not sick).


If you feel up to it, vaush and xan made sweet videos supporting you, they are very nice


I just joined Patreaon because I figured this was the only place where I could show my apprecciation for all your work now. Now that I finally joined, I figre I should probably start pledging for some other creators I follow as well. So not only you but several other creators (many smaller ones, some of them probably friends of yours) just got one more supporter today after you being (very unfairly IMHO) dragged on Twitter. Please take all the time you need for yourself and thank you so much for all the content.


I increased my contribution here. Your work has helped me think more critically about the media I consume, both artistically and culturally, and I appreciate you so much. Whatever you decide is best for you, you have my support 100% of the way. Much love to you.


take care of yourself ♥

John Reeves

The thing about having hundreds of thousands of followers isn't just that maybe you need to be more careful about what you say. You have to assume bad faith in some of the people, and that there will be people who will twist literally anything you say and harass you for it. And that's what the problem is. Nobody has any obligation to apologize for speaking when it is guaranteed there will be someone who complains in bad faith about anything you say.


I have been a fan of you since the Olden Days We Do Not Speak Of, your videos have only gotten better over time. Every time a new one drops I immediately text my partner so we can make plans to watch it. You're probably the Youtuber I have recommended to the most people. All that said, we've all seen Contrapoints's Canceling video and your XOXO talk, we know (as well as we can know, anyway) how difficult it must be to exist online. So while I'll be sad if you leave and miss hearing your perspectives, I want to say that I support whatever steps you need to take for the sake of your own happiness and wellbeing. I've been sick thinking about how you must be feeling these days. I hope that you can know in your brain, even if it doesn't feel like it right now, that you have made a positive difference in the world. Thank you for all you have done.


twitter doesn’t deserve you anyway lindsay, i have so much respect for you staying smart and authentic through it all, i’m sorry there’s no way real way around the swarms of trolls on social media these days. i hope you know that you did nothing wrong no matter how much they want everyone to think so. i only wish i had discovered you sooner, i binged your whole channel after finding the hobbit series this january. you’re a gem and a legend and i wish i could do more to shield you from this bs 🤍


Taking a break is a great idea. I would love to continue seeing content from you but I understand if you decide otherwise. Your health is the most important.


I don't follow anyone on Twitter. I do re-watch many of Lindsay's wonderful YouTube videos. I look forward to more of her insightful and entertaining work.


Just in case you happen to be under the delusion that your work is not good enough or that no one likes it... well bollocks to that. So here's your friendly reminder. We love you Lindasy! (At least as far as a parasocial relationship among total strangers allows.) But perhaps more accurately we love your work. Take all the time away to detoxify that you need, and make the decision that's right for you.


I feel like I missed something. That's what I get for having ditched Twitter already. I'm really glad you're ok, and I don't blame you in the least for ditching Twitter. You're amazing, and you should take care of yourself.

Zalyn Schwartz

Wow. I just read up on the happenings via reddit, and I'm so sorry this hit you. I've appreciated your videos and analysis for several years before signing up to join you, and your insight and thoughtful critiques of literary works has always been excellent, even when I didn't fully agree. You bring important angles in and tie together ideas in really effective ways. You are absolutely right about the state of YA right now - it's clones of Hunger Games, Harry Potter, or a few other successful series like ATLA. I'm 3/4 Asian and teach social justice and ethics, so I have pretty sensitive antennae for microaggressions, and read none of that from your posted remark. There are a lot of people in various stages of hurt and trauma, so I can see how some may have jumped to the worst interpretation because they didn't know you, or couldn't bother to trust you and your commentary. You said nothing about the cultures represented in the show, nor about the actors, because it's not about that. I suspect this was also some uberfans lashing out at you for daring to say anything negative about their One True Show this month, even though it was an example of a bigger trend. It is probably wise to step away from social media; it's just getting worse and worse, and the technology of Twitter and other platforms encourages the worst in people. You deserve some safety and a break. I can tide myself over rewatching the Omegaverse saga, which you were glorious in. Take care; you are admired and appreciated!


Being "snippy and defensive" in unprofessional ways about Social Media just proves that you have coherent thoughts and a conscience. Always thought Facebook, Twitter, etc. should have been more regulated -.-


Besides it's good you leave Twitter. You're way to intelligent to waste time there. It's not called Twit! (ter) for nothing. Yeah I said it!!...come at me Twitters -_-


Okay... I'm old (Gen X), so I'm never on Twitter. I'm also 100% Asian Indian. And I just got up to date on your twitter misadventure via Reddit. And it might be an "ineloquent" turn of phrase to describe a GENRE, but I didn't think it was hurtful. Perhaps having grown up arond white kids, getting into arguments with teachers, and having to explain to people I wasn't white or black during the 80s made me less sensitive. BUT, I am keyed in on racial insensitivity. (Hell, I called many a teacher on it.) And what you said can be misconstrued, but I don't think it was hurtful or meant to be hurtful. You're a good person. Stay off Twitter for a bit and take care of yourself. And no Asian was offended. And if any one claims they were, there are 2 things you can do. One chalk them up as liars, or two, send them to me and I'll treat them like they came home with a B+ in Math. (Joking about violence, I am a pacifist, too.)


I know you famously don't read the comments... but one thing I'm not seeing enough of here that I hope someone passes on to you: _You don't owe anyone anything_. We're all admirers of your work, but you take care of *you*. If shit's getting too toxic, walk away—we'll all be fine. It was a treat to follow your progression and the work stands for itself. Whatever the future is, is.


I'd like to say here, even though not many may see it, that for me this was the famous straw that made me delete my Twitter account. That place is so set up for mob rule, and I'll no longer support it with my presence. This post also made me upgrade my monthly pledge, from $3 to $10, but nonetheless. Nobody should have to deal with that kind of bullying.


It feels like more and more people are jumping the Twitter ship over nonsense controversy and the toxicity of the professionally offended — I hope you find some peace and solace in your time away from the onslaught but I hope you don’t retreat forever — your content has a crisp wit and brilliance that has proven a rare jewel in the morass of diss tracks and Americans eating Cadbury Creme eggs — and you have a point of view, backed up with facts but also admittedly biased and that is such a relief in this world of justification and back-pedalling — being able to say “I like it because I like it” shouldn’t be revolutionary but it’s becoming ever more so and you champion that actively — please don’t stop All the best


From one phan to another, Just became a patron! I’ve been a fan of yours for years. Your videos encourage me to think critically about the media I consume, not to mention, they are stupid entertaining. I don’t know how many times I rewatched the omegaverse saga while ignoring my encroaching grant deadline. As for the Twitter thing, I don’t think I’ve seen a clearer representation of how inauthentic and harmful these twitter mobs can be. Any well-intended criticism was drowned out by a tsunami of hate. I can only imagine how difficult that was to experience, and I can’t imagine how mentally and emotionally taxing it is to endure bad-faith attacks on a regular basis. I understand why you need to take time and re-think your “career”. You have my support.


Lindsay, you DO NOT deserve the weird vitriol hurled at you and IT DOES NOT have to do with you. We love you and your content. You are a positive for the world. We can't wait to have you back in whatever form you choose to arrive in.


Whether you decide to continue making content or not is your decision. You don't owe anyone anything. Your self worth is not connected to your work. I've been following you for years and never leave comments because so much of it is either toxic garbage, taking comments out of context, or snapping back at a generalization. I've never really felt impelled to add to that. Whatever you decide for your career, as long as that decision benefits you in the long-run I will support it. And the people that won't will just have to get over it. We don't really know you, we just know your work, and a lot of people can't tell the difference. Not that I wouldn't be bummed if you stopped making content, but your happiness and overall mental health are more important than someone's monthly YouTube fix. I wish you all the happiness in the world! <3


I recently discovered your YouTube essays and immediately became hooked on how you are able to distill at times very complex or nuanced ideas and convey them with a level of eloquence and finesse that is intelligible and easy to follow no matter one’s background. You are an impressive creator who clearly puts so much time and effort into your work, and I think we are all lucky to have you. I don’t have social media so I had not heard about this until this post you made, but it sounds like overreactive hell, as many of these cancel mobs can be. I just want to add my enthusiastic support for you and your work and the positive effect it has had on me personally and my efforts to be more open minded and educate myself every day in media literacy, social issues, and the like. I hope, as small as my voice may be in the sea of shit on Twitter and elsewhere, that you know your work is appreciated, valued, and genuinely loved. I hope to see you creating more content one day, and until then I hope you have time to rest and recover with people you trust to support you. Much love and wine from a fan. 💁‍♀️🍷


Hey Lindsay, I guess I’ll take this moment to say that your works have inspired me a lot over the years, and honestly you and Hbomberguy were my gateway into a YouTube that wasn’t hostile to women and LGBT+ folks. That helped me so much as a very vulnerable teenager, and ever since. And your work has only become more and more moving and informative over the years. I’m sorry that being so well known in progressive YouTube has made you a target for people who are absolutely acting in bad faith and just want to be able to feel like they’re punching up at someone. I’m sorry that the internet sucks. You and your crew are so talented. Whether or not you decide to continue making videos, I wish you your best life. It is your decision alone and you absolutely deserve to choose what will make you happy!

jaded cynic

Hi, Lindsay. After years of admiring your video essays, I finally decided to join your Patreon. Your works are invaluable to film YouTube. I'm still in awe of how illuminating "Framing Megan Fox" is. I know negativity drowns out positive support easily, but if it means anything, your tweet was fine. This is coming from a Chinese-Canadian and fan of ATLA and LOK. Perhaps the wording and timing were unfortunate, but you do not deserve the backlash. You know as well as anyone, that's the internet. I just want to echo what most comments say here: I hope you will continue to produce meaningful content, but I support you in whatever you want to do next. Your wellbeing should always come first. Thank you and your team for all the wonderful videos, podcast, and novel(s) over the years. Best wishes.

Marshall Axani

Hey Lindsay, just wanted to chime in to say you are an inspiring voice who really helped me find my own creative voice and consider the content I consume from a different perspective. However you and your team decide to move forward, it's your decisions alone and the rest of it is just noise. There's a lot of noise out there. You take care of you, find something to inspire yourself, and the rest will reveal itself when you're ready.

some kind of gay cryptid

I missed whatever happened on Twitter, but I completely support you taking the time you need to take care of yourself and do what you need to. I (and many others) would miss your voice and your content if it wasn’t there, but you don’t owe me (or anyone else who only knows you parasocially) a thing.


Meant to start supporting you on patreon a while back. Sorry you had to deal with the crap that can be human interaction on social media - which I gather gets worse the more people follow you. Finally started following, hope that you stay well.


You don't need social media. It's a very damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario. Like you said in your Stephanie Meyers video, people don't have to sit there and take every single bad faith criticism directed at them just because you're a semi-public figure.


Hey Lindsay, I missed what happened on Twitter, and I'm sorry to hear about it. I hope you'll continue making video essays, but take all the time you need to rethink things and don't feel obligated to continue. No matter what you decide, I still hope I'll be seeing you on "It's Lit" and continue to look forward to your books.


I don't follow Twitter so I can't comment intelligently on whatever happened. But I very much enjoy your work and I hope you don't stop creating. I would miss your voice.


Hey Lindsay— I’ve loved everything you’ve made for YEARS. I went to grad school for dramaturgy to try to think critically in the same way you do. I’m sorry the internet feels ceaseless and unbearable. I hope you find a place that makes you happy, and I selfishly hope you tell me where that is so I can continue to learn from you.


I hope things get better for you! And I hope you continue making videos, but if you have to stop, I won't complain.


Just a little appreciation post: Love your content and your novel. Hope you continue making videos but please just do whatever feels right and healthy to you. (Even if you never made a video again, another 20 years of me being your patron could not repay you for the education and the sheer entertainment your videos gave me.)


Subbed just because I wanted to voice my support for you as well. Having been a fan from Big Lipped Alligator Moment and onwards. The internet is an awful place but your videos were a great blend of education and entertainment. I hope that the future brings you as much happiness as you have brought to all the people on here.


You have nothing to apologize for, you literally did nothing wrong. This is a mob of bullies harassing you, YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT. I read the tweet... it's seriously the mildest of takes, nothing at all to get angry about. If you decide to stop making vids you will be sorely missed, but I understand you have to take care of your mental/emotional health and well being. You do what you gotta do, we all love you.


i'm sorry about all of that has happened, and i support you. if you decide to stop making content, i would understand, i just really hope you don't though. i hope you do come back even it means you don't want to get on twitter. i, and i'm sure the rest of us, really love your videos. i hope that your break goes well and best of luck to whatever happens next, even if you do stop making content that's fine, you've been working hard on YouTube since the early days and you deserve whatever you want/need to do.


Hi Lindsay, just a note to say thanks for all of the content. If you decide to come back to making essays, I'll be here. If you decide not to, I totally understand and I'll be there for whatever's next!


I've been following your work for almost ten years, and it has always been obvious to me that you care a lot about how your content affects other people. I have learned so many important things from you, and I think that you are a kind person who cares about social justice. You deserve better than to be reduced to a handful of tweets taken out of context and read in the harshest possible light. I am sorry you're going through this, and I hope that things improve for you sooner than later.


Hey there. Not been a follower as long as most other people here but... I saw the tweets and my god... The lengths people go to to stretch it out beyond something that you meant it to be. I understand getting snippy at that. Everyone in your position would feel a degree of annoyance or anger. Twitter IS a heavily toxic place, and it's not the only place online where you can share your content.


I'm proud of supporting you, and nothing has changed about that. Keep being you, keep creating your content on your own terms.


One of your best qualities is that you listen and think and plan before saying something important. You're wonderful. I hope you feel better and like you're on a good path again soon.


The wolves are here in support Lindsay!


Please know that this "episode" pushed me over the edge. I BECAME a patron because your content means so much to me and my family. Do what you need to do. Allow yourself to do what you would advise your friends to do. I was watching the replay of Harry's N64 Mermaids stream, and it reminded me how awesome you are.

Tony Bonacci

I genuinely don't know what the controversy is, I don't care and have zero urge to find out. I trust you, I appreciate your content and upon hearing that you have once again been "cancelled" for whatever dumbshit reason I have come and joined your patreon as an earnest plea for you to keep creating wonderful content that I use in my classroom and enjoy in my life. Grey Wolves don't give a fuck about the controversy we believe in solidarity. <3<3 (hello from the chapo trap house) Edited for spelling and clarification about the Grey Wolves tag. Also edited to say that if you want or need to leave, do it, for all that I love your content you have a right to do right by yourself.


I am a patron beginning today because I value you as a creator and will support your content in whatever way I can. I proudly sported my “Whole Plate” shirt (around my apartment, because pandemic) the day after the kerfuffle. Take your time. Take care of yourself. But don’t be too hard on yourself. And at the end of the day, understand that your voice is valuable and important.


Enjoying your content and also wanting to support you and other creators specially during "controversies" made me join patreon and support you, Hbomberguy, Contrapoints and other creators facing adversary. Thanks for the great work you do!


Just heard about Twitter. I guess I've been living under a rock. Just stopping by to send support your way!


Don't know what this Twitter situation is, but agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of social media. They have become so tiring and so polarising. Taking a break from them is a great idea. You are awesome and your videos so enlightening and worth seeing many times. Take care of yourself.


Sorry you are going through this. Take all the time you need.


You've been one of the most consistently interesting and enjoyable content creators I follow. Your work has only become more thoughtful over the years. While I would obviously be sad to see that end, it would also very understandable. It's good to take care of yourself and consider your own well being first. Be safe and well, whatever direction you decide to take your career from here.


I became a patron today so I could leave a message of support and I don’t know what I’ve been doing with my life not being a patron. I’ve been watching you since you were on « that platform » and your content has been so helpful to my existence and growth as a person. <3 I hope you find a way to balance what you need for your health and my selfish need for you to make content. Take care.


Do what you gotta do Lindsay. I think if quitting Twitter is good for your health, then do it. I hope you do get to make content again one day. But if you need to do something else I understand. Frankly the internet can suck my silicon balls. Looking forward to reading your next books.


I'm sorry all this happened, and I'm glad you're taking time to take care of yourself. I hope this isn't the end, but you've made some amazing things that I'm glad we got to appreciate.


New patron, just wanting to leave a message of support and etc. I love all of your content regardless of the topics, the way you make any sort of information palatable and INTERESTING is just fantastic. Social media is garbage and you should just quit twitter, it's garbage and offers nothing but toxicity, people will take anything you say, and intentionally misinterpret it so as to sort you into a binaries over the slightest discourse. Twitter will never get better, and you should just outright stay away.

Liz Jackson

I just joined today. I've been a fan of yours for about ten years now, and while I do hope that you will continue in some form, I am so sorry for the level of bullshit you have to endure. I don't think we non-creators will ever truly understand what it is like to be on the receiving end of pile-up like this, it's truly unfair. Whatever you decide, just know that there are so many people who love and support you, and that even if you decide to focus on different things from now on, your output has been a net-positive for the world. And if you decide to become a fulltime author, their will be a lot of great books to look forward to.


Like many others, I'm sure, I came in here to Patreon because fuck everything about Twitter. I hope it helps and makes you feel mentally more balanced and healthier being away from that nightmare platform.


I signed up yesterday to show support. You're a great creator and communicator. I wish you the best.


WRT makeup content, just throwing this out there, I don't see this patreon as transactional. I'm here to facilitate the creation of content I like. If the best way to facilitate that is you taking a break because of ✨stuff✨ then feel free to go ahead and do that. Trauma is toxic to productivity, I can barely get anything done at work on the days when there's certain things in the news and I'd hate to think of you feeling like you owe some sort of content debt when dealing with this.


Ditto to both above.


Ditto to the three comments above. Believe me (still it's completely no problem if you don't) but you're the BEST, Lindsay.


I signed up yesterday to show my support for you after enjoying your videos for many years. You're an awesome creator.


Used to be a Patreon, economy in my country turned into (even more of) a dumpster fire and had to cut a lot of expenses, including Patreon, sadly :( Came back today like many others to show my support and thank you for all the amazing content you've created. It's certainly helped me grow and question media more than ever. I'm glad you are putting you and your health first ❤️ Sending lots of love and light.


Made it through the entire video slowly over yesterday and today. Sorry to selfishly comment twice on a patreon post, but I do think that sometimes cold hard cash is the best support, so I wanted to mention how happy I was to pre-order Truth of the Divine from bookshop.org today. I had fun with Axiom's End and I'm psyched to seeing where our hard sci-fi/speculative fiction/political action thriller/polyamorous mantis-person romance/drama takes us.


All I can say, with my limited perspective and the amount of privilege I have , is that you are someone who is worth my continued patronage and I will be here to provide even a little bit of support to you and all of the kind folks that associate with.


Been a fan for years. Watched the twitter mob attack. Decided i needed to show some support. Thank you for holding onto nuance in a world of black and white.


Nuance is important. The color of truth is grey.


The world is a better place for having you in it. Even though the way you were pressured into making this video is infuriating, the video itself is a masterpiece that took me on and emotional and intellectual journey more powerful than any movie I can think of. As you already know from many other comments, it will help a lot of people who are dealing with the issues you have had to deal with. I am proud to be your supporter, and I'm confident your best work will outlive every nonsensical hate-filled tweet those hypocrites are making by at least a century.


Esto es sencillamente brillante


Take care of yourself and thanks for all the YouTube content you've created so far. Loved your book; eagerly looking forward to the next one. In the mean time, take care of yourself. If you need to stop making YouTube content for your mental health, that is okay. Good luck!


If this will be appreciated anywhere, it's here. https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdMtEE1C/