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Loose Canon - April 2016 - More Myth & Legend

It's been awhile since we've done mythological things - let's do that! Also you get five choices this time instead of two, let's see how that goes. Loading poll...



I'm surprised (and intrigued) that Aphrodite's in the lead! An opportunity to use Kylie Minogue's "All the Lovers" music video, maybe?


I think Aphrodite's in the lead because we don't know much about it. Most of the others have an obvious course; Hercules is really Maciste, in New York, Kevin Sorbo, Disney, maybe the new movie. She has to dig a little deeper for Aphrodite.


Kinda torn between Aphrodite and Moses. Didn't pick Loki because we had a superhero theme last time , didn't pick Hercules because alot of the adaptations have left me DISAPPOINTED!!! and I didn't pick Noah just because I despise Bruce Almighty with a seething passion.


I voted Aphrodite since I can't think of that many film/TV series that had her as a character besides Troy and Xena. But honestly, I'm game for anything besides Loki.


Lou Ferrigno hurling a bear into space. Nuff said.


Aphrodites gonna be difficult considering how much variance there is even in the ancient stuff, like 50 different ideas of who her parents were (I personally like her as Zeus' aunt through Ourano's magic foaming ocean balls). I think Hercules could be really interesting?

Jack Phillips

Glad that Aphrodite is winning. Will be a unique look at a character who doesn't get much exposure...........that was a sex joke everybody.


I'll go for Aphrodite too!


My vote is for Moses. So many adaptations worth mentioning there!


Moses could be so much fun. So many holy cows to shoot!


Picked Loki, but would have suggested Odin. Loki : if it ever is the subject of a future Loose Canon, make sure to include the actual loose canon mythology references for example: Loki being the 'mother' of Sleipnir, Odin's Horse. Odin has just as many [loose canon tie-ins as Loki and Thor : Odin from Final Fantasy 4 was a dangerous antagonist, and seing how Odin keeps banning Thor in the Marvel universe... The Xena / Hercules slaying the gods sure would have ended up there but Square's mythos owes a lot to the nordic sovereign. [for comedic value probably the satyric movie 'Erik the Red' with Tim Robbins, John Cleese & Ertha Kitt]


and then when the Ares episode is made later the same Xena Warrior Princess clips will be reusable!


this is actually the official cosmogony origins of wasn't it? child of Ouranos & Pontos?


...some things are priceless, for the rest trust Ferrigno|


This poll is completely reversed from how it was initially...I really enjoyed the Aphrodite episode, but I admit I'd have loved a Moses one. You can practically track the history of cinema through that character.


Hi Lindsay, thinking about switching from another pledge to yours because I really have enjoyed what I've seen so far, but I had a couple of questions. Would you mind emailing me at morgan8807@gmail.com? Thanks!